Obsah obrázku třešeň, ovoce, jídlo, venku Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER 10/1/2024 Retrieved from Daily Mail 2 10/1/2024 Sample Footer Text 3 Obsah obrázku lukostřelba, sport, venku, obloha Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku padák, obloha, venku, Parašutismus Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku boty, území, venku, oblečení Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku Psí plemeno, osoba, venku, tráva Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku venku, tráva, rostlina, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky } } } like love hate want need prefer } } know realise suppose mean understand } }believe remember belong contain } }consist depend seem }I think he's lying. (= believe) }I'm thinking about the plan. (= am considering) } }The food tastes delicious. (= has a delicious flavour) }He is tasting the food. (= is testing the flavour of) } } I can see some people. (= perceive with my eyes) }I see what you mean. (= understand) }I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow. (= am meeting) } } It looks as if they've finished the job. (= appears) }Mike is looking out of the window, (is directing his eyes }This perfume smells nice. (= has a nice smell) }He is smelling the milk. (= is sniffing) } }7 Bob has a Porsche. (= possesses) }He's having a shower at the moment. (= is taking a shower) } }8 The chicken weighs 2 kilos. (= has a weight of) }The butcher is weighing the meat. (= is measuring }how heavy it is) He is a rude person. (= character - permanent state) He is being rude. (= behaviour - temporary situation) https://www.listeninenglish.com/tf-011.php