Euthanasia Bc. Eva Tomanová Seminárna práca 2ETZE 2021 fame_logo_cz Obsah Introduction. 3 1. What is euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide?. 4 2. Against euthanasia. 4 3. For euthanasia. 5 4. Dilemma of Euthanasia. 6 4.1 Doctor´s view of euthanasia. 6 4.2 Patient´s view of Euthanasia. 7 5. Legislation of Euthanasia. 7 6. Summary. 8 Source. 9 Introduction The topic of the essay is the ethical dilemma of euthanasia. The essay consists of a total of sex chapters. First chapter provides basic information about euthanasia and physician- assisted suicide. The second chapter brings us arguments about why euthanasia is bad, and the next chapter brings us opposite arguments. The fourth chapter describes the dilemma of euthanasia, patient´s view of Euthanasia, Doctor´s view of Euthanasia. The fifth chapter of the essay provides information on where euthanasia is legal. The last chapter of Euthanasia is summary information of essay. 1. What is euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide? We can experience lot of things which can feel unfair to us during the life, but dead is waiting at the end of the life for each of us which makes it fair. So, it means, that dead is not ethical problem, because dead is inseparable part of every life. However, some of people have seriously, degenerative, or incurable disease. These people can have hard ache and suffering. Therefore, euthanasia, also known as “merciful death”, is practiced in some countries. Its purpose is to end the inhuman suffering of a person in difficulty. There are different types of medical ending of a patient's life. We know passive euthanasia, active euthanasia, or physician- assisted suicide. Medical end of life can be divided into these types: · Euthanasia: can be divided into active euthanasia or passive euthanasia. o Passive euthanasia means that withholding treatment, which is needed for the continuation of life and stopping other measures, which artificially prolong life. o Active euthanasia means that, during the process is used lethal substances. · Physician-assisted suicide means intentionally helping a person commit suicide by providing so-called death cocktails (Gutirrez-Castillo, 2020, s. 2). 2. Against euthanasia Already Hipokrates oath claims that:" anyone even on demand, do not give a dadly poison, or anyone i would not advise it". Euthanasia can be considered a violation of the hippocratic oath. As well as the first article of declaration of Human Rights and civil code claims that doctors are not allowed to end the patient's life. This same s said in the article of medical ethics, where it is written that: "the doctor should accompany the dying until the last moments, by appropriate means and meassures to ensure the quality of his life, which draws to a close, take care of the pacient´s dignity and support their duroundingd. There are no righstand deliberately fed to his death." (Patrycja Ręba, 2019). There is a big debate in the world over issues concerning the end of life. Euthanasia is unacceptable for the most religions in the world. For example, Muslims believe, that person cannot decide about their own death person, even in the event of severe and incurable disease. In the same way perspective of Buddhism is destruction of life someone else's, as well as his own, is wrong act. Catholic Church claims that regardless of the motives and means, it consists in putting an end to the life of sick people is morally unacceptable (Patrycja Ręba, 2019). The catholic church believes that euthanasia is contrary to the will of God. We can find a lot of evidence in the Bible, when God reserves the right to call us to the “heaven”. For example: “ Only God has authority over our lives, and only He can extend or end them: “No man has power to retain the spirit, or authority over the day of death” (Ecclesiastes 8:8, Deuteronomy 36:39). For Catholics, euthanasia is taken as one of the sins that God has given them. The most Protestant church have the same view on euthanasia (Brian Clowes, 2020). Human life is considered a gift from God in judaism, therefore doctors have no right to decide on it is existence. People who don't agree with euthanasia, say that palliative medicine is the best solution. Palliative medicine is a medical and complex caregiving approach aimed at quality of life and mitigating suffering among people with serious incurable illnesses. Legalization of euthanasia could cause that the elderly will want to undergo euthanasia, because they recognize that they are burden for their relatives. The next argument against euthanasia is that abuse include. For example, can be exerted pressure on the patient and lowering the quality of palliative care (Patrycja Ręba, 2019). 3. For euthanasia On the other side people agreeing with legalization of euthanasia. They claim that people who have an incurable and degenerative disease should be allowed to die in dignity. The most often argument for assisted suicide and euthanasia are: 1. Patients, who are in a persistent vegetative state are a burden on their family members. 2. Encouraging the organ transplantation: "Right-to-die" support this argue that it can help many patients, who waiting for transplantation to save own life. Euthanasia does not give only "right to die", but also give "right to life" (Indian J Med Res, 2012). 3. Financially demanding for the state: people, who are in vegetative state are expensive. This money could be used for some better, like rescue people. 4. Human autonomy: Life and health is a personal matter. People should have the right to decide on one's own life. 5. The right to a dignified life: According to proponents of euthanasia consider a dignified life only those who meet certain quality of criteria. For example- participation on social life or ability to care theyself body and other next… 6. End suffering (Patrycja Ręba, 2019). In the Czech Republic it is possible to refuse treatment, which can be considered a kind of passive euthanasia too. Right to refuse a treatment is well recognised in law. Patients can refuse for example introduction of a nasogastric tube to support nutrition or other treatments, which prolongs life (Indian J Med Res, 2012). Many people argue that abortion of pregnancy before 16 week is also a form of active euthanasia. Nevertheless, it is legal against euthanasia in many countries "Right-to-die" support argue that man is not a person in the prenatal period (Indian J Med Res, 2012). 4. Dilemma of Euthanasia Ethics is a philosophical discipline that seeks to resolve questions of human morality. Ethics trying to find the answer to that what is good and what is bad? One of the ethical issues is the issue of euthanasia. Probably there is no right answer to the question of euthanasia. There are many arguments why to legalize euthanasia but also many arguments why not to legalize euthanasia. Euthanasia is a big ethical dilemma. It is difficult to determine if euthanasia is human or inhuman, if it is ethical or unethical, if it is right or bad. Each case is specific, and we must approach each case individually. Problem of euthanasia cannot generalize. It is easy to judge escape from suffering when you yourself were not in such a situation. Exists a risk that boundary between murder and euthanasia may be close (Patrycja Ręba, 2019). 4.1 Doctor´s view of euthanasia The first country where euthanasia began to be practiced was the Netherlands. However, even in the Netherlands, doctors still have a say whether they are willing to carry out the procedure. Every doctor has an own opinion on euthanasia. Some of doctors refuse euthanasia because of their religious, Hippocratic oath, or because they are unable to assess the patient's condition. The doctors are torn whether to grant their patient´s request and alleviate their suffering or not. Some doctors even used to euthanasia do, but after some years they have now stopped, because they realize psychological impact it has on themselves. They often have remorse after euthanasia. These thoughts come after performance euthanasia, when they realized that they “kill” a patient who they could save and they could live longer (What is the ethical dilemma of euthanasia, 2020). Some people, who supports euthanasia consider it for start of a new era. Proponents of this opinion argue that people with excruciating pain and illness are given the opportunity to end this suffering. In their opinion it is better possibility than suddenly committing suicides. Suicide is trauma for members of family and relatives. Euthanasia offers relatives discuss with patient and spend the rest of their time left with their family, and die in peace (What is the ethical dilemma of euthanasia, 2020). 4.2 Patient´s view of Euthanasia Some patients think that euthanasia is good way of medical care, which make possible to end their extreme unwanted pains. Above all, they can relieve their relatives and member of family. In addition, they are afraid that they will lose of their dignity and pride. They do not wish that their family and their relatives suffer, when they watch the condition get worse every day. Many patients perceive euthanasia as relief from suffering, whether mental or physical (What is the ethical dilemma of euthanasia, 2020). 5. Legislation of Euthanasia The legalisation of euthanasia is a topic for debate, in many countries in the world. In many countries is topic of euthanasia is highly controversial and in many countries is euthanasia is illegal. However, there are some countries in wchich it the law allows, but only under stringent conditions (Where is eutahanasia legal, 2021). Switzerland is one of the countries with the least stringent conditions for euthanasia. In this country is not limited by age or diagnosis for euthanasia. The only prohibition for euthanasia is if the person advocating for doctor-assisted suicide stands to gain anything. Belgium is another country where euthanasia is legal. But it is allowed only for people who s in unbearable suffering and will not recover. If he is not a person with an incurable disease, he must wait one month. In Belgium, there is no age limit for euthanasia, but when child request for euthanasia must have a terminal illness. In Netherlands can request euthanasia, only someone who’s in chronic pain and will not recover, even if someone is not terminally ill. The condition is that the doctor who decides to perform euthanasia must consult with at least one independent doctor to ensure that the patient meets the criteria for euthanasia. Children under the age of 12 must have the consent of a legal guardian for euthanasia. Euthanasia is legal for adults who suffer from intolerable suffering and who will die of their illness in countries such as Luxembourg, Canada, Australia, and Colombia in the future. In Australia, the condition for euthanasia is that the adult must apply for it 3 times. In the United States are a few states in which euthanasia is legal for patients who have terminal disease. Although euthanasia is not permitted in France,but the patient may request strong sedatives, until patient die. In Austria, the legalization of euthanasia is being negotiated and is likely to be legal from next year. Euthanasia is not a common medicine care and only a few patients die by euthanasia (Where is eutahanasia legal, 2021). 6. Summary Euthanasia, also known as "merciful death", is considered one of the greatest ethical dilemmas. We distinguish active euthanasia, passive euthanasia, and Physician-assisted suicide. There are many arguments that support euthanasia or Physician-assisted suicide, but also arguments that are against it. To this day is still undefined whether euthanasia is moral or unmoral, human, or unhuman, ethical or unethical. Many people think that euthanasia as the release of man from suffering and the possibility of a dignified death. On the other side there are many people who believe that life is a gift from God, and we have not the right to end a life. Religion plays a big role in the dilemma of euthanasia. It was found that doctors who performed euthanasia or Physician-assisted suicide have euthanasia psychological impact it has on themselves. For many countries is topic of euthanasia is too controversial. However, in many countries in the world is euthanasia legal, but patient must meet certain conditions. Source 1. CLOWES, Brian, 2020. Church Teachings on Euthanasia. Human life international [online]. © 2021 Human Life International [cit. 2021-12-01]. Dostupné z: 2. GUTIERREZ-CASTILLO, Alejandro, Javier GUTIERREZ-CASTILLO, Francisco GUADARRAMA-CONZUELO, Amado JIMENEZ-RUIZ a Jose Luis RUIZ-SANDOVAL. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: a systematic review of medical students’ attitudes in the last 10 years. Journal of Medical Ethics [online]. 2020, 13(22), 1-13 [cit. 2021-11-26]. ISSN 20080387. Dostupné z: 3. Indian J Med Res. Euthanasia: Right to life vs right to die. US National Lirary of Medicine [online]. 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