English 1, semester 2, Spring 2005 Assignment 6 -- New International Business English Review -- Units 8 & 9 KEY I. Vocabulary (20 pts.) Translate into English. 1. zlevnit lety - to make flights/air fares cheaper 2. včetně manipulačního poplatku - including a handling charge 3. docházejí nám (finanční) prostředky - we are running short of means/funds/money 4. neuspokojivý výkon - unsatisfactory performance 5. zjevně v rozpacích -- apparently/evidently embarrassed 6. proclít zboží - to clear goods through customs 7. činit si nečestné nároky - to make dishonest claims 8. zmeškat spoj -- to miss the connection 9. prozatímní dohoda -- provisional agreement 10. přinutit někoho řídit se pravidly -- to force sb. to obey/follow (the) rules II. Prepositions (15 pts.) Fill the gaps with suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. 1. He decided to leave on the next flight. 2. If a flight is up to 30 minutes late, the other flights will be held until it arrives. 4. When we arrived in Rome, our hosts picked us up at the central station. 5. The recent reduction in prices of new cars will bring about a rise in demand. 6. He is used to travelling _-_ abroad on business. 7. Have you always been treated with respect? 8. They are determined to place the order with REW, regardless of their bad reputation. 9. Our superiors show no interest in our suggestions. III. Transformation (12 pts.) 1. What did the research show? Could you tell me what the research showed? 2. Skoda has launched an upmarket model. An upmarket model has been launched by Skoda. 3. If you don´t sell most of your products in Germany, we won´t promote your business. Unless you sell most of your products in Germany, we won´t promote your business. IV. Translation (18 pts.) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Ziskové rozpětí/marže u servisních smluv mohou být až 50%, zatímco ve výrobě jsou ziskové marže kvůli tvrdé konkurenci a cenovým válkám stlačeny na asi 10%. Profit margins on service contracts can be as high as 50%, whereas in manufacturing/production profit margins on the sale are squeezed/forced down to about 10% because of / due to tough competition and price wars. 2. Přes naši upomínku dodavateli nebyly správné součástky ještě odeslány. Budeme požadovat náhradu škod, pokud se naše výroba v důsledku nedostatku zásob zastaví. In spite of our reminder to the supplier, the correct components haven´t been dispatched/sent yet. We will claim compensation for the losses if our production is stopped as a result/consequence of shortage of supplies. 3. Kdyby naši zákazníci nebyli s přístrojem tak spokojeni, naši konstruktéři by se byli pokusili ho upravit. Naštěstí nebyly žádné významné úpravy dosud zapotřebí. If our customers hadn´t been so satisfied with the device, the designers would have tried/sought/attempted to modify it. Fortunately, no significant modifications have been needed/necessary so far. Total: 65 points