Fiscal Policy during Transformation Period Czech Case 2nd Lecture Transformation of the Public Sector Content of Lecture 1. Fiscal Policy Strategy 1993 (Klaus) 2. Fiscal Policy Strategy 1997 (Tošovský) 3. Fiscal Policy Strategy 1998 (Zeman) 4. Fiscal Policy Strategy 2002 (Špidla) 5. Discussion 2 Fiscal Policy - definition Government macroeconomic policy aimed at affecting state economy through public budgets. Possible instruments: ■ reduction/increase of government expenditur ■ reduction/increase of taxes or government Fiscal expansion increase or government consumption or governmen ses of goods and services) reduction or taxes (visit le Fiscal restriction - opposite of expansion. Instruments of fiscal policy Fiscal expansion Fiscal restriction Direct instruments Indirect instruments |^| g budgetary derlei ^iscal restriction —> budgetary surplus. Graphs: Trends in government deficit, expenditure and revenue (per cent of GDP) A. I.— -■-_:•- .' . ------ SlaltESudpel ..-. i ,1 ,::,■ ., i- i.:|i.i.:.-.: .-:ľ 13» 1&9& Ě0W 2O0ŕ £004 199Ö 1S9& 2000 2O02 20O4 1 Basic Phases of Czech Fiscal Policy i. 1993- -1998 „conservative" fiscal policy aim - to achieve balanced public budgets - to reduce role for the state in the economy; 2. 1998- - 2002 „neokeynesian" fiscal policy aim - to achieve sufficient growth of GDP in spite of budget deficits - to strengthen role for the state in the economy. 7 Graph: Fiscal Developments 1993 - 2002. 4 5 g 3-5 3 3.0 4^ 2.5 I 2-° "S 1.5 I 1° 0.5 0.0 34 P - 2a 24 20 g -12 1 .it -s ž - 4 23.9 — r n _ 17.8 17 ■ Y "~m05-6 ,.., 15.1 ^ — ^"m u m ■ 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 ^^™ Bud g e;: ľefici: : -e;^: ve M Public debt no increase in the nominal state debt —> decrease as a ratio to GDP (see graph") Fiscal Policy Strategy 1993 (Klaus) debate about establishing a legislative requirement for balanced state budgets —> not accepted by the Parliament a new tax system (1993) based on a neutrality, equity, and simplicity expenditure restrictions '97, '98 ("packets") restrictive fiscal policy Fiscal Policy Strategy 1997 (Tošovský) Josef Tošovský - Prime Minister in IS and after - Governor of Czech Natior nowadays - head of Swiss Financial S Institute non-political government, „officers" short term (17. 12. 1997 - 22. 7. 1998) more transparency in fiscal flows no further expenditures restricts neutral fiscal policy Fiscal Policy Strategy 1998 (Zeman) J social democrat government i original fiscal policy target —> maintenance of balanced public finances, BUT the government openly opted for promoting economic growth bv means of public budget deficits fsee graph") priorities in housing, education, infrastructure investment (highway D 47?) public expenditure growth —> structural deficit Fiscal Policy Strategy 1998 (Zeman) problem - mandatory expenditures -predetermined structure of state budge some specií etary institutions (e.i. extra-budgetary funds) were established to carry out public investments in certain areas —> further fragmentation of government budget expansive fiscal policy Fiscal Policy Strategy 2002 (Špidla) ^^^^ Vladimír Špidla ■ Connected with left wing political party CSSD m" ' 1 ■ Prime Minister 2002 - 2004 i Á ■ 2004 — abdication because of problems in his political party ■ Nowadays - EU «\ Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. 20 Fiscal Policy Strategy 2002 (Špidla) Public sector balance and the Maastricht criteria another social democrat government continued public expenditure growth, decrease of public revenues continued growth or public deb attempt of restrictive fiscal policy - suggestion of Public Budgets Reform (connected with entrance of the CR to the EU in May 2004 - 1 '-■' \ \ "°-9- . -■U -1.V- -1.0^—x ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ~ " -^ --2-8-*- Maastricht limit -3bN 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Source: Caech Nationa Bank. 2000 2001 2002 Public debt and the Maastricht criteria 10 23.8 24.9 | 19.2 17-8 1ft R 13.6 13 5 13fl 15.1 17.7 ^*-—-+ f— - 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Source: Czecti National Bank. Current Situation d. ZUU4 - access ("Maastricht criteria 26. 7. 2004 - change in position of Prime Minister —> Gross Analyses of current situation in fiscal policy connected with analyses of Public Budgets Reform - next lecture -► READ MATERIAL ON Discussion Mandatory expenditures Expenditur« ss can ĺ be divided in: ■ non-man( lator) t expen ditures ■ mandator y exp enditures (social benefits, unemplo) anient benefi ts, contribution for building s aving s, pubb c debt interest ...) ■ quasi-mai idato ty expenditures (wages, allowance organizati on, . •)• 26 Issues for Discussion Fiscal policy objectives of the first Czech government compared with those of student's countries at the same time An analysis of the Czech fiscal policy in terms < access to the EU Transparency of ech fiscal sví The End © 5