Public Sector Transformation (PST) The Czech Republic Case Public Sector Transformation N Introduction - PST as a part of a global transformation of a Czech Society after 1989 N Public Sector and Public Finance N Principles and Goals N Current Structure of the Public Sector N Issues N Discussion Global principles Politics Economics Social ˇ democracy ˇ competition & market ˇ no state paternalism ˇ plurality ˇ mixed economy ˇ individual responsibility ˇ freedom ˇ privatization ˇ social safety net Principles for the PST N diminishing of and changes in the economic role of the government N privatisation, plurality N new fiscal and budget policy N new social policy - social, health care, education reforms Changed role of the Government N from state monopoly to pluralism N from directive commands and plan to organizing, standard legal environment, and economic incentives N from preferred state ownership to an equal treatment for all kinds of ownership N from the tough centralism to some decentralization N lowering the level of redistribution Privatisation N The specific nature of privatisation - it was a tool of eliminating a major systemic feature of the communist system - primarily ideological objectives! N Government's top priority was to privatise the public sector quickly. Privatization - methods N restitution N ,,small-scale" privatization (services) N "large-scale" privatization (in order to privatize large industrial enterprises) N ¨They have either been sold directly to pre- approved buyers or transformed into joint-stock companies whose shares were sold either N directly to investors N or through voucher privatization. Privatization 1 N the share of the private sector was not higher than 4.2% of GDP before 1990 N less than 2% of registered property was private N 63% of GDP from private sector in 1995 N 85% services N 90% agriculture N 40% industrial output N much higher now Non-state sphere share in GDP 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1992 1993 1994 1995 %of GDP Privatization 2 N ,,small" privatization in 1990 (services) N two waves of a coupon privatization N 8.5 mil. stock-holders after 1995 N major owners - banks and investment funds N massive foreign investment ,,Capitalism without a capital..." Fiscal policy strategy `93 N graduate decline in the general budget`s share on GDP N balanced public budgets N stabilized public debt at current nominal level N a new tax system based on a neutrality, equity, and simplicity 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 % Transfery dom ácnostem Dotace podnik ům a fin.inst. Nák up z b ož í a služ eb Ostatní Public debt Tax quota 34 34.5 35 35.5 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 38.5 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Social policy strategy N stronger individual responsibility N reform of the social benefit system N reform of the health care systém N market incentives Selected Issues N Privatization and Definition of the ,,Public Interest" N Changes in Institutional Structure N Non-for-Profit Sector N Public Control & Lack of Accountability N Mandatory Expenditures Growth Privatization and Definition of the ,,Public Interest" N Privatization as an ideological goal N Not clear what should be the role of the government (education, health care, culture, housing, etc.) N Equity x efficiency mix N Cream skimming Non-for-Profit Organizations N a proper legislation is still absent N government's reluctance to lose control N culturally "new", sponsoring, donating is not developed enough Public Control N non-of-my business attitude N "beer critiques" N media N political culture Lack of Accountability N private secrecy N public money cannot be traced N an information code is just brand new - a right to be informed Mandatory Expenditures 95 96 97 98 99 2000 revenues 440 482 509 537 557 594 total. exp. 432 484 524 567 597 634 mandatory 305 357 400 439 500 529 other 127 127 125 127 98 104