Chapter 7 Facility Layout Pittsburgh International: An Efficient Layout Pittsburgh International Airport was the first airport constructed from scratch after airline deregulation. It is designed to mesh with the "hub-and-spokes" system, in which passengers from a variety of cities come to a central hub and then transfer to other flights en route to their destinations. Hub airports must be able to handle large volumes of passengers and flights with increased speed and efficiency. At Pittsburgh, moving walkways and shuttle trains transport passengers to distant gates in eleven minutes or less. Gates are more spacious, too, to handle the larger crowds. Baggage is bar-coded and channeled by computerized laser scanners along six miles of conveyor belts from flight to flight. The terminal itself is X-shaped to allow planes to approach from any direction. Dual taxiways run in opposite directions around the terminal to reduce queuing time on takeoffs. USAir estimates that the runway layout alone saves the airline more than $12 million in fuel costs each year.^1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-1. Does layout make a difference? Think of a time when the layout of a facility impeded a process with which you were involved. Think of a time when a layout made it easier for a process to be completed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^1 Edwin McDowell, "For Pittsburgh, a Model Airport at an Immodest Price," New York Times November 8, 1992. Facility layout refers to the arrangement of machines, departments, workstations, storage areas, aisles, and common areas within an existing or proposed facility. Layouts have far-reaching implications for the quality, productivity, and competitiveness of a firm. Layout decisions significantly affect how efficiently workers can do their jobs, how fast goods can be produced, how difficult it is to automate a system, and how responsive the system can be to changes in product or service design, product mix, and demand volume. The basic objective of the layout decision is to ensure a smooth flow of work, material, people, and information through the system. Effective layouts also: o Minimize material handling costs; o Utilize space efficiently; o Utilize labor efficiently; o Eliminate bottlenecks; o Facilitate communication and interaction between workers, between workers and their supervisors, or between workers and customers; o Reduce manufacturing cycle time and customer service time; o Eliminate wasted or redundant movement; o Facilitate the entry, exit, and placement of material, products, and people; o Incorporate safety and security measures; o Promote product and service quality; o Encourage proper maintenance activities; o Provide a visual control of operations or activities; o Provide flexibility to adapt to changing conditions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Layouts There are three basic types of layouts: process, product, and fixed-position; and three hybrid layouts: cellular layouts, flexible manufacturing systems, and mixed-model assembly lines. We discuss basic layouts in this section and hybrid layouts later in the chapter. Process Layouts Process layouts, also known as functional layouts, group similar activities together in departments or work centers according to the process or function they perform. For example, in a machine shop, all drills would be located in one work center, lathes in another work center, and milling machines in still another work center. In a department store, women's clothes, men's clothes, children's clothes, cosmetics, and shoes are located in separate departments. A process layout is characteristic of intermittent operations, service shops, job shops, or batch production, which serve different customers with different needs. The volume of each customer's order is low, and the sequence of operations required to complete a customer's order can vary considerably. The equipment in a process layout is general purpose, and the workers are skilled at operating the equipment in their particular department. The advantage of this layout is flexibility. The disadvantage is inefficiency. Jobs or customers do not flow through the system in an orderly manner, backtracking is common, movement from department to department can take a considerable amount of time, and queues tend to develop. In addition, each new arrival may require that an operation be set up differently for its particular processing requirements. Although workers can operate a number of machines or perform a number of different tasks in a single department, their workload often fluctuates--from queues of jobs or customers waiting to be processed to idle time between jobs or customers. Figure 7.1 (a) and Figure 7.1 (b) shows a schematic diagram of process layouts in services and manufacturing. Material storage and movement are directly affected by the type of layout. Storage space in a process layout is large to accommodate the large amount of in-process inventory. The factory may look like a warehouse, with work centers strewn between storage aisles. In-process inventory is high because material moves from work center to work center in batches waiting to be processed. Finished goods inventory, on the other hand, is low because the goods are being made for a particular customer and are shipped out to that customer upon completion. Process layouts in manufacturing firms require flexible material handling equipment (such as forklifts) that can follow multiple paths, move in any direction, and carry large loads of in-process goods. A forklift moving pallets of material from work center to work center needs wide aisles to accommodate heavy loads and two-way movement. Scheduling of forklifts is typically controlled by radio dispatch and varies from day to day and hour to hour. Routes have to be determined and priorities given to different loads competing for pickup. Process layouts in service firms require large aisles for customers to move back and forth and ample display space to accommodate different customer preferences. The major layout concern for a process layout is where to locate the departments or machine centers in relation to each other. Although each job or customer potentially has a different route through the facility, some paths will be more common than others. Past information on customer orders and projections of customer orders can be used to develop patterns of flow through the shop. Product Layouts Product layouts, better known as assembly lines, arrange activities in a line according to the sequence of operations that need to be performed to assemble a particular product. Each product or has its own "line" specifically designed to meet its requirements. The flow of work is orderly and efficient, moving from one workstation to another down the assembly line until a finished product comes off the end of the line. Since the line is set up for one type of product or service, special machines can be purchased to match a product's specific processing requirements. Product layouts are suitable for mass production or repetitive operations in which demand is stable and volume is high. The product or service is a standard one made for a general market, not for a particular customer. Because of the high level of demand, product layouts are more automated than process layouts, and the role of the worker is different. Workers perform narrowly defined assembly tasks that do not demand as high a wage rate as those of the more versatile workers in a process layout. The advantage of the product layout is its efficiency and ease of use. The disadvantage is its inflexibility. Significant changes in product design may require that a new assembly line be built and new equipment be purchased. This is what happened to U.S. automakers when demand shifted to smaller cars. The factories that could efficiently produce six-cylinder engines could not be adapted to produce four-cylinder engines. A similar inflexibility occurs when demand volume slows. The fixed cost of a product layout (mostly for equipment) allocated over fewer units can send the price of a product soaring. The major concern in a product layout is balancing the assembly line so that no one workstation becomes a bottleneck and holds up the flow of work through the line. Figure 7.2 shows the product flow in a product layout. Contrast this with the flow of products through the process layout shown in Figure 7.1 (b). A product layout needs material moved in one direction along the assembly line and always in the same pattern. Conveyors are the most common material handling equipment for product layouts. Conveyors can be paced (automatically set to control the speed of work) or unpaced (stopped and started by the workers according to their pace). Assembly work can be performed online (i.e., on the conveyor) or offline (at a workstation serviced by the conveyor). Aisles are narrow because material is moved only one way, it is not moved very far, and the conveyor is an integral part of the assembly process, usually with workstations on either side. Scheduling of the conveyors, once they are installed, is simple--the only variable is how fast they should operate. Storage space along an assembly line is quite small because in-process inventory is consumed in the assembly of the product as it moves down the assembly line. Finished goods, however, may require a separate warehouse for storage before they are shipped to dealers or stores to be sold. Product and process layouts look different, use different material handling methods, and have different layout concerns. Table 7.1 summarizes the differences between product and process layouts. Fixed-Position Layouts Fixed-position layouts are typical of projects in which the product produced is too fragile, bulky, or heavy to move. Ships, houses, and aircraft are examples. In this layout, the product remains stationary for the entire manufacturing cycle. Equipment, workers, materials, and other resources are brought to the production site. Equipment utilization is low because it is often less costly to leave equipment idle at a location where it will be needed again in a few days, than to move it back and forth. Frequently, the equipment is leased or subcontracted, because it is used for limited periods of time. The workers called to the work site are highly skilled at performing the special tasks they are requested to do. For instance, pipefitters may be needed at one stage of production, and electricians or plumbers at another. The wage rate for these workers is much higher than minimum wage. Thus, if we were to look at the cost breakdown for fixed-position layouts, the fixed cost would be relatively low (equipment may not be owned by the company), whereas the variable costs would be high (due to high labor rates and the cost of leasing and moving equipment). Because the fixed-position layout is specialized, we concentrate on the product and process layouts and their variations for the remainder of this chapter. In the sections that follow, we examine some quantitative approaches for designing product and process layouts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-2. What type of layout would be appropriate for a grocery store? home construction? electronics assembly? a university? 7-3. What are the fixed and variable cost trade-offs among product, process, and fixed-position layouts? Draw a cost/volume graph to illustrate your answer. 7-4. Visit a local McDonald's, Burger King, and Taco Bell (or similar establishments). How do their layouts differ? Which appears to be most efficient? Why? Designing Process Layouts In designing a process layout, we want to minimize material handling costs, which are a function of the amount of material moved times the distance it is moved. This implies that departments that incur the most interdepartment movement should be located closest to each other, and those that do not interact should be located further away. Two techniques used to design process layouts, block diagramming and relationship diagramming, are based on logic and the visual representation of data. Block Diagramming We begin with data on historical or predicted movement of material between departments in the existing or proposed facility. This information is typically provided in the form of a from/to chart, or load summary chart. The chart gives the average number of unit loads transported between the departments over a given period of time. A unit load can be a single unit, a pallet of material, a bin of material, or a crate of material--however material is normally moved from location to location. In automobile manufacturing, a single car represents a unit load. For a ball-bearing producer, a unit load might consist of a bin of 100 or 1,000 ball bearings, depending on their size. The next step in designing the layout is to calculate the composite movements between departments and rank them from most movement to least movement. Composite movement, represented by a two-headed arrow, refers to the back-and-forth movement between each pair of departments. Finally, trial layouts are placed on a grid that graphically represents the relative distances between departments in the form of uniform blocks. The objective is to assign each department to a block on the grid so that nonadjacent loads are minimized. The term nonadjacent is defined as a distance farther than the next block, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The trial layouts are scored on the basis of the number of nonadjacent loads. Ideally, the optimum layout would have zero nonadjacent loads. In practice, this is rarely possible, and the process of trying different layout configurations to reduce the number of nonadjacent loads continues until an acceptable layout is found. The layout solution in grid 2 represents the relative position of each department. The next step in the layout design is to add information about the space required for each department. Recommendations for workspace around machines can be requested from equipment vendors or found in safety regulations or operating manuals. In some cases, vendors provide templates of equipment layouts, with work areas included. Workspace allocations for workers can be specified as part of job design, recommended by professional groups, or agreed upon through union negotiations. A block diagram can be created by blocking in the work areas around the departments on the grid. The final block diagram adjusts the block diagram for the desired or proposed shape of the building. Standard building shapes include rectangles, L shapes, T shapes, and U shapes. Figure 7.3(a) shows an initial block diagram for Example 7.1, and Figure 7.3(b) shows a final block diagram. Notice that the space requirements vary considerably from department to department, but the relative location of departments has been retained from the grid. Relationship Diagramming The preceding solution procedure is appropriate for designing process layouts when quantitative data are available. However, in situations for which quantitative data are difficult to obtain or do not adequately address the layout problem, the load summary chart can be replaced with subjective input from analysts or managers. Richard Muther developed a format for displaying manager preferences for departmental locations, known as Muther's grid.^2 The preference information is coded into six categories associated with the five vowels, A, E, I, O, and U, plus the letter X. As shown in Figure 7.4, the vowels match the first letter of the closeness rating for locating two departments next to each other. The diamond-shaped grid is read similar to mileage charts on a road map. For example, reading down the highlighted row in Figure 7.4, it is okay if the offices are located next to production, absolutely necessary that the stockroom be located next to production, important that shipping and receiving be located next to production, especially important that the locker room be located next to production, and absolutely necessary that the toolroom be located next to production. The information from Muther's grid can be used to construct a relationship diagram that evaluates existing or proposed layouts. Consider the relationship diagram shown in Figure 7.5(a). A schematic diagram of the six departments from Figure 7.5 is given in a 2 YEN 3 grid. Lines of different thicknesses are drawn from department to department. The thickest lines (three, four, or five strands) identify the closeness ratings with the highest priority--that is, for which departments it is important, especially important, or absolutely necessary that they be located next to each other. The priority diminishes with line thickness. Undesirable closeness ratings are marked with a zigzagged line. Visually, the best solution would show short heavy lines and no zigzagged lines (undesirable locations are noted only if they are adjacent). Thin lines (one or two strands, representing unimportant or okay) can be of any length and for that reason are sometimes eliminated from the analysis. An alternate form of relationship diagramming uses colors instead of line thickness to visualize closeness ratings. From Figure 7.5(a), it is obvious that production and shipping and receiving are located too far from the stockroom and that the offices and locker room are located too close to one another. Figure 7.5(b) shows a revised layout, and evaluates the layout with a relationship diagram. The revised layout appears to satisfy the preferences expressed in Muther's grid. The heavy lines are short and within the perimeter of the grid. The lengthy lines are thin, and there are no zigzagged lines. Computerized Layout Solutions The diagrams just discussed help formulate ideas for the arrangement of departments in a process layout, but they can be cumbersome for large problems. Fortunately, several computer packages are available for designing process layouts. The best known is CRAFT (Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique) and CORELAP (Computerized Relationship Layout Planning). CRAFT takes a load summary chart and block diagram as input and then makes pairwise exchanges of departments until no improvements in cost or nonadjacency score can be found. The output is a revised block diagram after each iteration for a rectangular-shaped building, which may or may not be optimal. CRAFT is sensitive to the initial block diagram used; that is, different block diagrams as input will result in different layouts as outputs. For this reason, CRAFT is often used to improve upon existing layouts or to enhance the best manual attempts at designing a layout. CORELAP uses nonquantitative input and relationship diagramming to produce a feasible layout for up to forty-five departments and different building shapes. It attempts to create an acceptable layout from the beginning by locating department pairs with A ratings first, then those with E ratings, and so on. Simulation software for layout analysis, such as PROMODEL and EXTEND provide visual feedback and allow the user to quickly test a variety of scenarios. Three-D modeling and CAD-integrated layout analysis are available in VisFactory and similar software. All these computer packages are basically trial-and-error approaches to layout design that provide good, but not necessarily optimal, process layouts. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | THE COMPETITIVE EDGE | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A Flexible Layout at the Ritz-Carlton Pavilion | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ritz-Carlton Hotels listen to their customers. When customers in Naples, Florida, wanted| |a less formal place to gather, the hotel put up a tent out back. When the tent was too | |hot, management air conditioned it. When the tent was too small, they decided to build a| |more permanent facility, a shell of a building called the Pavilion. Looking through his | |files to determine how customers had used the ballroom, the tent, and the grounds over | |the years, the general manager concluded that what the Pavilion needed was "extreme | |flexibility," so that each group could create whatever environment it wanted. | |Flexibility was provided--right down to the basic structure. | | | |The Pavilion's flexibility is built into its ceiling and walls. The ceiling is painted | |midnight black with a unique lighting system of hundreds of tiny white lights that look | |like stars. Computer-operated, the ceiling consists of different motorized sections that| |can be raised or lowered to create a tiered effect and different degrees of formality. | |Fabric panels hang across the ceiling to form a visual curtain. | | | |The lighting system can be adjusted and preprogrammed to highlight certain portions of | |the room or to pinpoint specific tables and speakers. At a moment's notice, the hotel's | |AV department can create templates of company logos and theme party decorations to be | |projected on the painted, unpapered walls. Spotlights with changing hues add to the | |variety of moods. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Source: Based on Grace Wagner "Customer-Driven Construction," Lodging Hospitality | |(November 1993): 23. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Service Layouts Most service organizations use process layouts. This makes sense because of the variability in customer requests for service. Service layouts are designed in much the same way as process layouts in manufacturing firms, but the objectives may differ. For example, instead of minimizing the flow of materials through the system, services may seek to minimize the flow of customers or the flow of paperwork. In retail establishments, the objective is usually related to maximizing profit per unit of display space. If sales vary directly with customer exposure, then an effective layout would expose the customer to as many goods as possible. This means instead of minimizing a customer's flow, it would be more beneficial to maximize it (to a certain point). Grocery stores take this approach when they locate milk on one end of the store and bread on the other, forcing the customer to travel through aisles of merchandise that might prompt additional purchases. Another aspect of service layout is the allocation of shelf space to various products. Industry-specific recommendations are available for layout and display decisions. Computerized versions, such as SLIM (Store Labor and Inventory Management) and COSMOS (Computerized Optimization and Simulation Modeling for Operating Supermarkets), consider shelf space, demand rates, profitability, and stockout probabilities in layout design. Finally, service layouts are often visible to the customer, so they must be aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-5. What is the difference between block diagramming and relationship diagramming? 7-6. How do service layouts differ from manufacturing layouts? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^2 R. Muther, Systematic Layout Planning (Boston: Industrial Education Institute, 1961). Designing Product Layouts A product layout arranges machines or workers in a line according to the operations that need to be performed to assemble a particular product. From this description, it would seem the layout could be determined simply by following the order of assembly as contained in the bill of material for the product. To some extent, this is true. Precedence requirements specifying which operations must precede others, which can be done concurrently and which must wait until later are an important input to the product layout decision. But there are other factors that make the decision more complicated. Product layouts or assembly lines are used for high-volume production. To attain the required output rate as efficiently as possible, jobs are broken down into their smallest indivisible portions, called work elements. Work elements are so small that they cannot be performed by more than one worker or at more than one workstation. But it is common for one worker to perform several work elements as the product passes through his or her workstation. Part of the layout decision is concerned with grouping these work elements into workstations so products flow through the assembly line smoothly. A workstation is any area along the assembly line that requires at least one worker or one machine. If each workstation on the assembly line takes the same amount of time to perform the work elements that have been assigned, then products will move successively from workstation to workstation with no need for a product to wait or a worker to be idle. The process of equalizing the amount of work at each workstation is called line balancing. Line Balancing Assembly line balancing operates under two constraints, precedence requirements and cycle time restrictions. Precedence requirements are physical restrictions on the order in which operations are performed on the assembly line. For example, we would not ask a worker to package a product before all the components were attached, even if he or she had the time to do so before passing the product to the next worker on the line. To facilitate line balancing, precedence requirements are often expressed in the form of a precedence diagram. The precedence diagram is a network, with work elements represented by circles or nodes and precedence relationships represented by directed line segments connecting the nodes. We will construct a precedence diagram later in Example 7.2. Cycle time, the other restriction on line balancing, refers to the maximum amount of time the product is allowed to spend at each workstation if the targeted production rate is to be reached. Desired cycle time is calculated by dividing the time available for production by the number of units scheduled to be produced: Suppose a company wanted to produce 120 units in an eight-hour day. The cycle time necessary to achieve that production quota, is Cycle time can also be viewed as the time between completed items rolling off the assembly line. Consider the three-station assembly line shown here. It takes 12 minutes (i.e., 4 + 4 + 4) for each item to pass completely through all three stations of the assembly line. The time required to complete an item is referred to as its flow time, or lead time. However, the assembly line does not work on only one item at a time. When fully operational, the line will be processing three items at a time, one at each workstation, in various stages of assembly. Every 4 minutes a new item enters the line at workstation 1, an item is passed from workstation 1 to workstation 2, another item is passed from workstation 2 to workstation 3, and a completed item leaves the assembly line. Thus, a completed item rolls off the assembly line every 4 minutes. This 4-minute interval is the actual cycle time of the line. The actual cycle time, C[a,] is the maximum workstation time on the line. It differs from the desired cycle time when the production quota does not match the maximum output attainable by the system. Sometimes the production quota cannot be achieved because the time required for one work element is too large. To correct the situation, the quota can be revised downward or parallel stations can be set up for the bottleneck element. Line balancing is basically a trial and error process. We group elements into work stations recognizing time and precedence constraints. For simple problems, we can evaluate all feasible groupings of elements. For more complicated problems, we need to know when to stop trying different workstation configurations. The efficiency of the line can provide one type of guideline; the theoretical minimum number of workstations provides another. The formulas for efficiency, E, and minimum number of workstations, N, are The total idle time of the line, called balance delay, is calculated as (1 - efficiency). Efficiency and balance delay are usually expressed as percentages. In practice, it may be difficult to attain the theoretical number of workstations or 100 percent efficiency. The line balancing process can be summarized as follows: 1. Draw and label a precedence diagram. 2. Calculate the desired cycle time required for the line. 3. Calculate the theoretical minimum number of workstations. 4. Group elements into workstations, recognizing cycle time and precedence constraints. 5. Calculate the efficiency of the line. 6. Determine if the theoretical minimum number of workstations or an acceptable efficiency level has been reached. If not, go back to step 4. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| || EXAMPLE | Line Balancing || || 7.2 | || |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Real Fruit Snack Strips are made from a mixture of dried fruit, food coloring, | |preservatives, and glucose. The mixture is pressed out into a thin sheet, imprinted with| |various shapes, rolled, and packaged. The precedence and time requirements for each step| |in the assembly process are given below. To meet demand, Real Fruit needs to produce | |6,000 fruit strips every 40-hour week. Design an assembly line with the fewest number of| |workstations that will achieve the production quota without violating precedence | |constraints. | | | |SOLUTION: | | | |First, we draw a precedence diagram. Element A has no elements preceding it, so node A | |can be placed anywhere. Element A precedes element B, so the line segment that begins at| |node A must end at node B. | | | |Element A precedes element C. Again, a line segment from node A must end at node C. | | | |Elements B and C precede element D, so the line segments extending from nodes B and C | |must end at node D. The precedence diagram is completed by adding the time requirements | |beside each node. | | | |Next, we calculate the desired cycle time and the theoretical minimum number of | |workstations: | | | |Since we cannot have half a workstation (or any portion of a workstation), we round up | |to 3 workstations. | | | |We must group elements into workstations so that the sum of the element time at each | |workstation is less than or equal to the desired cycle time of 0.4 minutes. | | | |Examining the precedence diagram, let us begin with A since it is the only element that | |does not have a precedence. We assign A to workstation 1. B and C are now available for | |assignment. Cycle time is exceeded with A and C in the same workstation, so we assign B | |to workstation 1 and place C in a second workstation. No other element can be added to | |workstation 2, due to cycle time constraints. That leaves D for assignment to a third | |workstation. Elements grouped into workstations are circled on the precedence diagram. | | | |Our assembly line consists of three workstations, arranged as follows: | | | |Since the theoretical minimum number of workstations was three, we know we have balanced| |the line as efficiently as possible. | | | |The assembly line has an efficiency of | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Computerized Line Balancing Line balancing by hand becomes unwieldy as the problems grow in size. Fortunately, there are software packages that will balance large lines quickly. IBM's COMSOAL (Computer Method for Sequencing Operations for Assembly Lines) and GE's ASYBL (Assembly Line Configuration Program) can assign hundreds of work elements to workstations on an assembly line. These programs, and most that are commercially available, do not guarantee optimal solutions. They use various heuristics, or rules, to balance the line at an acceptable level of efficiency. The POM for Windows software lets the user select from five different heuristics: ranked positional weight, longest operation time, shortest operation time, most number of following tasks, and least number of following tasks. These heuristics specify the order in which work elements are considered for allocation to workstations. Elements are assigned to workstations in the order given until the cycle time is reached or until all tasks have been assigned. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | THE COMPETITIVE EDGE | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VW's Super Efficient Factory | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Volkswagen built a $250 million truck and bus plant in Resende, Brazil, that is likely | |to become the model for new-car factories around the world. Seven suppliers, each | |responsible for a single module, make components in the plant using their own equipment | |and attach the components to trucks and buses on the final assembly line. German | |manufacturer VDO Kienzle, for example, is in charge of the truck cab. Marked off from | |other suppliers' workspaces by yellow lines on the floor, VDO workers install everything| |from cab seats to instrument panels. Then they attach the completed cab to the final | |chassis as it moves down the assembly line through VDO's section of the factory. | |Inventory costs are down because parts are made only an hour or so before they are | |needed and schedules are tightly coordinated. | | | |In traditional automotive plants, suppliers deliver parts, assemblies, and modules to | |the final assembly line, but they never assemble them themselves. In pilot runs, | |improvements by suppliers in final assembly have cut work hours by 12%. On-site supplier| |suggestions for improved designs are also expected to yield lower costs and improved | |quality. | | | |The plant is run by a daily roundtable discussion between VW and its partners. "VW has | |to be part of the table, not its owner," says the plant manager. That's one big | |advantage of the new system--VW and its suppliers are all in it together. Individual | |capital investment is dramatically lowered with VW providing the building and assembly | |line conveyors, and the suppliers putting in their own tools and fixtures, and hiring | |their own workers. Only 200 of the 1,400 workers are VW employees. If sales of trucks | |and buses do not meet predictions, everyone takes a hit, not just VW. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Source: David Woodruff, "VW's Factory of the Future," Business Week (October 7, 1996): | |52-56. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-7. What are the objectives of line balancing? 7-8. Describe several heuristic approaches to line balancing. Hybrid Layouts Hybrid layouts modify and/or combine some aspects of product and process layouts. We discuss three hybrid layouts: cellular layouts, flexible manufacturing systems, and mixed-model assembly lines. Cellular Layouts Cellular layouts attempt to combine the flexibility of a process layout with the efficiency of a product layout. Based on the concept of group technology (GT), dissimilar machines are grouped into work centers, called cells, to process parts with similar shapes or processing requirements. (Figure 7.6 shows a family of parts with similar shapes.) The cells are arranged in relation to each other so that material movement is minimized. Large machines that cannot be split among cells are located near to the cells that use them, that is, at their point of use. The layout of machines within each cell resembles a small assembly line. Thus, line-balancing procedures, with some adjustment, can be used to arrange the machines within the cell. The layout between cells is a process layout. Therefore, computer programs such as CRAFT can be used to locate cells and any leftover equipment in the facility. Consider the process layout in Figure 7.7. Machines are grouped by function into four distinct departments. Component parts manufactured in the process layout section of the factory are later assembled into a finished product on the assembly line. The parts follow different flow paths through the shop. Three representative routings, for parts A, B, and C, are shown in the figure. Notice the distance that each part must travel before completion and the irregularity of the part routings. A considerable amount of "paperwork" is needed to direct the flow of each individual part and to confirm that the right operation has been performed. Workers are skilled at operating the types of machines within a single department and typically can operate more than one machine at a time. Figure 7.8 gives the complete part routing matrix for the eight parts processed through the facility. In its current form, there is no apparent pattern to the routings. Production flow analysis (PFA) is a group technology technique that reorders part routing matrices to identify families of parts with similar processing requirements. The reordering process can be as simple as listing which parts have four machines in common, then which have three in common, two in common, and the like, or as sophisticated as pattern-recognition algorithms from the field of artificial intelligence. Figure 7.9 shows the results of reordering Figure 7.8. Now the part families and cell formations are clear. Cell 1, consisting of machines 1, 2, 4, 8, and 10, will process parts A, D, and F; Cell 2, consisting of machines 3, 6, and 9, will process products C and G; and Cell 3, consisting of machines 5, 7, 11, and 12, will process parts B, H, and E. A complete cellular layout showing the three cells feeding a final assembly line is given in Figure 7.10. The representative part flows for parts A, B, and C are much more direct than those in the process layout. There is no backtracking or crisscrossing of routes, and the parts travel a shorter distance to be processed. Notice that parts G and E cannot be completely processed within cells 2 and 3, to which they have been assigned. However, the two cells are located in such a fashion that the transfer of parts between the cells does not involve much extra movement. The U shape of cells 1 and 3 is a popular arrangement for manufacturing cells because it facilitates the rotation of workers among several machines. Workers in a cellular layout typically operate more than one machine, as was true of the process layout. However, workers who are assigned to each cell must now be multifunctional--that is, skilled at operating many different kinds of machines, not just one type, as in the process layout. In addition, workers are assigned a path to follow among the machines that they operate, which may or may not coincide with the path the product follows through the cell. Figure 7.11 (on page 301 of your textbook) shows a U-shaped manufacturing cell including worker paths. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | THE COMPETITIVE EDGE | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Cells Make Furniture Customers Happy | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Research shows that customers hate buying upholstered furniture. That's not good news | |when sofas and chairs are your main products. Customers want a wider selection than any | |showroom can house, and they don't want to wait months for a special order. Rowe | |Furniture Corporation responded by creating a computer network on which customers could | |match fabrics and styles. And they promised speedy delivery with no increase in price. | |It was an effective marketing solution--orders surged--but could manufacturing deliver? | | | |That was plant manager Charlene Pedrolie's job, and there was no doubt in her mind about| |the right approach. She annihilated the assembly line and brought sewers, gluers, | |staplers, and stuffers together into cells of 35 workers. Instead of doing one job on | |every piece of furniture, workers were cross-trained to do every job related to making a| |sofa. When someone got behind, others in the cell could help out. | | | |Power tools that used to lay along the assembly line hung overhead in clusters. Squeezed| |together, workers were forced to communicate. Accustomed to having material brought to | |them, they were now getting their own raw materials and transporting their own parts, | |bumping into each other along the way. Productivity fell as staplers learned to glue and| |gluers learned to staple. | | | |But before long the cells began to work as teams. Workers could solve problems as they | |occurred and organize their own work in the cell. Productivity recovered, then surpassed| |previous levels. Incentive payments grew and worker ideas for improvements were put into| |action. One group recommended larger truck trailers, another found a better way to stuff| |cushions. Still another suggested selling excess kiln capacity to local lumber-drying | |operations. | | | |Today workers, managers and customers are happy. And Ms. Pedrolie? She's begun | |reorganizing the office into cells--cross-training credit approvers, order takers, and | |customer service representatives to respond as a team to dealer needs. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Source: Thomas Petzinger, Jr., "Charlene Pedrolie Rearranged Furniture and Lifted a | |Business," The Wall Street Journal, September 13, 1996. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The advantages of cellular layouts are as follows: o Reduced material handling and transit time. Material movement is more direct. Less distance is traveled between operations. Material does not accumulate or wait long periods of time to be moved. Within a cell, the worker is more likely to carry a partially finished item from machine to machine than wait for material handling equipment, as is characteristic of process layouts, where larger loads must be moved farther distances. o Reduced setup time. Since similar parts are processed together, the adjustments required to set up a machine should not be that different from item to item. If it does not take that long to change over from one item to another, then the changeover can occur more frequently, and items can be produced and transferred in very small batches or lot sizes. o Reduced work-in-process inventory. In a work cell, as with assembly lines, the flow of work is balanced so that no bottlenecks or significant buildup of material occurs between stations or machines. Less space is required for storage of in-process inventory between machines, and machines can be moved closer together, thereby saving transit time and increasing communication. o Better use of human resources. Typically, a cell contains a small number of workers responsible for producing a completed part or product. The workers act as a self-managed team, in most cases more satisfied with the work that they do and more particular about the quality of their work. Labor in cellular manufacturing is a flexible resource. Workers in each cell are multifunctional and can be assigned to different routes within a cell or between cells as demand volume changes. o Easier to control. Items in the same part family are processed in a similar manner through the work cell. There is a significant reduction in the paperwork necessary to document material travel, such as where an item should be routed next, if the right operation has been performed, and the current status of a job. With fewer jobs processed through a cell, smaller batch sizes, and less distance to travel between operations, the progress of a job can be verified visually rather than by mounds of paperwork. o Easier to automate. Automation is expensive. Rarely can a company afford to automate an entire factory all at once. Cellular layouts can be automated one cell at a time. Figure 7.12 (on page 302 of your textbook) shows an automated cell with one robot in the center to load and unload material from several CNC machines and an incoming and outgoing conveyor. Automating a few workstations on an assembly line will make it difficult to balance the line and achieve the increases in productivity expected. Introducing automated equipment in a job shop has similar results, because the "islands of automation" speed up only certain processes and are not integrated into the complete processing of a part or product. Several disadvantages of cellular layouts must also be considered: o Inadequate part families. There must be enough similarity in the types of items processed to form distinct part families. Cellular manufacturing is appropriate for medium levels of product variety and volume. The formation of part families and the allocation of machines to cells is not always an easy task. Part families identified for design purposes may not be appropriate for manufacturing purposes. o Poorly balanced cells. It is more difficult to balance the flow of work through a cell than a single-product assembly line, because items may follow different sequences through the cell that require different machines or processing times. The sequence in which parts enter the cell can thus affect the length of time a worker or machine spends at a certain stage of processing. Poorly balanced cells can be very inefficient. It is also important to balance the workload among cells in the system, so that one cell is not overloaded while others are idle. This may be taken care of in the initial cellular layout, only to become a problem as changes occur in product designs or product mix. Several imbalances may require the reformation of cells around different part families, and the cost and disruption that implies. o Expanded training and scheduling of workers. Training workers to do different tasks is expensive and time-consuming and requires the workers' consent. Initial union reaction to multifunctional workers was not positive. Today, many unions have agreed to participate in the flexible assignment of workers in exchange for greater job security. Although flexibility in worker assignment is one of the advantages of cellular layouts, the task of determining and adjusting worker paths within or between cells can be quite complex. o Increased capital investment. In cellular manufacturing, multiple smaller machines are preferable to single large machines. Implementing a cellular layout can be economical if new machines are being purchased for a new facility, but it can be quite expensive and disruptive in existing production facilities where new layouts are required. Existing equipment may be too large to fit into cells or may be underutilized when placed in a single cell. Additional machines of the same type may have to be purchased for different cells. The cost and downtime required to move machines can also be high. Cellular layouts have become popular in the past decade as the backbone of modern factories. Cells can differ considerably in size, in automation, and in the variety of parts processed. As small, interconnected layout units, cells are common in services, as well as manufacturing. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | THE COMPETITIVE EDGE | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Cells Keep Compaq Nimble | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Computer makers are in a tough business. Technology turnover makes products obsolete | |within six months. That means computer factories must have the flexibility to constantly| |build new and improved models. Compaq says the answer is cellular manufacturing. | | | |Compaq tried replacing a traditional assembly line with 48 cells. Each cell has three | |workers who, together, can build, test, and ship different computer models every day, if| |necessary. The cells have increased employee output by 23 percent and product quality by| |25 percent. But they cost more, too. "Cellularizing" a $2.5 million assembly line costs | |$10 million or more because each cell requires a full set of tools, and cell workers are| |better trained and paid than assembly line workers. | | | |So Compaq uses both cells and assembly lines--assembly lines for the first few months of| |a new product's life when demand is strong, and cells when orders begin to taper off. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Source: Dan McGraw, "Staying Loose in a Tense Tech Market," U.S. News & World Report | |(July 8, 1996). | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Flexible Manufacturing Systems The idea of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) was proposed in England in the 1960s with System 24 that could operate without human operators 24 hours a day under computer control. The emphasis from the beginning was on automation rather than the reorganization of work flow. Early FMSs were large and complex, consisting of dozens of CNC machines and sophisticated material handling systems. The systems were very automated, very expensive, and controlled by incredibly complex software. The FMS control computer operated the material handling system, maintained the library of CNC programs and downloaded them to the machines, scheduled the FMS, kept track of tool use and maintenance, and reported on the performance of the system. There are not many industries that can afford the investment required for a traditional FMS as described. Fewer than 400 FMSs are in operation around the world today. Currently, the trend in flexible manufacturing is toward smaller versions of the traditional FMS, sometimes called flexible manufacturing cells. It is not unusual in today's terminology for two or more CNC machines to be considered a flexible cell and two or more cells, an FMS. FMS layouts differ based on the variety of parts that the system can process, the size of the parts processed, and the average processing time required for part completion. Figure 7.13 and Figure 7.14 show four basic types of FMS layouts: o Progressive layout: All parts follow the same progression through the machining stations. This layout is appropriate for processing a family of parts and is the most similar to an automated group technology cell. o Closed-loop layout: Arranged in the general order of processing for a much larger variety of parts. Parts can easily skip stations or can move around the loop to visit stations in an alternate order. Progressive and closed-loop systems are used for part sizes that are relatively large and that require longer processing times. o Ladder layout: So named because the machine tools appear to be located on the steps of a ladder, allowing two machines to work on one item at a time. Programming the machines may be based on similarity concepts from group technology, but the types of parts processed are not limited to particular part families. Parts can be routed to any machine in any sequence. o Open-field layout: The most complex and flexible FMS layout. It allows material to move among the machine centers in any order and typically includes several support stations such as tool interchange stations, pallet or fixture build stations, inspection stations, and chip/coolant collection systems. Mixed-Model Assembly Lines Traditional assembly lines, designed to process a single model or type of product, can be used to process more than one type of product, but not efficiently. Models of the same type are produced in long production runs, sometimes lasting for months, and then the line is shut down and changed over for the next model. The next model is also run for an extended time, producing perhaps half a year to a year's supply; then the line is shut down again and changed over for yet another model; and so on. The problem with this arrangement is the difficulty in responding to changes in customer demand. If a certain model is selling well and customers want more of it, they have to wait until the next batch of that model is scheduled to be produced. On the other hand, if demand is disappointing for models that have already been produced, the manufacturer is stuck with unwanted inventory. Recognizing that this mismatch of production and demand is a problem, some manufacturers concentrated on devising more sophisticated forecasting techniques. Others changed the manner in which the assembly line was laid out and operated so that it really became a mixed-model assembly line. First, they reduced the time needed to change over the line to produce different models. Then they trained their workers to perform a variety of tasks and allowed them to work at more than one workstation on the line, as needed. Finally, they changed the way in which the line was arranged and scheduled. The following factors are important in the design and operation of mixed-model assembly lines: o Line balancing: In a mixed-model line, the time to complete a task can vary from model to model. Instead of using the completion times from one model to balance the line, a distribution of possible completion times from the array of models must be considered. In most cases, the expected value, or average, times are used in the balancing procedure. Otherwise, mixed-model lines are balanced in much the same way as single-model lines. o U-shaped lines. To compensate for the different work requirements of assembling different models, it is necessary to have a flexible workforce and to arrange the line so that workers can assist one another as needed. Figure 7.15 shows how the efficiency of an assembly line can be improved when a U-shaped line is used. o Flexible workforce. Although worker paths are predetermined to fit within a set cycle time, the use of average time values in mixed-model lines will produce variations in worker performance. Hence, the lines are not run at a set speed. Items move through the line at the pace of the slowest operation. This is not to say that production quotas are not important. If the desired cycle time is exceeded at any station on the line, other workers are notified by flashing lights or sounding alarms so that they can come to the aid of the troubled station. The assembly line is slowed or stopped until the work at the errant workstation is completed. This flexibility of workers helping other workers makes a tremendous difference in the ability of the line to adapt to the varied length of tasks inherent in a mixed-model line. o Model sequencing. Since different models are produced on the same line, mixed-model scheduling involves an additional decision--the order, or sequence, of models to be run through the line. From a logical standpoint, it would be unwise to sequence two models back-to-back that require extra long processing times. It would make more sense to mix the assembling of models so that a short model (requiring less than the average time) followed a long one (requiring more than the average time). With this pattern, workers could "catch up" from one model to the next. Another objective in model sequencing is to spread out the production of different models as evenly as possible throughout the time period scheduled. This concept of uniform production will be discussed in Chapter 15, "Just-in-Time Systems." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-9. How are manufacturing cells formed? How does the role of the worker differ in cellular manufacturing? 7-10. How does a cellular layout combine a product and process layout? 7-11. Describe a flexible manufacturing system. How does it differ from a cellular layout? 7-12. How do mixed-model assembly lines differ from traditional assembly lines? What additional decisions are required? Summary Facility layout decisions are an important part of operations strategy. An effective layout reflects a firm's competitive priorities and enables the firm to reach its strategic objectives. Batch production, which emphasizes flexibility, is most often organized into a process layout, whereas mass production uses a product layout for maximum efficiency. Because of their size and scope, projects tend to use fixed-position layouts. Service layouts may try to process customers through the system as quickly as possible or maximize customer exposure to products and services. In the current manufacturing environment of new product introductions, rapidly changing technologies, and intense competition, the ability of a manufacturing system to adapt is essential. Thus, several hybrid layouts have emerged that combine flexibility and efficiency. Reductions in setup times have made mixed-model assembly lines feasible. The newest flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) can process any item that fits the dimensions of the pallet on which it is transported. Manufacturing cells that resemble small assembly lines are designed to process families of items. Some companies are placing wheels and casters on their machines so that the cells can be adjusted as needed. Others are experimenting with modular conveyor systems that allow assembly lines to be rearranged while workers are on their lunch break. As important as flexibility is, the cost of moving material is still a primary consideration in layout design. Today, as in the past, layout decisions are concerned with minimizing material flow. However, with the trend toward reduced inventory levels, there has been a shift in emphasis from minimizing the number of loads moved to minimizing the distance they are moved. Instead of accumulating larger loads of material and moving them less often, machines are being shoved closer together to allow the frequent movement of smaller loads. Planners who used to devote a considerable amount of time to designing the location of storage areas and the movement of material into and out of storage areas are now also concerned with the rapid movement of material to and from the facility itself. Facility location and the logistics of material transportation are discussed in Chapter 9, "Supply Chain Management." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Formulas Desired Cycle Time Actual Cycle Time Theoretical Minimum Number of Workstations Efficiency Balance Delay ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Problems +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CASE PROBLEM 7.1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Arranging Darian's Gymnastics Center | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Darian and Anita Rice looked around the office nervously as they waited for the architect to arrive. Building his own gymnastics center had been a dream of Darian's ever since childhood, now so close to becoming a reality. "Hello, folks. Sorry I'm late," Tom Armstead, the architect, said apologetically as he entered the room. "Now tell me all about this gym of yours." "It's not a gym, it's a gymnastics center," smiled Darian. "We want a full-service gymnastics center to train children who enjoy gymnastics as a recreational activity as well as those who wish to compete. We need a facility that is flexible and inexpensive." "Don't we all. What kind of equipment will you need?" asked Tom. Anita handed him a prepared list: "A 40-foot by 40-foot floor-exercise mat, four or five balance beams, a set of even parallel bars, a set of uneven parallel bars, a large trampoline, a foam pit, a power strip or two, a vault, a pommel horse, a climbing rope, stall bars, a mushroom, a horizontal bar, and rings." "And what size building do you think you'll need for the gymnastics center?" "About 7,500 square feet, just a shell of a building really. We expect to train around 500 youngsters per session and hold meets in which 50 or so team members are in competition. We'll need a small space for an office--really just a counter would do. Other than that, the entire building should be one open floor area for gymnastics." "It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this project. What exactly do you want me to do?" "Well, we want this facility to be well planned. We want to have a basic layout before the building is designed. From a financial viewpoint, we want to get the most use out of our space; the space must be functional. We're tired of haphazard arrangements that endanger the gymnasts and disrupt classes." "Sounds fair. If you will explain to me some of your preferences on where each piece of equipment should be located in relation to another, then I can draw up a relationship diagram that will satisfy your needs. After that we can worry about the size and shape of the building." "Do you need dimensions or space requirements for the equipment?" "Not yet. We're going to determine the relative location of the equipment first. Let me get out a new pad and pencil. . . . Okay, go to it." Darian and Anita spoke rapidly, the ideas flying back and forth between them. "The floor exercise area is for running and tumbling. It should not be located near any swinging apparatus, such as the rope or rings." "Falls for the trampoline are potentially dangerous, so the trampoline should not be located where climbing or swinging activities take place." "Sometimes the vault is used as a dismount aid, though." "That's true . . . it's important the vault be near the trampoline. Speaking of the vault, we have to have a power strip for the vault and for the pit, too. But we should keep the balance beams and uneven bars away from the power strip." "The pit?" "Yes, the pit. The pit is an 8-foot-deep concrete hole in the floor filled with big pieces of foam rubber. It's great for learning tumbling skills, and a pit fight is the kids' favorite activity." "We need the horizontal bars next to the pit. It would be nice if the uneven bars and stall bars were located near there, too. "And the climbing rope should be somewhere nearby--the kids love to swing on it and drop into the pit." "I like to have a class working on different pieces of equipment at the same time. It would be helpful if related equipment were grouped together." "Yes, like uneven parallel bars and balance beams for the girls." "And pommel horse, mushroom, even bars, and rings for the boys." "We'll want the office/reception desk near the front door. We also want to keep the trampoline, pit, and anything that involves chalk dust away from the office/reception area." "Well, that's enough to get me started. Make an appointment for next week and I'll show you what I've come up with." 1. Put Darian and Anita's preferences for equipment location into a Muther's grid. 2. Create a 3 YEN 5 layout in which you try to satisfy preferences. Draw a relationship diagram of the layout and look for opportunities for improvement. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CASE PROBLEM 7.2 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Everyone Needs a Hokie Passport | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Tech is modernizing its college ID system. Beginning this term, all faculty, staff, and students will be required to carry a "smart" identification card, called Hokie passport. What makes it smart is a magnetic strip with information on club memberships, library usage, class schedules (for taking exams), restrictions (such as no alcohol), medical insurance, emergency contacts, and medical conditions. If desired, it can also be set up as a debit card to pay fines or purchase items from the bookstore, vending machines, cash machines, copy machines, and several local retailers. University administrators are excited about the revenue potential and increased control of the Hokie passport, but they are not looking forward to the process of issuing approximately 60,000 new cards. If applicants could be processed at the rate of 60 an hour, the entire university could be issued passports in a month's time (with a little overtime). The steps in the process and approximate times follow. Steps 1 and 2 must be completed before step 3 can begin. Steps 3 and 4 must precede step 5, and step 5 must be completed before step 6. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Steps in Process | Approximate Time | |--------------------------------------------------------+---------------------| |1. Review application for correctness |10 seconds | |--------------------------------------------------------+---------------------| |2. Verify information and check for outstanding debt |60 seconds | |--------------------------------------------------------+---------------------| |3. Process and record payment |30 seconds | |--------------------------------------------------------+---------------------| |4. Take photo |20 seconds | |--------------------------------------------------------+---------------------| |5. Attach photo and laminate |10 seconds | |--------------------------------------------------------+---------------------| |6. Magnetize and issue passport |10 seconds | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | a. Is it possible to process one applicant every minute? Explain. | | b. How would you assign tasks to workers in order to process 60 applicants an| | hour? | | c. How many workers are required? How efficient is your line? | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Black, J. T. The Design of the Factory with a Future. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991. Flanders, R. E. "Design, Manufacture and Production Control of a Standard Machine." Transactions of ASME 46 (1925). Goetsch, D. Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Albany, N.Y.: Delmar, 1990. Jablonowski, J. "Reexamining FMSs." American Machinist, Special Report 774 (March 1985). Luggen, W. Flexible Manufacturing Cells and Systems. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1991. Monden, Y. Toyota Production System, 2d ed. Atlanta, Ga.: IIE Press, 1993. Muther, R. Systematic Layout Planning. Boston: Industrial Education Institute, 1961. Russell, R. S., P. Y. Huang, and Y. Y. Leu. "A Study of Labor Allocation in Cellular Manufacturing." Decision Sciences 22, no. 3 (1991): 594-611. Sumichrast, R. T., R. S. Russell, and B. W. Taylor. "A Comparative Analysis of Sequencing Procedures for Mixed-Model Assembly Lines in a Just-In-Time Production System." International Journal of Production Research 30, no. 1 (1992): 199-214. Towards a New Era in Manufacturing Studies Board. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1986.