Unit 8 – Review o Translate: (2 points per expression, total 20 points) to earn a deserved reputation – ______________________________________ to justify deteriorated productivity – ___________________________________ to deny easy access to manufactured goods – ____________________________ It may have slipped your mind. – _____________________________________ to apologize for rejects – ___________________________________________ odmítat výrobky na jedno použití – ___________________________________ vyplnit záruční list – _______________________________________________ nárok na náhradu škody za ztrátu – ___________________________________ servisní náklady a ziskové marže – ____________________________________ záviset na dobrém jménu dodavatele – _________________________________ o Give the correct terms: (3 points per term, total 9 points) a tax payable on the total amount of money received from work done and from investments = items such as knowledge, contacts or reputation that can have a financial effect on a business and are therefore measured in financial terms = a contract or a legal document that promises that something will work, usually for a certain length of time = o Give a preposition: (1 point per preposition, total 6 points) to be committed _______ satisfying the customers to supply retailers _______ high-quality goods please, send it _______ your expense they let us down _______ the insurance terms most rational people would side _______ justice products aimed _______ improving productivity · Use the verbs in brackets in their correct forms: (1 pt each, total 12) If I _________________ (be born) one year earlier, I ___________________ (remember) my grandmother. We _____________ (can, drive) to Vienna if we ____________ (own) a car. We _____________ (can, drive) to Vienna if my brother __________ (lend) us his car. I’m sure I _______________ (not apply) for that job if I ________ (be) you. What _________________ (happen) if Germany _________________ (win) the Second World War? If I _______________ (be awarded) the Nobel Prize tonight, I ___________ (invite) you for a holiday in New Zealand! · Translate the sentences: (7 points per sentence, total 14 points) Problémy, které se mohou objevit kvůli chybám učiněným dodavateli, mohou být napraveny nabídnutím náhrady, vrácením peněz, nebo dobropisu nespokojenému zákazníkovi. Je pravdou, že kdybychom před dvěma lety najmuli více zaměstnanců a zlepšili výrobní postupy, mohli jsme se velmi rychle stát největším výrobcem v této zemi. Maximum = 61 points A: 56.5 – 61 pts D: 41.5 – 46 pts B: 51.5 – 56 pts E: 36.5 – 41 pts C: 46.5 – 51 pts F: less than 36.5 pts. Your total score: points