Impacts of Transformation on the Regional Development Petr Halámek, Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Economics, CZE Regional policy, introduction ˇ basic terms (regional development, transformation); ˇ reasons for the differentiation of the regions; ˇ goals of the regional policy; ˇ regional policy in the process of transformations; ˇ Czech regional policy (tools, institutions, policies). Transformation of the Czech Republic totalitarian system into the democratic system central-planned economy into the market economy Communist period (1948 ­ 1989) - totalitarian system - inefficient - social guarantees - central-planned economy Economic transformation: - liberalization of prices and foreign trade - internal convertibility of the currency - privatisation programs - restrictive monetary and financial policy of the state - tax reform Phases of the development of the projects time economicallevel growth development declinationstagnation Basic factors of regional differentiation: Geographical factors: location, total area , distance to centre, traffic connection, climate, natural conditions, natural environment, ... Demographical factors: number of people; inhabitants density; age and sex structure of inhabitants; birth-rate, mortality; qualification (education), ... Economic factors (also connected with the political factors): employment structure (primary sector, secondary sector, services,..); seat of firms; intensity of the interaction within the region; number of SMÉs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises); macroeconomic policy,... Some reasons of regional differentiation in the Czech Republic ˇ Drop down of the production and employment in the heavy industry ˇ Decrease of the employment rate in the agricultural ˇ Differential development of the services sector ˇ Differential development of the small and medium private enterprises ˇ Low interregional mobility of the employees ˇ Differential conditions of the natural environment History of the Regional Policy in the CZ ˇ CPE, massive redistribution and realocation, (until 1990); ˇ Regional Policy Act (1991); ˇ Act on Principles of Goverment Regional Economic Policy (1992); ˇ The Ministry for Regional Development (1996); ˇ Principles of Regional Policy (1998). Regional policy The regional policy is understood as a conceptual activity of the state and regional authorities with the aim to: 1) contribute to the balanced and harmonious development of the regions, 2) reduce the differences in the levels of development between the regions, 3) improve the regional economic and social structure. The Principles of the Government Regional Policy define two types of problem regions: ˇ Structurally afflicted regions ˇ Lagging regions (economically weak regions) Theory of the regional development: ˇ Development poles ˇ Support of weak regions Tools for Regional Development fiscal policy, monetary policy, protectionism, reallocation of capital; reallocation of working forces, programming, institutional support. MINISTRY FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC ˇ regional policy, including regional support for private enterprises ˇ housing policy ˇ zoning ˇ tourism Organizations controlled by MRD ˇ Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank ˇ Institute for Territorial Development ˇ Czech Tourist Authority ˇ Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic