Materiál na 25.3.08 COURSEBOOK, p. 99; CAREER SKILLS, MAKING A PRESENTATION TASK Complete the text with the phrases you hear: As CEO of InnovaTex, I´d like to say a few words about the company 1. __________________________________ the specific details of our IPO. 2. _____________________________________: InnovaTex is a young company in a vibrant growth sector. We have first-class products, a dedicated and talented staff and I think we have a great future ahead of us. 3. _________________ later in my presentation. But now I´d just like to say how proud I am, not of what we have already achieved but also of being chosen to lead the company at this critical moment in its history as we embark on our next journey. 4. ________________________ my main message: I sincerely hope that as many of you as possible will be joining us; in other words, that you and your clients will be among our future stockholders! In my presentation today, 5. ______________________ who we are and then giving a review of our recent performance. 6. __________________________ an analysis of the risks and the challenges that lie ahead. 7. ___________________________ the capital and management structure and how it will be affected by the offering. 8. _______________________ the more practical details of the offering, such as the timing. U9 –REVISION VOCABULARY: Translation: 1. nespecializovat se na terminované obchody a obce = _________________________________ 2. utrpět obrovské ztráty = ____________________________ 3. rozvážný investor nikdy nejednající ukvapeně = _____________________________ 4. čelit rozporuplným politickým tlakům = ____________________________________ 5. právo, ale ne závazek uskutečnit transakci = _____________________________________ 6. zaručený dlupopis vydaný vládou = __________________________________________ 7. znovu investovat zisk do jiných riskantních podniků a méněcenných dlupopisů= __________________________________________________ 8. mít nejlepší šanci na úspěch mezi absolventy MBA = ________________________________ Definitions: 1. shares in a well-managed company with a record of paying profits to shareholders during good and bad economic conditions = _________________ 2. a new business activity or project that involves risk = ________________ Words and phrases: FUTURES; OPTIONS; BOOM YEARS; INSIGHTS; BANKRUPTCY; PORTFOLIO 1. He is the infamous trader who caused the _______________ of Barings Bank. In Czech: ______________ 2. During the_______________, a period of wealth and success, companies tend to waste their energy and resources. In Czech: ______________ 3. Behavioural finance is a science which applies psychological _____________ to economics. In Czech: ______________ Verbs: FORECAST; ASSESS; QUOTE; FALSIFY; AFFECT; PAY; LET; INVEST 1. He ___________ accounts, i.e. deliberately put wrong data in them, and lost a staggering total of -L-208m. 2. The asking price ____________ the seller tends to become accepted as the price around which negotiations take place. 3. Blue-chip shares will almost certainly _________ a minimum of 4% even in poor economic conditions. 4. How does regretting bad decisions __________ stock market investors´ future decisions? GRAMMAR: Prepositions: 1. Why don´t companies abandon projects _______ which they are losing money? 2. Why are people more concerned __________ losses than profits? 3. Why is it irrational to invest only _______ your home country? 4. The industry is infamous ________ assessing value incorrectly. 5. It´s difficult to overemphasize the risk involved ______ buying fine art as an investment. 6. What task can I delegate and assign _______ somebody else? Sentence transformation: 1. They shouldn´t have expanded their portfolio on any account, because their track record was very poor. On no___________________________________________________ . 2. We don´t want to raise prices. What we _______________________________________________ . 3. Profit drives him. It __________________________________________ . TRANSLATION: 1. První cena navržená prodávajícím při prodeji nemovitosti bývá všemi stranami obvykle akceptována jako cena, o níž se dále diskutuje, ať je tato cena jakkoliv nepřesná nebo dokonce nečestná. 2. Čím dříve bylo rozhodnutí učiněno, tím těžší je jej opustit.