Materiál na 27.3.08 COURSEBOOK, p. 102; LISTENING TASK 1 Translate: 1. vědět, kde si ve vzahu ke konkurentům stojíte = ______________________________ 2. trvalý problém mnoha podniků = ______________________________ 3. přistupovat k problému = ________________________________ 4. pět základních sil mající vliv konkurenční pozici společnosti = _____________________________ 5. hlavní distribuční řetězec = _____________________________ 6. mít manévrovací prostor = ______________________________ TASK 2 Complete the gaps with the words you hear: In practice, Porter´s theory is very helpful because it suggests a number of ways that businesses can build barriers to 1. ___________________________________________ direct competition. Among these, there are four which I think are particularly important: 2. _____________________ – making your product or service unique; 3.____________________– getting a cost advantage 4. ______ your competition; distribution – having a network which gives you access to markets; and 5.___________________ – making it prohibitively expensive for your customers to 6. _________________ product or service. COURSEBOOK, p. 105; LISTENING TASK 1 Translate: 1. domácí/národní výrobce motorů do motocyklů = ____________________________________ 2. malý motor projektovaný tak, aby byl vhodný pro kola = ____________________________ 3. řada revolučních automobilů = __________________________________________ 4. doslova vzít automobilový trh útokem = ________________________________________ TASK 2 Complete the gaps with the words you hear: One of their most 1. ________________________________ aircraft engines, and it 2. ________________________________________ we´ll see the arrival of commercial aircraft under the Honda name. A prototype, the Honda Jet, has already flown and with 441 subsidiaries supporting the company´s efforts around the world, Honda represents a 3.___________________________________________. So the sky is certainly no limit for them.