U10 1. Companies are encouraged to develop ________________ energies. (NEW) 2. Overfishing has led to a serious ______________ of cod, haddock and whiting. (DEPLETE) 3. Many countries are ___________ on fossil fuels. (RELY) 4. The increase in the prices has been_____________. (SIGNIFY, not) 5. It´s hard to stay ________________ when discussing these sensitive issues. (PART) 6. When ______________ acid arrives at the factory, it´s taken off the lorries. (SULPHUR) 7. We´re going to go for natural _______________ in the offices rather than installing air_______________________. (VENTILATE, CONDITION) 8. We are going to have a look at the products we manufacture, such as ______________ and________________ . (CHEMISTRY, FERTILISE) 9. The publication makes the case for reducing the _________________ of, and __________________ on, fossil fuels. (CONSUME, DEPEND) 10. The world´s oil ____________ will run _____________ low by 2050. (SUPPLY, DANGER) 11. Essential petroleum-dependent products will be unavailable or_________________. (not, AFFORD) 12. It would be __________________ not to question their estimates when the official figures are so notoriously________________ . (not RESPONSIBLE, not RELY) 13. This would accelerate the already _______________ effects of global warming. (NOTE) 14. If not alternative energy source is found to replace petroleum, many everyday products will become________________ ___________________. (PROHIBIT, EXPEND) 15. Governments will be increasingly reluctant to ____________ _____________ power, and plans to build costly atomic ______________ will ________________ be shelved. (SUBSIDY, NUCLEUS, REACT, CONSEQUENCE)