; Linking words 1 A Linking words " A'e use some .'ink rig ,ve'ds to join oar's o: sentences Tiiey give a structure to the sentence ■ExamD'es include and. 'out, because, so Units 41 ami ^2 deal with this kind of nnk.ng word '■A'e use other linking /jorcs ana phrases to mass a link across sentence's and Daragrapns They give a structure to our .'.hole argument. E/ampies include Firstly, If general. Actually In other words Units 43 and 44 dea with ihis kind of ImKing wond or phrase B Addition: and, both, too, also, etc .' We use -end to .om words or pants of sentences To ernphasise the fact that there are two things we can use both . . and ' need to call And} and 'rid out when he's free to have a meeting i need fo call both Andy and Helen. ■ We use too, as well, as ,ve// as and also :o add smother fact or say that something nappens at the same tine Note :ne posit.ons. / need to call Andy, Kate and Helen too/as well I need to call Andy and Kate as well as Helen. I need to call Andy, Kate and also Helen C Contrast: but yet and although ~~' We use but and althougn to make a contrast. Although is typ cal of .more carefui or 'ormal speech or writmn In theory it seems like a good idea, but I don't thwk it'll .-vork m practice In theory it seems like a good idea, although i don't think it will work in practice. ■J The clause with although can come at the beginning. Although it seems like a good idea, I don't think it will work in practice Although the mililitry insisted the reforms u'onhi .•■till iv jik-mI. it is imcleai ivhai dutv litry in// * We can emphasise but and although with still and anyway I wasn t feeling very weil, but I still went to work. I wasn't feeling very well but I went to work anyway I Still went to work, although I wasn't feeling very well. Although i wasn't feeling very weil I went to work anyway '■■ A'e can use yet in olace of 'but' n writ rig. D Contrast: though and even though í A'e can use though in irforrr.al soeech and wriťng .ike although Though 'í seems like a good idea, I don't think it'll '.vo'A >n practice Though In- iiii'jktí J -10 ;yň"ľfiŕ .•i,ikť. Ins piirtili ri o\iii\'iíd mm ■lihl uihf.itcii lnul tisni '/if -v ri.i .Ašů. [tu.-. wctiMte) With though we often use ;vjo separate sentences and out thougn at tne sna .'f teems like a good idea don't think it'll work m practice, though ' lAe can use eve" "nou^n -ke although :o give a sponge' contrast Even though I .vasn't 'e^ing ven/ well, I still .vent to .vor.-. 41 LINKING WORDS 1 171 E Contrast: whereas We can „se whereas in formal speecn and wrting to compare two tacts and emphasise the difference between mem The cause with whereas caf cone at the oeg.nmng or one. Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, whereas Singapore has none. Whereas Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, Singapore has none F Although or whereas"? Althougn in a sentence suggests surprise But the clause with although does not always co.nta ■■■ the surprising information - usually it is '.he clause that comes second '.'"at seems surpr sing 'A'e had a reasonable year in Asia although sates fell a little in Japan Although sales fell a little in Japan, we had a reasonable year in the rest of Asia Whereas s .mp^y compares two facts It makes a sťon.g con'rast, but there is less suggestion ot suronse 'Ae had a reasonable year in Asia, whereas sales in Europe were quite disappointing We can use while h Iih: IHM atii/ .Si hi A/iViwtVLiir.' /ne. trmit :o Ihiir .j aire ol hbitíhN ,'i> ;iri<ľhiť coitthiitily. i.livľ.inĽisWeek Online wdisiti') G Contrast: despite I in spite of ' Despite ar'ú m spite of ate like although, but they are followed by a noun or noun phrase. Although I was ill, I went to work = In spite of my illness, I went to work. Although sales increased, profits fell - Despite the increase in sales, piofits fell Despite lint year's Internet business slowdown, torpor.itioiis hnidy jnri>r still rao^iu^e the ■.trifr^ii i'.i/iri' i>f ..ulopring c-busiiiff* procese* mul krlim'lsgici. (c-bu'viricss aJvu.or whsitť) Remember that a gerund (verb with -mg) can act as a noun.. In spite of/Despite feeling ill, I went to wo'k. (MOT Bespue I felt ill, I went to ivo'ii.) "And as your department representative, lei me just say that I am both proud and honoured to be taking credit for your accomplishments." 172 41 LINKING WORDS 1 41 Practice # Ír Exercise 1 C D E F G Underline the correct words 1 Although/But I like this company. I probably won't work here .'erg 2 /n spíte of,'Although their shares are nsing, the.r 'uture is ;t:ll uncertain. 3 Kate gave a good presentation, although/despitíi naving very little tine to orepare 4 This yezr our earnings are close to 58m, while!still last year ihey were just 56m 5 Whereas I in spits or these candidates all have an MBA, tnese o!her ones don't 6 I read the book you suggested I didn't enjoy it, although/though 7 I didn't nave '"nut h tirre, but/whereas t managed to vs;t the whole site 8 Nowadays we have very few strikes, but/whereas :en years ago we had a 'at 9 We weren't sure wfiether to go ahead with :iie launch, but we did 't suiľ ony.vay 10 Although .'In spite of the ne ay, we null arrived on time 1 i I didn't manage to close the deal, although /whereas i reuľy tried 12 Although,'WheredS their share pr.ee is fall;ng at :he moment, the company is still a good 'ony-tem ■investment. Exercise 2 B Rewrite each sentence in two Ways so t has a similai mears.ng to the fust sentence eacn time Use the word/5 in brackets 1 Paula visaed both the Madrid ofi.ee and the Barcelona office. a) (too) fyuls. viii-ted -fctia Madrid p.-Pfice A^d..trie E^rceloiy, office, .too. b) (as weü as)............................................ 7 We can handle the transport arrangements and the Insurance a) ialso) ...... ...... ............. ......... b) (both)........................... ...... ............ 3 I want the sales figures for OctOCer and November a) (as well).................. .......... ........ b) fas well asj......................... .. ............ 4 We're setting up ofJices ,n Peru anc Ecuador. a) (also) .................... ........... . . .... b) (tool........ ....................... Exercise 3 C D E F G Complete the sentences with one of these words or phrases although, jnyway, but. :h spite of, still, trxiuqr1. whereas Use each word or phrase once only. 1 Caroi ďíjn't recognise Mark Lamer. Although s>-\e had ,ve\ him betöre 2 • don't Ijxe karaoke bars........... ! went with my Japanese c icnts iinyway 3 I offered my best once, but the/ . . . cidn : seem interested 4 I think we'll have to change cur suppi eis its a pit1,', 5 the parly [yotrerrs, the oroiec; has been i q™at success ó Soain is a mature market, . .n Polugal there s sť I 'ot;rr, :or growth 7 We naven't got all the :acts. but t's -vcrth discussing t 41 LINKING WORDS 1 173 Exercise 4 C D E F G Rewrite each oaď of sentences us.ng the words given There are two ways each time. 1 It was raining We got he'e on time. a> Aithougr '"^ WAi r&i^ÍM, we 4oi. n£r~E or, "ti^e. b i Desrsite ..t^a .tai/^,. W&. <]QÍ .Mře. □.»>. tJiwe, ... .................. 2 '. nad a headache. ' still went to the meeting a; ',n -^pne of ..... . ................... bi ...... ..........but............................. 3 Some analysts think that stocks will fall in value Others aisagree. ii ,. ............................., whereas ..... b: Although .................................. 4 There .vere difficulties n the negotiations We won the contract. a! Desole ................................ D) Even ihougn ...................................... 5 0\\ or'ce-s rose slightly last year This year they have gone down a; Whereas .......................... ............ bi....... ......... .. , although........... 6 I've wntten twice. I stiil haven't 'eceived a reply. a: . .. ................yet......................... b) Despite ............................... 7 He didn't use any notes He cave an excelled presentation a) Although ............... ..... ............ ....... ........... b:...............He................................... , though Exercise 5 B C E F G ^ 46 Complete the article about Formula One with a suitable word from the list below. both (xD aswellixl) as well as (xl) also(,x1) yet(xl) although ;x4) whereas (>".) despite 1x2) ň , ormula One, erran 'Fiat A. last ten years has been e stra ord i nary. Renault are important (5)....................... With 400 million people watching each (6)...................... Ferrari and McLaren-race it is perhaps the world's oumber one Mercedes have huge sponsorship deals, sport, (II AlihiiiHIl. football (21.................... Ferrari's sponsors include Marlboro, Fiat makes this claim. Formula One is the ideal marketing tool for companies, as shown by the fact that sponsors for Jaguar, like Ford, PAG and HSBC are very happy - 13)...................... the fact thai Jaguar is not actually very successful on the track. Most years the sport is dominated by two teams, Ferrari and McLaren-Mercedes, (41...................... other teams like BAR Honda, BMW Williams and Benetton and Shell, 17)...................... McLaren-Mercedes have Mercedes, Mobil and Computer Associates. These two top teams each have a budget of over S300 million, and money comes in from direct sponsorship and trade support [8)...................... merchandising, TV rights and prize money. Ferrari have an unusual problem. Their brand name is very famous and the team is very successful, (9)...................... they only sell around 6,000 cars a year. The problem is that they are not directly a S so cistě d with a mass volume car producer, (10)...................... all the other teams are. In reality Ferrari is controlled by Fiat, but (11)...................... being the main owner Fiat gets little publicity when Ferrari wins. Many years ago Gianni Agnelli, the Fiat boss, wanted to rename the cars Fiat Ferrari. 112)...........-......... he tried, he failed. A man called Enzo Ferrari, a legend in Italy, stood in his way. He died in 1989 and Agnelli respects his wishes, but things may change in the future. Linking words 2 A Reason: because, as, since '"vs Lie because, as arci Since /*he" we wart !o evprair- the naascn :or sone:"ing. As and since are more coTmon ;n formal speerh anrj wri! nq I'm ailing to complain because me gooes are damaged. I am returning the goads as/since they 'were damaged on arrival '■ As ano since can come at the begirr.ng of the sentence Normally ■■/.■■ e do not begin sentences with üecauje, but "h.5 "1, possible in informal speech As/since the goods were damaged on arrival, I am returning them. Because you're a first-time customer, i need to see your bank references B Result: so We use to to expii_-ss a result Note the re.ation between ľ.ccause and so-I'm calling to complain because trie goods are damaged ;reason) fhe goods áre damaged, so I'm calling to complain (rešiet) C Purpose: to and for • We use the to infinitive to express purpose, to say why we do things He went to the airport to meet Mr U 'NOT for [o moo;) I'm calling to talk about the sales conference next week. Mr Zitu soid ihc (.',->;yiiiiiii:iii \0011ld n\>ik to iittprorc (Jiiiiii'* uiifiuployilii'iii i>isnr>utit. >y>lcni "id to 'peed up tejotm of tlie idhoiti iikirket. (Ansrr.ili.in hin.ina.il Rľviľw wobsitc) 1 We can use in order to o< so as to in place of to. They are more forma! The CEO called a ptess conference in order to explain the merger. We can use the negative m order not to or so as not to We cannot use nor" ro on its own I'll call a taxi so as not to miss my flight. (NOT I'll call 0 ioxi noHo mw my-flight) -? We can use for followed oy a noun to sav why we do something. He went to the airport for a meeting with Mr Li {= to have a meeting' Sholl we go cut for some lunch'' i= to have some lunch} O Purpose: so that 3 We can use 10 (that) to express Duroose After so (that) we use subject + verb. /,!_'! 1 t'ij tili' question is lion1 .A' yoti tlcrekp your coiuptttiy so that il ..ui evoi-oe tit respoit.-e !o [lunging afiii'JHcr cxpeeljuoih ic-Ihmik'Ss idvt.or \velisiro,i -s For a present purpose we ;.se :ne oresent Simple, vjiI! or can 1'il send ■; by courier so (that) it gets i it'll get to you on time I'm calling you so (that) I can check your last order 5> For a pas; purpose we use the oast simple, would or could í lent it by courier yesterday so (that) it got/it'd get to you on time. ' .'err ač« early so (that) I could go the doctor'; 42 LINKING WORDS 2 175 ■ If the sub ect of the -jrst pa't of the sentence an.d the subject of the purpose clause are c leerem, we can't use to We have to use so (that). I'm calling to talk acuut the sales conference. (same suojec") ľs like a test for Finnish market, (it is not a test, but ,5 it similar to one) ■.\v>, hí'.dr.r-,, ',Wjť nety.oiiiy, to do It jwt bt-iuim !'•>! (tiling von to do it. Yiu'r? i>'Ji'tg I 42 Practice Exercise 1 A B ""'^ ;TleaníPS t0 ;he f™ 5e"te^ ano ran:ains the word Complete the second sentence sc t a rackets 1 ""■'as.nconverientfo í ' *m Karen a copy o' ^ V" ľ , ^ ^^^ it."«..^V^ Karen m.ssed ,he meeting. ' ^ ^^ >he ;"l5wd *e feting. tso, 3 ' '«d ^ '0t of paperwork to d= sni ňr,5'h " ■.......■ ...... ................ ....... ........... feheo work iate ... ^-S°'nrishea™^^e.:becaL;5ei '■^''y-.bac.k.,haveamee(.„g ■^■Wan^pg.to 5 Ht,d»^-'knoW.so,'Nask,^řoro„;;/5;;;;;;............................................... Since........ --• ^i r-r Exercise 2 C D ysferJiiu: che correct word. ' We're not in this business just to -,^,f, f Ir-*.......«^^^rrr^^- = «,«<> to there 0,fer 50 ,,hat m ^ « «■ 8 ".he «decked the figure5 tQ [h f, C'°Jt " 'e Jed!' S HI recheck the figures so [hat the ^,B* "">■"**** Mr, any errors wne„ ;,ey Cd„ '0 Many v.sitors come „ere to , 1 ^ ľ *™ '"''' «"" ^ ™rs when ,hey Jme. °' .o see our automated production ,'rne. Exercise 3 C D !^!!£LÍ12!9™-ngs of each sentence ; -fi .„ > —--------------—-____™ '"'6w,tn3n enomg a) or b] 1 went to Barcelona to -ÍĽJjr^UeJ-Jí^onajor 3 I'm here for ^_Jj_ri_here_to S I rhmk :'s time to Jc^*in.k^s ^ne 'or 1 lrs WDr;h topping around 'or il^íLiíOcaä^ to 9 ' 'eil work early so mat " ^^smesscrtraso^aT"" ^5^ clc^^iC^^EO^dt ;3 !'.'i den' svtn -.personal!-. 14 -^'^^issiaaiii^:^ a) the Trade Fair .-ĚL^jidjhejMde F ji r. a) a ™e'-"'<3 ""th Manuel Lopez _Jdj_TTe_e£Manuei Lopez a) a short ceffee bieak —^il >",. JII expiar ,n,y propose, again so we avoid any coupon JJ <■ ■ ma, our d,snts regularly not to lose contact ,v,th them *fe mail cur cents regularly so as no, to ,ose contact w„h :horn ~' 8 ''■'lake an umbrel'a so j won't get v,et. "=; S '''i'takeanumbreifasolwouldp'lgetwet ''~ 10 ''I take dll umbre.T-a so i don't get vvet Exercise 5 E c-t::^reivj,th ^ -pu! ^ if ^ - »«*. «'„e I *,s at university I someümes worked « 2 lne '-egotiations are going very slowly , ,' ''"''' 3 Anna's so funny! She's a..........A........... ^^ 4 *r,i send the order in two consignments 5 This crisis is not fk , ................... ™ agreed ,n the nieetmq. ................. *e last one. it's worse' ■n lucky, I have a sma.'l room at home that I use 7 You look just u , ................... my study J ...................your brother S lh a s.tuation iike tn,s, you should do exacdy ' ...................'í aays in the book. Exercise 6 A B C D E r* "7 IJnditjLne the correct ,rord/s in this dialogue. 'i;i ^h;u^ii-la-('-'™.s™.ne«.,,,. ..dvi«? !™t;:r:n^i;::^ h lľďd,sk- S" VllL' th:it P,U^ i"» *0 USB port - lts ry, .. -n \x/.-11 rU.e. ,St- .1 !'^-'tLi Wdl, th,ic'( OK th« ■'"..... 'rllepr0Í,,t,IIISi'Ä»^.pti,1,dcvltcmfht,vim fls|H t - - ■, tr, tindAnd [hllI, ullJt _n„ me™ P'- - - "P»P W.^.-..,.....,«-, :t oľcr!T,Mrljpiüp ■,i,) m ihr^:^^ ",ŕ "■wh" ^,TOrned? ™nL l ™-ľw^:r:".......''- -■ *«*k.....* - - >-■—usinB o* s,or^ ' ^ < >l>- ' ''^ lOU[ !'Wt':blí ^-«. hne ,t\ .„i lmcr,M ^ ™< i Mu: cm upi,,.,,' ti]„ [0 .; .vhL.ne,.,. v