A. Translate the following expression into English: (2 pts. each: 22 total) záviděníhodné postavení na trhu – doprovázet nadřízeného na služební cestě – omezení při poskytování poradenství – zajistit přísnou kontrolu finančních výkazů – být připodobňován svému soupeři – zabránit auditorům v poskytování rad – způsobit střet zájmů – objektivní zpětná vazba o strategii podniku – být odpovědný za přesnost informace – mít negativní dopad na morálku zaměstnanců – opatření zakazující firmám vytvářet dohody – B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2pts. each: 4 total) - the use of advertising, design, and other methods to make people recognize and remember a particular product: - an arrangement in which work is done by people from outside your company, usually by a company that is expert in that type of work: C. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition if necessary: (1pt. each: 9 total) to oppose _____ the first attempt _____ regulating the market to carry _____ independent audits _____ financial situations advice _____ financial matters the effect the policy has _____ individuals a special offer _____ electronic components to put _____ the best options to choose _____ D. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above: (3pts. each: 12 total) “Ok, we will give you the discount if you buy at least 10 pieces,” she said. She agreed … “I wasn’t even here yesterday,” he claimed. He claimed … “Are you going to discuss the matter at the board meeting tomorrow?” he asked. He wanted … It was nearly midnight, but Paul continued to play the records loudly. Despite… Hilary returned home in the early hours of the morning and went straight to the office. Although … E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1pt. each. 4 total) 1. He is extremely _______________ about business and finance. (KNOW) 2. They specialize in management _______________. (CONSULT) 3. We were hired to _______________ that the errors will not repeat. (SURE) 4. I hate being a _______________ of bad news, but we will have to make some people redundant. (MESSAGE) 5. The company expects to increase their income through _______________ of additional services. (PROVIDE) F. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the following verbs. (1pt. each: 4 total) LIKEN – LOOK LIKE – THREATEN – DOWNSIZE – AUDIT – SET UP – RETAIL - EMERGE 1. We lost several orders of big firms and consequently had to _______________ the number of staff. 2. The supplier _______________ with legal action if we do not repay the outstanding bills. 3. The new car _______________ for around a million crowns. 4. It is important to solve problems as soon as they _______________. G. Put the verb and other words in brackets into the correct forms. Add prepositions, particles or auxiliaries. (3pts. each sentence: 6 total) 1. Mike ________________ (OFFER, GIVE) me a lift when I had told him I _______________ (HAVE TO, GET UP) at 3 a.m. the next day _______________ (CATCH) the plane. 2. The accountant _______________ (DENY, FALSIFY) the statement deliberately. He admitted, however that he ________________ (BE AWARE) the fact that the number _______________ (SEEM) strange.