I. Listening: (max. 20 points) A. Listen to part of a radio programme about a company called Target. Complete the notes with up to 3 words or a number. Company profile: Target Target is a large American _____________________________________. (1 pt) It may export its _____________________________________________. (2 pts) It has ____________________________________________________ shops throughout the US. (2 pts) Sales reached ______________________________________________ 12 months ago. (2 pts) Typical shoppers have a ______________________________________ of ca $ 50,000 p.a. (1 pt) It________________________________________________________ own-brand goods. (2 pts) Target runs very stylish _______________________________________________________. (2 pts) Recently it offered people on holiday _______________________________________ goods. (1 pt) It has sold the Marshall Field’s Chain of ______________________________________. (1 pt) It aims to keep on _____________________________________________. (1pt) B. Listen to a person talking about the Enron fraudulent case. Circle whether the statements are true T of false F. S. Watkins wrote a memo to the CFO informing him of fraudulent behaviour in the company. T/F The meeting between her and the CEO led to the opening of an internal inquiry. T/F Based on the inquiry the senior management was dismissed. T/F Before she revealed the truth she sold off her stock options. T/F The Sarbanes-Oxley Act threatens CEOs and CFOs with jail if they fail to hand in financial statements. T/F II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each = 16 points) zadat práci externě nezávislému účetnímu – trpět akutním stresem – narůstající náklady na nábor zaměstnanců – přizpůsobit výrobek požadavkům zákazníka – zhodnotit rizika nově vznikající společnosti – být oprávněn prodat kmenové akcie – jednat o úsporách z rozsahu – makléřská firma zodpovědná za první vydání akcií – B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each = 4 points) a short period when the electricity supply to a building or district is stopped, especially at night: a company or investment that makes a lot of money and is safe to invest in: C. Complete the sentence using the following phrases and write their translations into Czech. (2 points each = 6 points) JUNK BOND, RETURNS ON INVESTMENT, COLLATERAL, CORE BUSINESS NICHE PLAYER, STATUS SYMBOL, CONFLICT OF INTERESTS 1. The competitors accused them of running into _______________ because of their consultative operations to governmental agencies. In Czech:_______________ 2. Even though most shares have been bought, the auction did not bring ______________ they all had expected. In Czech:_______________ 3. Instead of settling for being a __________________, the firm is ready to contest the mass market. In Czech: _______________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each = 4 points) PAY OFF, ASSIGN, THREATEN, IMPOSE, TURN OUT, OUTFLANK, DRAW UP, RETAIN 1. The Managing Director of the small chain relied on excellent customer service but it _______________ that people preferred the choice and anonymity of hypermarkets. 2. There have been complaints from your subordinates informing me that you ______________ too much extra work. 3. If you are a company selling to a major distribution chain, then your buyers can ___________ ___________ certain conditions on you. 4. We all agree it is imperative to ______________ guidelines for dealing with emergencies. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each = 4 pts) 1. The training policy sees all positions as having the potential for _____________. (LEAD) 2. The aim of the campaign is to boost the ________________ image of the brand. (WEAK) 3. _______________sources of energy are limited and can’t be replaced. (RENEW) 4. Congratulations! You were _______________ yourself by saying you have no chance to do it! (ESTIMATE) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. The questionnaires are aimed _____ measuring strengths and weaknesses of the participants. 2. If they prove that bidding _____ display ads works, rivals are bound to follow. 3. We are concerned _____ the latest development of the project and I think we should scrap it. 4. I am sorry to say that your draft failed to comply ______ the required standard. 5. The couple started _____ a company providing clients _____ thorough managerial training. 6. These moneylenders charge interest _____ rates as high as 100 per cent per month. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) 1. Investment in fine art hardly ever brings the returns that would justify the cost. Rarely ___________________________________________________________________. 2. The local people got even poorer as oil reserves ran out. If _______________________________________________________________________. 3. I have written twice. I still haven’t received a reply. Despite ___________________________________________________________________. C. Put the VERBS and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliaries if necessary. (9 points total) 1. The consultant _____________________ (ADVISE, we, POSTPONE, SELL) the subsidiary for a couple of months after the markets ________________ (CALM DOWN). 2. It was pointed out that the recruitment agency responsible for hiring the person ___________ _______________ (SUGGEST, INVITE, he, DISCUSS) the issue along with the line manager next week. Nevertheless, the time of the meeting __________________ (not CONFIRM) yet. 3. Next year we _______________ (MANUFACTURE) the same model for 10 years and I don’t think it _____________________ (CHANGE) soon. D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 pts each) 1. I’ll send it by courier so that it __________________________________________. A: got there on time. B: gets there on time. C: ’ll get there on time D: can get there on time. 2. Here is my phone number in case you ___________________________________________. A: needed to contact me B: would need to contact me. C: will need to contact me. D: need to contact me. 3. Although ____________________________________, he gave an excellent presentation. A: he didn’t use any notes B: not using any notes C: him not using any notes D: no notes were used IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) Translate the sentences into English: (8 points each) 1. Vnitropodnikový výcvik nabízí řadu možností pro zaměstnance na všech úrovních počínaje denními kurzy zaměřenými na povědomí a prevenci stresu až po semináře podněcující vyjednávací schopnosti. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Známá naftařská společnost oznámila, že provedla nabídku na převzetí společnosti Unocal. Očekává se, že hodnota akcí společnosti prudce vzroste, jelikož přístup ke zdrojům bude volný. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________. I. Listening: (max. 20 points) A. Listen to part of a radio programme about a company called Target. Complete the notes with up to 3 words or a number. Company profile: Target Target is a large American retailer ( 1 pt) which may export its business strategy (2 pts). It has 1,200 (2 pts) shops throughout the US. Sales reached $ 41 billion (2 pts) 12 months ago. Typical shoppers have a family income (1 point) of ca $ 50,000 p.a. It commissions (2 pts) own-brand goods and runs very classy advertising campaign (2 pts). Recently it offered people on holiday discount (1 pt) goods. It has sold the Marshall Field’s Chain of department stores (1 pt). It aims to carry on innovating (1pt). B. Listen to a person talking about the Enron fraudulent case. Circle whether the statements are true T of false F. S. Watkins wrote a memo to the CFO informing him of fraudulent behaviour in the company. F The meeting between her and the CEO led to the opening of an internal inquiry. T Based on the inquiry the senior management was dismissed. F Before she revealed the truth she sold off her stock options. T The Sarbanes-Oxley Act threatens CEOs and CFOs with jail if they fail to hand in financial statements. F II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each = 16 points) zadat práci externě nezávislému účetnímu – to outsource work to an independent accountant trpět akutním stresem – to suffer from acute stress narůstající náklady na nábor zaměstnanců – increasing recruitment costs přizpůsobit výrobek požadavkům zákazníka – to tailor the product to customers needs/to customise.. zhodnotit rizika nově vznikající společnosti – to assess risks of a start-up být oprávněn prodat kmenové akcie – to be entitled to sell equities jednat o úsporách z rozsahu – to deal about economies of scale makléřská firma zodpovědná za první vydání akcií – a brokerage responsible for IPO B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each = 4 points) a short period when the electricity supply to a building or district is stopped, especially at night: blackout power cut a company or investment that makes a lot of money and is safe to invest in: blue chip C. Complete the sentence using the following phrases and write their translations into Czech. (2 points each = 6 points) JUNK BOND, RETURNS ON INVESTMENT, COLLATERAL, CORE BUSINESS NICHE PLAYER, STATUS SYMBOL, CONFLICT OF INTERESTS 1. The competitors accused them of running into conflict of interests because of their consultative operations to governmental agencies. In Czech: střet zájmů 2. Even though most shares have been bought, the auction did not bring ROI they all had expected. In Czech:výnosy z investic 3. Instead of settling for being a niche player, the firm is ready to contest the mass market. In Czech: firma zaujímající malou část trhu D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each = 4 points) PAY OFF, ASSIGN, THREATEN, IMPOSE, TURN OUT, OUTFLANK, DRAW UP, RETAIN 1. The Managing Director of the small chain relied on excellent customer service but it turned out that people preferred the choice and anonymity of hypermarkets. 2. There have been complaints from your subordinates informing me that you assign too much extra work. 3. If you are a company selling to a major distribution chain, then your buyers can impose certain conditions on you. 4. We all agree it is imperative to draw up guidelines for dealing with emergencies. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each = 4 pts) 1. The training policy sees all positions as having the potential for leadership. (leading nelze použít) 2. The aim of the campaign is to boost the weakening image of the brand. 3. Non-renewable sources of energy are limited and can’t be replaced. 4. Congratulations! You were underestimating yourself by saying you have no chance to do it! III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. The questionnaires are aimed at measuring strengths and weaknesses of the participants. 2. If they prove that bidding for display ads works, rivals are bound to follow. 3. We are concerned about the latest development of the project and I think we should scrap it. 4. I am sorry to say that your draft failed to comply with the required standard. 5. The couple started up a company providing clients with thorough managerial training. 6. These moneylenders charge interest at rates as high as 100 per cent per month. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) 1. Investment in fine art hardly ever brings the returns that would justify the cost. Rarely does fine art bring the returns that would justify the costs. 2. The local people got even poorer as oil reserves ran out. If the oil reserves hadn’t run out, the local people wouldn’t have got even poorer. 3. I have written twice. I still haven’t received a reply. Despite writing twice, I still haven’t received a reply. Despite the fact that… C. Put the VERBS and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliaries if necessary. (9 points total) 1. The consultant advised us to postpone selling the subsidiary for a couple of months after the markets calm down/have calmed down. 2. It was pointed out that the recruitment agency responsible for hiring the person suggested inviting him to discuss the issue along with the line manager next week. Nevertheless, the time of the meeting has not been confirmed yet. 3. Next year we will have been manufacturing the same model for 10 years and I don’t think it will change soon. D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 pts each) 1. I’ll send it by courier so that it __________________________________________. A: got there on time. B: gets there on time. C: ’ll get there on time D: can get there on time. 2. Here is my phone number in case you ___________________________________________. A: needed to contact me [DEL: B: :DEL] [DEL: would need to contact me :DEL] . C: will need to contact me. D: need to contact me. 3. Although ____________________________________, he gave an excellent presentation. A: he didn’t use any notes B: not using any notes C: him not using any notes D: no notes were used IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) Translate the sentences into English: (8 points each) 1. Vnitropodnikový výcvik nabízí řadu různých možností pro zaměstnance na všech úrovních, počínaje jednodenními kurzy zaměřenými na povědomí a prevenci stresu až po intenzivní semináře podněcující vyjednávací schopnosti. The in-house training provides a variety of options for staff on all levels starting with one-day stress awareness and prevention courses up to intensive seminars enhancing negotiating skills. 2. Známá naftařská společnost oznámila, že provedla nabídku na převzetí společnosti Unocal. Očekává se, že hodnota akcí společnosti prudce vzroste, jelikož přístup ke zdrojům bude volný. A well-known oil company announced it had made a bid to acquire Unocal company. The share value is expected to soar as/since the access to sources will be free. [DEL: In case you would need to contact me :DEL] In case (a další časové spojky) se chová stejně jako if, tzn. nelze po něm použít kondicionál!