Wish and if only 1 What might you say in these situations? Begin I wish ... 1 to someone who never answers your emails ___________________________________ 2 to someone who makes rude remarks about you _________________________________ 3 to someone who won't hurry up ____________________________________________ 4 to someone who never does the washing-up _________________________________ 5 to someone who isn't telling you the whole story _________________________________ 6 to someone who blows cigarette smoke in your fact _________________________________ 7 to someone who won't tell you what he's thinking _________________________________ 2 Vicky is fed up. What is she saying? Use if only. 1 (She is so tired.) __________________________________________________ 2 (She gets headaches.) __________________________________________________ 3 (Her work isn't going well.) __________________________________________________ 4 (She can't concentrate.) __________________________________________________ 5 (Life is so complicated.) __________________________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences. Use these words: accepted, caught, found, played, saved, stayed 1 I spent all my money. I wish now _____________________________________________ 2 I missed the train. I really wish _____________________________________________ 3 Rita left the party early. Nick wishes _____________________________________________ 4 Emma refused the offer. But her parents wish ______________________________________ 5 I looked everywhere for the key. I wish __________________________________________ 6 The injured player could only watch. He wishes _____________________________________ 4 Complete the conversation. Claire: Oh, Henry. You're giving me another present. It's very sweet of you, but I wish (0) you wouldn't give me so many presents. Henry: Claire, I've been thinking. I shouldn't have asked you to marry me. I wish now that (1) .................................................................. Claire: Now you're talking nonsense. I wish (2) ................................................, Henry. Henry: I'm not a young man, am I? Of course I wish (3) ................................................ Claire: Why don't you listen? If only (4) ........................................... to me just this once. Henry: Why couldn't we have met twenty years ago? I wish (5) ........................ you then. Claire: Henry, twenty years ago I was just starting school.