+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |U28 ECONOMICS AND ECOLOGY | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ GREEN ISSUES to discharge into; to monitor; to maintain; not to deplete; to dispose of; greenwash; carcinogenic; landfills; incinerators Environmental pollution Companies should of course minimize environmental pollution = damage to the land, sea, etc. caused by their activities. They should not pollute the air with toxic emissions from chimneys or with toxic liquids that they 1. _____________ rivers or the sea. They should 2._____________ waste in more acceptable ways. Nuclear power plants are required to 3. ____________ levels of radioactivity in the air and water around them, but critics say that even minimum levels of radioactivity are unacceptable. And some pollutants are 4. _________________ = causing cancer. Governments impose stringent regulations to force companies to limit pollution. Recycling Products should be recyclable = the EU, e.g., has regulations about the proportion or percentage content of products and packaging that must be reused and recycled. Household and industrial waste should also be recycled. Supporters of recycling say that dumping waste in 5. ________________cannot continue indefinitely and that burning waste in 6. __________________ is also environmentally damaging. Sustainability Some industries are directly dependent on natural resources, and managing these resources so that they 7. ______________ is essential. For example, deep-sea fishing has to be done in a way that 8. _________________fish stocks and avoids overfishing. Another aspect of sustainability is renewable or alternative energy sources such as wind or power. These are some of the environmental or green issues that companies are facing. Some companies produce reports on these issues that give a more favourable impression than is justified by the real facts. This is called 9. ___________________by critics. Vocab. incinerator = a machine that destroys waste or other material by burning it; spalovna, spalovací pec