Presentation Skills for Business Students - Guidelines on Presentation Literature used: * Mark Powell: Presenting in English – How to Give Successful Presentations, Thomson Heinle 1996. * Mario Klarer: Působivá prezentace a přednáška v angličtině, Grada 2007. Criteria to be met when presenting * Well defined topic and structure of presentation. * Good interaction with audience (rhetorical questions, question tags). Keeping their attention. * Keeping and referring to the structure of the presentation. Announcing next point (Signposting). * Handling Question and Answer Session well. * Keeping time limit. Introduction * Your name. * Position in the company (especially if related to the topic of your presentation). * Topic of your presentation (personalizing your topic). * Purpose of presentation. * Structure of presentation. * Information about Q&A Session. Signposting * In good presentation, what you say – the content- is much more important than anything else. But a clear structure helps. When you move on to your next point or change direction, tell the audience. Signposts - examples * To move on to * To go back to * To summarize * To expand on * To recap on * To turn to * To digress from * To conclude * To elaborate on Commenting on Visuals * Visuals help you to give a lot of information in a short space of time. * They are “quick snapshots“ of situations, developments, events and processes which would take a long time to explain fully in words. Commenting on Visuals * Good visuals speak for themselves and require little or no description, but you often need to draw your audience´s attention to one or more key points before you discuss them in detail: q 1 HIGHLIGHTS – Which parts of the visual are most significant? q 2 COMMENTS – Why? q 3 INTERPRETATIONS – What conclusions can you draw? Types of visuals - 1 Types of Visuals - 2 Question and Answer Session * Must be included in the presentation. * You need to invite your audience to ask questions. * You need to anticipate questions and ideally have answers to them ready. End of presentation. * You need to thank the audience for their time and attention.