exam Test PJI/4 – regular term, DD/MM YYYY Model Test +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Name: | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Teacher: | TOTAL | | |-------------------------------------------| | MARK | | Number of points (max. 150 points) | (90 points to pass) | | |-------------------------------------------+---------------------+------| |I. Listening: | |IV. Grammar: | | | | |-----------------+----+---------------+----| | | |II. Vocabulary: | |V. Reading: | | | | |-----------------+----+---------------+--------------------------| | |III. Translation:| |VI. Letter: | | | | |-----------------+----+---------------+--------------+-----------+------| +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Part 1: Tara Williamson is an economist who is being interviewed by Jay Thomas about setting prices. Listen to part 1 and 2 and answer the | |questions: | | | | (3 points per item; total 15 pts) | | | | | | | |1. How did she feel about the actions of the petrol station owner from the point of view of: | | | |a) an ordinary citizen ? | | | |b) an economist? | | | | | | | |2. Which economic principle does she claim her story illustrates? | | | |3. What were the short-term benefits, and long-term consequences of the owner’s actions? | | | |4. How did Tara explain what happened to Jay? | | | |5. What pricing strategy is used by many companies? | | | | | | | |Part 2: In the final part of the interview, Tara and Jay discuss the price-fixing powers of manufacturers and retailers. Listen to part 3 and decide if the | |statements 1-5 are TRUE (T) of FALSE (F): | | | | (1 point per item; 5 points) | | | |1. Big brands often leave prices to the discretion of retailers. T F | | | |2. Discounted prices damage some brands. T F | | | |3. Supermarkets buy luxury brands on the black market. T F | | | |4. Loss leaders attract customers to stores. T F | | | |5. Supermarket chains try to maintain the same prices as their competitors. T F | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | |II. Vocabulary: (max. 30 points) points | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Translate the following expressions from Czech into English: (2 pts per item; total: 14 pts) | | | | | | | |1. přehodnotit nepříznivou obchodní bilanci – ________________________ | | | |2. do vyprodání zásob – __________________________ | | | |3. vměšovat se do vymáhání plateb – ________________________ | | | |4. být obviněn z daňového úniku (nelegálního) – __________________________ | | | |5. opakovaně odmítnout hlídkovat proti stávkokazům – ___________________ | | | |6. hospodářský cyklus vytvářený sám sebou – __________________________ | | | |7. doložka nejvyšších výhod – ________________________________ | | | | | | | |B. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs: (1pt per item; total: 5 pts) | | | | | | | | SHORT-LIST, FIRE, SET, ANTICIPATE, EXPECT, OPEN, MAKE, ABANDON, LEAVE, HANDLE, INTRODUCE, LOOK AFTER | | | | | | | |1. There is no point in __________ objectives if you don´t communicate them to your staff. | | | |2. If your qualifications and abilities match the job description you might ___________. | | | |3. Marketers have to identify or __________ consumers´ needs. | | | |4. Gold convertibility _______________ because the Federal Reserve did not have enough gold. | | | |5. Although the consignment _____________ with care, important components were damaged in transit. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |C. Complete each sentence with a word made from the words given in brackets | | | | (1pt per item; total: 5 pts) | | | |1. The _____________________ will send it by truck on a RoRo ferry. (CONSIGN) | | | |2. The money already paid is ___________________________ (RETRIEVE) | | | |3 InterMedia _____________________ Erling last year to become the largest media | | | |group in the region. (TAKE) | | | |4. There was a general lack of ___________________ about safety issue. (AWARE) | | | |5. In the late 1990s, many countries witnessed a sharp economic _____________ (TURN). | | | | | | | | | | | |D. Give the terms the following definitions refer to: (2 pts per item; total: 6 pts) | | | | | |1. a stock in a large company or corporation that is considered to be a secure investment = | | | | | | | |2. the process of arranging for somebody outside a company to produce goods or provide services for that company = | | | | | | | |3. a small, specialized, but profitable segment of a market = | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |III. Translation: (max. 30 points) points | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | (10 pts per sentence; total: 30 pts) | | | | | | | |1. Pokud chce společnost ovlivnit cílový trh reklamou na svůj výrobek, měla by vzít v úvahu známé rozdělení marketingového programu na tak zvaná 4 P: výrobek, | |místo, reklama a cena. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2. Vlády, na rozdíl od soukromých společností, nemají možnost vydávat žádné cenné papíry, a proto vydávají dluhopisy, když veřejné výdaje překročí příjmy z daně | |z příjmu, DPH a dalších daní. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3. Pracovní vztahy se zdají být lepší v zemích, průmyslových odvětvích a společnostech, kde je dobrá komunikace, to jest, kde odbory netrvají na zachování naprosto| |neekonomických pracovních míst. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |IV. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. | | | | | | (1pt per item; total: 6 pts) | | | |1. I need to meet someone who deals _______ foreign exchange. | | | |2. They decided to move upmarket and start selling goods _______ superior quality. | | | |3. The information must be treated _______ confidence. | | | |4. The system helps us cope _______ delivery times and solve possible planning conflicts. | | | |5. Unemployment will be reduced temporarily _______ the cost of increased inflation. | | | |6. We haven’t placed the order _______ them yet. | | | | | | | |B. Put the verbs and any other words in brackets into the correct form. You may need to add the necessary auxiliary verbs, prepositions and particles. Use the | |verbs in the brackets in the given | |order. | | | | (3 pts per item; total: 15 pts) | | | |1. We will not deal with them unless they _____________________________ (stop, file) the unjustified claim. | | | |2. It is necessary to find out how much _____________________________ (radiology, contribute, increase) health care costs. | | | |3.-4. If he _____________________________ (not urge, we, handle) the backlog of orders, we _____________________________ (fail, be) more competitive at that time. | | | |5. They (make, we, put off, negotiate) French car dealers. | | | | | | | |C. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above | |it: (3 pts per item; total: 9 pts) | | | | | | | |1. We were considering the merger proposal for most of last year. | | | |The merger __________________________________________ . | | | | | | | |2. We have bought fewer units than last year. | | | |We haven’t bought _________________________________ last year. | | | | | | | |3. “Does your company provide investment advice?” | | | |The person asked _______________________________________ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |V. Reading: (max. 20 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Read this text taken from an article about the structure of organizations. Choose the best | |below sentence to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 1-5, mark one letter (A – H). There | |is an example at the beginning, (0). Do not use any letter more than once: | | | |The new organisation | | | |Fifty years ago William Whyte, an editor at Fortune magazine, wrote a book called “The | |Organisation Man” that defined the nature of corporate life for a generation by looking at | |typical organisations. (0)…G…. | | | |Half a century on, organisation man seems almost extinct. The company that used to be most | |closely identified with this way of life was IBM. (1) _____ . It is some measure of the | |change that has taken place since Whyte's day that today 50% of IBM's employees have worked | |for the company for under five years; 40% of its 320,000 employees are “mobile”, meaning | |that they do not report daily to an IBM site; and about 30% are women. An organisation once | |dominated by lifetime employees selling computer products has been revolutionized into a | |conglomeration of transient suppliers of services. | | | |(2) _________. Here, globalisation of production and sales, and the large-scale shift of | |responsibility to outsiders for what were once considered a company's core functions—via | |outsourcing, joint-ventures and other sorts of alliances that involve a loosening of control| |over vital inputs – are commonplace. | | | | Today instead we have “networked person”, a species that can now be observed | |in airport lounges, on fast inter-city trains and at motorway service stations. He is always| |on the move, juggling with a laptop computer, a mobile phone and a BlackBerry for e-mails, | |keeping in electronic touch with people he no longer regularly bumps into in a corridor. | |Indeed, there may be no corridor. (3) _______ . Organisation man did bump into people in | |corridors, but he was cautious about networking. In his world, knowledge was power, and he | |needed to be careful about sharing out his particular store of it. He found comfort in | |hierarchy, which obviated the need to be self-motivating and take risks. | | | |He lived in a highly structured world where lines of authority were clearly drawn on charts,| |decisions were made on high, and knowledge resided in manuals. | | | |Networked person, by contrast, takes decisions all the time, guided by the knowledge base he| |has access to, the corporate culture he has embraced, and the colleagues with whom he is | |constantly communicating. (4) ________ . | | | |And yet despite the dramatic changes in the way people work, the organisations in which they| |carry out that work have changed much less than might be expected. In an article in the | |McKinsey Quarterly last year, two of the firm's consultants argued that “today's big | |companies do very little to enhance the productivity of their professionals”. (5) ________ .| |In other words, 21st-century organisations are not fit for 21st-century workers. | | | |The classic structure in which organisation man felt comfortable consisted of a number of | |business units that operated similarly but separately. They were controlled by a head office| |that determined strategy and watched over its implementation. | | | | | | | |A This is because these days, many employees no longer have a physical home base in a | |building provided by their employer. | | | |B As a result, being able to keep in touch with a much wider range of people through | |technologies such as e-mail has brought everyone closer. | | | |C This transformation has been brought about by a variety of changes in the environment in | |which businesses operate, particularly in communications technology. | | | |D For many years its managers wore only dark blue suits, white shirts and dark ties, symbols| |of their total allegiance to the organisation. | | | |E In fact, their vertically oriented organisational structures, retrofitted with ad hoc and | |matrix overlays, nearly always make professional work more complex and inefficient.” | | | |F Ideas and commands moved up and down from headquarters to these units, leading to the | |creation of vertical “silos” with very little communication between them. | | | |G Foremost among the organisations that he had in mind was the corporation, which he thought| |rewarded long service, obedience and loyalty quite as faithfully as did any monastery or | |battalion. | | | |H For example, many studies have shown there is no strong link between granting share | |options as a form of compensation and employee performance. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |VI. Letter: (max. 20 points) | | points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Draft a letter to Mr. Gérard by Mr. Gerlach and include the following points: | | | |- poděkujte za dopis z 8. května 2007, ve kterém se protější strana zajímala o | |možnosti úvěru; | | | |- uveďte, že si ceníte toho, že v minulosti pan Gérard zadal Vaší firmě značné | |množství objednávek, nicméně uveďte, že své výrobky prodáváte za nesmírně konkurenční ceny. | |Tento fakt Vám umožňuje jenom malý ziskový rozdíl/marži a znemožňuje Vám nabídnout úvěrové | |možnosti kterémukoliv z Vašich zákazníků; | | | |- za danou situaci se omluvte a vyjádřete naději, že druhá strana chápe Vaše | |důvody; | | | |- znovu poděkujte za dopis, vyjádřete, že se těšíte na odpověď. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ exam Test PJI/4 – regular term, DD/MM YYYY Model Test – Answer Key +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Name: | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Teacher: | TOTAL | | |-------------------------------------------| | MARK | | Number of points (max. 150 points) | (90 points to pass) | | |-------------------------------------------+---------------------+------| |I. Listening: | |IV. Grammar: | | | | |-----------------+----+---------------+----| | | |II. Vocabulary: | |V. Reading: | | | | |-----------------+----+---------------+--------------------------| | |III. Translation:| |VI.Letter: | | | | |-----------------+----+---------------+--------------+-----------+------| +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Part 1: Tara Williamson is an economist who is being interviewed by Jay Thomas about setting prices. Listen to part 1 and | |2 and answer the questions: | | | | (3 points per item; total 15 | |pts) | | | |1. How did she feel about the actions of the petrol station owner from the point of view of: | | | |c) an ordinary citizen ? | | | |d) an economist? | | | | | | | |2. Which economic principle does she claim her story illustrates? | | | |3. What were the short-term benefits, and long-term consequences of the owner’s actions? | | | |4. How did Tara explain what happened to Jay? | | | |5. What pricing strategy is used by many companies? | | | | | | | |Part 2: In the final part of the interview, Tara and Jay discuss the price-fixing powers of manufacturers and retailers. | |Listen to part 3 and decide if the statements 1-5 are TRUE (T) of FALSE (F): (1 point per item; 5 points) | | | | | | | |1. Big brands often leave prices to the discretion of retailers. T F | | | |2. Discounted prices damage some brands. T F | | | |3. Supermarkets buy luxury brands on the black market. T F | | | |4. Loss leaders attract customers to stores. T F | | | |5. Supermarket chains try to maintain the same prices as their competitors. T F | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |II. Vocabulary: (max. 30 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Translate the following expressions from Czech into English: (2 pts per item; total: 14 pts) | | | | | | | |1. přehodnotit nepříznivou obchodní bilanci – to reassess/review unfavourable balance of trade | | | |2. do vyprodání zásob – until stocks last | | | |3. vměšovat se do vymáhání plateb –to intervene in recovering of payments | | | |4. být obviněn z daňového úniku (nelegálního) – to be accused of tax evasion | | | |5. opakovaně odmítnout hlídkovat proti stávkokazům – to repeatedly refuse to picket | | | |6. hospodářský cyklus vytvářený sám sebou – self-generating business cycle | | | |7. doložka nejvyšších výhod – The most-favoured- nations clause | | | | | | | |B. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs: (1pt per item; total: 5 pts) | | | | | | | | SHORT-LIST, FIRE, SET, ANTICIPATE, EXPECT, OPEN, MAKE, ABANDON, LEAVE, HANDLE, INTRODUCE, LOOK AFTER | | | | | | | |1. There is no point in setting objectives if you don´t communicate them to your staff. | | | |2. If your qualifications and abilities match the job description you might be shortlisted. | | | |3. Marketers have to identify or anticipate consumers´ needs. | | | |4. Gold convertibility was abandoned because the Federal Reserve did not have enough gold. | | | |5. Although the consignment was handled with care, important components were damaged in transit. | | | | | | | |C. Complete each sentence with a word made from the words given in brackets | | | | (1pt per item; total: 5| |pts) | | | |1. The consignor will send it by truck on a RoRo ferry. (CONSIGN) | | | |2. The money already paid is irretrievable. (RETRIEVE) | | | |3 InterMedia took over Erling last year to become the largest media | | | |group in the region. (TAKE) | | | |4. There was a general lack of awareness about safety issue. (AWARE) | | | |5. In the late 1990s, many countries witnessed a sharp economic downturn/(upturn) (TURN). | | | | | | | | | | | |D. Give the terms the following definitions refer to: (2 pts per item; total: 6 pts) | | | |1. a stock in a large company or corporation that is considered to be a secure investment = blue chip | | | | | | | |2. the process of arranging for somebody outside a company to produce goods or provide services for that company = | |outsourcing | | | | | | | |3. a small, specialized, but profitable segment of a market = a niche | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |III. Translation: (max. 30 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | (10 pts per sentence; total: 30 pts) | | | |1. If a company wants to influence the target market with an advertisement for its product, it should consider (take into | |consideration) the well-known division (classification) of the marketing programme into ‚4 Ps‘: product, place, promotion | |and price. | | | | | | | | | | | |2. Governments, unlike private companies, do not have the option (possibility) of issuing (to issue) any equities, and | |therefore they issue bonds when public spending (expenditures) exceed(s) receipts (revenues) from income tax, VAT and | |other taxes. | | | | | | | |3. Industrial (Working) relations seem to be better in countries, industries and companies where the communication is | |good, i.e., where (trade / labour) unions do not insist on the preservation of completely uneconomic jobs (positions). | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |IV. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. | | | | | | (1pt per item; total: 6 | |pts) | | | |1. I need to meet someone who deals in/with foreign exchange. | | | |2. They decided to move upmarket and start selling goods of superior quality. | | | |3. The information must be treated in confidence. | | | |4. The system helps us cope with delivery times and solve possible planning conflicts. | | | |5. Unemployment will be reduced temporarily at the cost of increased inflation. | | | |6. We haven’t placed the order with them yet. | | | | | | | | | | | |B. Put the verbs and any other words in brackets into the correct form. You may need to add the necessary auxiliary verbs,| |prepositions and particles. Use the verbs in the brackets in the given order. | | | | | | (3 pts per item; total: 15 | |pts) | | | |1. We will not deal with them unless they stop filing the unjustified claim. | | | |2. It is necessary to find out how much radiology contributes to increasing health care costs. | | | |3.-4. If he hadn’t urged us to handle the backlog of orders, we would have failed to be more competitive at that time. | | | |5. They have made / made us put off negotiating with French car dealers. | | | | | | | | | | | |C. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above | |it: (3 pts per item; total: 9 pts) | | | | | | | |1. We were considering the merger proposal for most of last year. | | | |The merger proposal was being considered for most of last year. | | | | | | | |2. We have bought fewer units than last year. | | | |We haven’t bought as many units as last year. | | | | | | | |3. “Does your company provide investment advice?” | | | |The person asked if our company provided investment advice. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |V. Reading: (max. 20 points) points | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | (4pts per item; | |total: 20 pts) | | | |Read this text taken from an article about the structure of organizations. Choose the best | |below sentence to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 1-5, mark one letter (A – H). There is| |an example at the beginning, (0). Do not use any letter more than once: | | | |The new organisation | | | |Fifty years ago William Whyte, an editor at Fortune magazine, wrote a book called “The | |Organisation Man” that defined the nature of corporate life for a generation by looking at | |typical organisations. (0) G. | | | |Half a century on, organisation man seems almost extinct. The company that used to be most | |closely identified with this way of life was IBM. (1) E It is some measure of the change that| |has taken place since Whyte's day that today 50% of IBM's employees have worked for the | |company for under five years; 40% of its 320,000 employees are “mobile”, meaning that they do| |not report daily to an IBM site; and about 30% are women. An organisation once dominated by | |lifetime employees selling computer products has been revolutionized into a conglomeration of| |transient suppliers of services. | | | |(2) D Here, globalisation of production and sales, and the large-scale shift of | |responsibility to outsiders for what were once considered a company's core functions—via | |outsourcing, joint-ventures and other sorts of alliances that involve a loosening of control | |over vital inputs – are commonplace. | | | | Today instead we have “networked person”, a species that can now be observed in| |airport lounges, on fast inter-city trains and at motorway service stations. He is always on | |the move, juggling with a laptop computer, a mobile phone and a BlackBerry for e-mails, | |keeping in electronic touch with people he no longer regularly bumps into in a corridor. | |Indeed, there may be no corridor. (3) A. Organisation man did bump into people in corridors,| |but he was cautious about networking. In his world, knowledge was power, and he needed to be | |careful about sharing out his particular store of it. He found comfort in hierarchy, which | |obviated the need to be self-motivating and take risks. | | | |He lived in a highly structured world where lines of authority were clearly drawn on charts, | |decisions were made on high, and knowledge resided in manuals. | | | |Networked person, by contrast, takes decisions all the time, guided by the knowledge base he | |has access to, the corporate culture he has embraced, and the colleagues with whom he is | |constantly communicating. (4) B. | | | |And yet despite the dramatic changes in the way people work, the organisations in which they | |carry out that work have changed much less than might be expected. In an article in the | |McKinsey Quarterly last year, two of the firm's consultants argued that “today's big | |companies do very little to enhance the productivity of their professionals”. (5) F In other | |words, 21st-century organisations are not fit for 21st-century workers. | | | |The classic structure in which organisation man felt comfortable consisted of a number of | |business units that operated similarly but separately. They were controlled by a head office | |that determined strategy and watched over its implementation. | | | | | | | |A This is because these days, many employees no longer have a physical home base in a | |building provided by their employer. | | | |B As a result, being able to keep in touch with a much wider range of people through | |technologies such as e-mail has brought everyone closer. | | | |C This transformation has been brought about by a variety of changes in the environment in | |which businesses operate, particularly in communications technology. | | | |D For many years its managers wore only dark blue suits, white shirts and dark ties, symbols | |of their total allegiance to the organisation. | | | |E In fact, their vertically oriented organisational structures, retrofitted with ad hoc and | |matrix overlays, nearly always make professional work more complex and inefficient.” | | | |F Ideas and commands moved up and down from headquarters to these units, leading to the | |creation of vertical “silos” with very little communication between them. | | | |G Foremost among the organisations that he had in mind was the corporation, which he thought | |rewarded long service, obedience and loyalty quite as faithfully as did any monastery or | |battalion. | | | |H For example, many studies have shown there is no strong link between granting share options| |as a form of compensation and employee performance. | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |VI. Letter: (max. 20 points) points | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Draft a letter to Mr. Gérard by Mr. Gerlach and include the following points: | | | |- poděkujte za dopis z 8. května 2007, ve kterém se protější strana zajímala o | |možnosti úvěru; | | | |- uveďte, že si ceníte toho, že v minulosti pan Gérard zadal Vaší firmě značné | |množství objednávek, nicméně uveďte, že své výrobky prodáváte za nesmírně konkurenční ceny. | |Tento fakt Vám umožňuje jenom malý ziskový rozdíl/marži a znemožňuje Vám nabídnout úvěrové | |možnosti kterémukoliv z Vašich zákazníků; | | | |- za danou situaci se omluvte a vyjádřete naději, že druhá strana chápe Vaše | |důvody; | | | |- znovu poděkujte za dopis, vyjádřete, že se těšíte na odpověď. | | | | | | | | Possible solution: R.G. Electronics AG | | | | Havmart 601 | | | | D – 50000 Köln 1 | | | | | | 11| |May 2007 | | | |M.P. Gérard | | | |251 rue de Raimonieres | | | |F – 86000 Poitiers Cédex | | | | | | | |Dear Mr Gérard | | | | | | | |Thank you for your letter of 8 May 2006 in which you enquired about credit facilities. | | | | | | | |We appreciate that you have placed a number of orders with us in the past. However, as you | |probably realize, our products are sold at extremely competitive prices. This allows us only| |small profit margins and prevents us offering any of our customers credit facilities. | | | | | | | |We are very sorry that we cannot help you in this case and hope you understand our reasons. | | | | | | | |Once again, thank you for writing, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. | | | | | | | |Yours sincerely | | | |R. Gerlach | | | |Sales Director | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+