Rok Qd Pd Y Qs Ps t 1922 98.6 100.2 87.4 108.5 99.1 1 1923 101.2 101.6 97.6 110.1 99.1 2 1924 102.4 100.5 96.7 110.4 98.9 3 1925 100.9 106 98.2 104.3 110.8 4 1926 102.3 108.7 99.8 107.2 108.2 5 1927 101.5 106.7 100.5 105.8 105.6 6 1928 101.6 106.7 103.2 107.8 109.8 7 1929 101.6 108.2 107.8 103.4 108.7 8 1930 99.8 105.5 96.6 102.7 100.6 9 1931 100.3 95.6 88.9 104.1 81 10 1932 97.6 88.6 75.1 99.2 68.6 11 1933 97.2 91 76.9 99.7 70.9 12 1934 97.3 97.9 84.6 102 81.4 13 1935 96 102.3 90.6 94.3 102.3 14 1936 99.2 102.2 103.1 97.7 105 15 1937 100.3 102.5 105.1 101.1 110.5 16 1938 100.3 97 96.4 102.3 92.5 17 1939 104.1 95.8 104.4 104.4 89.3 18 1940 105.3 96.4 108.5 108.5 93 19 1941 107.6 100.3 111.3 111.3 106.6 20 food food pridisposab food prices recei time consumptat retaiincome/ productiby farmers f[in years] per capicost of cost of per capi cost of living iliving index living index ##### Sheet 2 ##### ##### Sheet 3 #####