FORHAM VEHICLES PLC Lever Estate Scarborough Yorkshire Y011 3BS Telephone: +44 (0)172316952 Fax:+44 (0)1723 81953 Email: Date: 20 June 20— Herr R. Zeitman E.E Baden AG Zülpicher Str. 10-20 D-40000 Düsseldorf 11 Dear Herr Zeitman Order No. VC 58391 We are writing to you with reference to the above order and our letter of 22 May in which we asked when we could expect delivery of the 60 dynamos (Artex model 55) you agreed to supply on 3 June for an export order. We have tried to contact you by phone, fax, and email but no-one in your organization seemed to know anything about this matter. It is essential that we deliver this consignment to our Greek customers on time as this was an initial order from them and would give us an opening in the Greek market. Our deadline is 28 June, and the lorries have been completed except for the dynamos that need to be fitted. Unless we receive the components within the next five days, our customers will cancel the order and place it elsewhere. We would like to make it clear that we are holding you to your delivery contract, and if any loss results because of this late delivery we will take legal action. Yours sincerely Michael BUucJotunv Michael Blackburn Director Complaint about non-delivery Inthis case the customer, Forham Vehicles, makes lorries for export.They placed an order with E.F.Baden to supply them with sixty dynamos for a shipment of lorries to be exported to Greece. Baden have neither delivered the order nor replied to Forham's previous letter urging them to make delivery, so Forham send a strong complaint. f I %. 1 Reg. England: 8969135 vat. 462 32117 109