Off-exchange market, financial instruments 11th March 2009 Off-exchange market nOff-exchange market is market where operations are not limited by exchange statue nIts operations are also limited by directions or rules but there are more moderate then in exchange market. nOff-exchange market is a competitor of exchange market. Off-exchange market nExistence and function of off-exchange market is determined by several circumstance: qStrict conditions for quotation of financial instruments in exchange market. qFor instruments that do not fulfill quotation in exchange market is off-exchange market alternative way for trading, liquidity and pricing of issued instruments. q Trading in stock exchange is determined by schedule. qAfter exchange hours is possible to trade only in off-exchange markets (some of them trading 24/7). qOff-exchange market as a competition qlower transactional payments, or qfavorable trading conditions for particular investors (ARIEL, TRADEPOINT, etc. – trading system for institutional investors with lower transactional costs). qBecause Off-exchange markets are not bound by so strict rules as stock-exchanges they are able to offer techniques of trading according to particular investors requirements. NASDAQ nOrganized off-exchange market in USA is supported by electronic system NASDAQ (National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotations) –quote driven system. nNowadays in NASDAQ is traded with qMore than 3000 stock issuances qMore than 2000 debt issuances nThere is more than 500.000 traders and about 500 market makers. NASDAQ nTrading system in NASDAQ works in several levels. qLower level (the cheapest) – offers the flow of information through information agencies Reuters or Quatron. There are no to disposal of information about quotation of market makers. qUpper level – information about quotations of market makers. It is possible to trade with them. qTop level (the most expensive and the largest) - traders operate as a market maker. NASDAQ nConditions for quotation in NASDAQ qMinimal volume of emission – 4 millions USD qMinimal number of public trade securities in emission: n100.000 securities – segment of small companies n500.000 securities Specific market segments in NASDAQ nNasdaq National Market qMore strict condition for trading qMore traded securities – blue chips nSmallCap Market qSegment for small, new starting companies nSOES (Small Order Execution System) qTrading with at most 1000 securities in one trading order qGuarantee trading with the best price in the market nNASDAQ International qTrading in standard (London) time nNASDAQ Canada, NASDAQ Japan, NASDAQ Europe. Investment instruments and their characteristics nInvestment instrument qAsset that brings claim for future revenue qRevenue is in the form of: nDividends nCoupon payments nInterests nExchange rate profits Financial instruments nStocks qLong term security without maturity day. qType of stocks nCommon stocks qmost widespread and most traded nPrior stocks qLimited voting rights, priority for dividends qIn USA two types of prior stocks. Common and cumulative prior stocks. qCommon prior stocks – dividends only if company gets profit. qCumulative prior stocks – lower dividend payment but together with commutation of dividend payment claims for years when company gets loss. Cumulated claims from bad years are paid out in good years. Financial instruments nBonds qDebtor security with qowner right for redemption and qissuer duty of settle a claim. qMaturity day is fixed. qShort-term bonds – several months qLong-term bonds – till 30 years qIssuer of bonds undertakes to qredeem face-value of bond and qpay coupon payments in regular intervals. qCoupon payment has several forms: nFix interest rate nDifference between face value and emission price nVariable interest rate derivates from different interest rates or revenues, foreign exchange rates, etc. Financial instruments nTypes of bonds qStraight Coupon Bonds nThe oldest type o bond. nIt is also known as a Vanilla Bond. nPurchase of this bond investor gets right to fixed coupon payment and face value that are paid at the same moment on maturity day. nFor investor is this type of bond profitable in non-inflation environment and in time of interest rate decrease. nFor issuer is this type of bond profitable in inflation environment and in time of interest rate increase. Financial instruments nFloating Rate Notes – FRN qBonds with floating coupon payment. qThe high of coupon payment is very often derived from particular referential value (PRIBOR, LIBOR, BRIBOR, etc.). qInterbank referential rate is only starting point for coupon payment. To this variable level is very often crediting fixed premium (6M PRIBOR + 0,1%). qCoupon payment imitates with delay the development of market interest rates. Investor participate in the growth and decline in market interest rate (risk and chance). Financial instruments nIn same types of FRN there are strictly defined borders for movements of coupon payments. qFloor FRN minimal border for decline of coupon payment. qCap FRN maximal border for growth of coupon payment. qMinimax FRN maximal and minimal border qDroplock FRN if interest rate decline under determine border FRA is converted into Straight Coupon Bond. Financial instruments nZero Coupon Bonds qBonds without coupon payment. qThis type of bond is issued with discount it means that issue price is lower than face value. qIn the maturity day is paid back face value. qThe profit for investor is difference between issue price and face value. nIndex-Linked Bonds qCoupon payment is determined by development of some index - wages, prices, oil or some market index. nWith real indexing qDevelopment of index-linked bonds is determined by changes in real asst prices. qDuring growth of inflation the price of most real assets is growing qThis bonds retain value in high inflation environment because the value of real asset is rising. nWith financial indexing qDevelopment of index-linked bonds is determined by changes in financial instruments prices e.g. stock index. Financial instruments nMortgages bonds nMunicipal bonds nConvertible bonds qThis bond links classical bonds rights with right to convert this bond into another nBond or nstock of the same issuing company qInvestor into this convertible bond must decide in particular day if nconverts bond into another instrument or nretains bond till maturity when takes face value and regular coupon payments. Financial instruments nThe coupon payments of this bond are lower than in case of standard bonds. nSuitable for situation when investors assume that stocks of issuing company are underestimate and expects future growth in their price. Financial instruments nSubordinated bonds special type of bonds nin case of liquidation or bankrupt the claims of owner of subordinated bonds will be settled after settlement of all other claims. nThe best know subordinated bonds are follows: qJunk Bonds nBonds of poor quality nRating in level of speculative (Ba, BB, B) nIssued by qcompanies where occur decline in financial situation – Fallen Angels or qyoung, starting companies with high risk profile nJunk Bonds qHigh risk but also above-average revenue qThe value of Junk Bonds reacts to sensitive in economy cycle Financial instruments qCallable Bond nAccording to predefined conditions can be withdraw by issuers or investors. qPerpetuity Bond nWithout maturity nCoupon payments for unlimited period nIssued usually by government Rating nRevenue that is expected from particular bond is derived from level of risk related with particular bond. nFor appreciation of credit risk is used rating. nCredit risk – depends on issuers and possibility to settle their obligations. nRating offer information how is particular subject able to fulfill engagements in time and in full extent. Rating nFirst rating is related with debenture bonds of railway companies in USA. Made in 1909 by John Moody. nIn 1914 first rating company Moody’s Investor Service. nIn 1916 rating company Standard & Poor’s. nThe development of rating from the 1960’s-70’s in USA and 1970’s – 1980’s in Europe. nThe first activities was related with rating of debenture bonds and bill of exchange. nNowadays rating companies carry out rating of qBonds, mortgages, derivatives or instruments as a result of securitization. qCompanies, cities, countries, etc. List of Ratings Ratings Financial instruments nOptions Options are financial instrument which give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or to sell (put) an underlying asset at a predetermined price (exercise price or strike price) on or up to a certain date (European or American exercise style). Financial instruments nUnderlying assets qThe option derives its price from the value of an underlying asset. This can be a qstock, qindex, qbasket or any other financial asset. nA basket is a group of two or more assets, such as shares or indices. nUsually baskets have an investment theme, commonly a region or a sector (such as shares of banking or telecommunications companies). Financial instruments nEuropean and American style qOptions can be classified as a European or American style according to time period when holder may use its right to receive payment. q European style holder can use its right only in particular predetermined maturity day. qAmerican style holder can use its right on any business day till particular predetermined maturity day. n Financial instruments nFirst option exchange was established in 1973 in Chicago. qChicago Board Options Exchange qAbout 60 % of all option trades is in North America qAbout 30 % in Europe and the rest is Asia nAccording to embodied right qCall Option – right to buy underlying qPut Option – right to sell underlying qPremium qThe price of option Financial instruments n Motions to use options qSpeculation nbear or bull market trend qHedging, especially nInterest rate risk nExchange rate risk Financial instruments nCall option qA call option is an financial instrument which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy an underlying asset at a predetermined price (exercise price or strike price) on or up to a specified date (European or American style). qA call option gives the holder the possibility to benefit from an increase in the value of the underlying asset, while limiting potential losses to the premium paid. Financial instruments nA put option is a financial instrument which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price (exercise price or strike price) on or up to a specified date (European or American style). nA put option gives the holder the possibility to benefit from a decrease in the value of the underlying asset, while limiting potential losses to the premium paid. Financial instruments nIn case of put or call options there are different expectations between buyer and seller. nAccording to character of trade: qExchange trading options qOff-exchange trading options nExchange trading options are traded together with financial futures in derivative exchanges from the 1970's. All options parameters are standardized: qUnderlying, exercise price, maturity day nOff-exchange trading options are designed according to investor requirements, esp. to hedge against risks. q n Financial instruments nWarrants A call warrant is a tradable security which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy an underlying asset at a predetermined price (exercise price or strike price) . nA put warrant is a tradable security which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price (exercise price or strike price). Financial instruments nWarrants are in some characteristics similar to options but there are also differences: qWarrant is security issued by one issuer qOption is not security and it is issued by more persons. qWarrants are traded in spot markets, are not under strong standardization and offer several types of underlying. qOptions are traded in future exchanges, are under strong regulations and types of underlying are limited. qWarrants has duration several years qOption has duration several mounts qNumber of issued warrants is fixed determined qNumber of options is daily changeable. qAccording to right dominates call warrants qNumber of call and put options are almost similar q Financial instruments nWarrants has been traded since 1850's. nThe interest of investors has increase since the 1980's. nMotivations to use warrants qHedging of current low price of financial instrument for future buy. qHedging of current high price of financial instrument for future sell. qSpeculation for future bull or bear market – leverage effect. nLeverage effect qInvestor profit from warrant investment can rise in some conditions quicker than profit in particular rising underlying. qThe reason is that investor invest less money in warrant then is direct investment in underlying. qBut leverage effect works in both ways in decline of underlying the decline in warrant price is higher. Financial futures nFinancial futures contract is a standardized contract, traded on a futures exchange, to buy or sell a certain underlying instrument at a certain date in the future, at a specified price. The future date is called the delivery date or final settlement date. The pre-set price is called the futures price. The price of the underlying asset on the delivery date is called the settlement price. nA futures contract gives the holder the obligation to buy or sell . nFinancial futures contracts are not issued but it is necessary to meet buyer and sell of contract. This process is called as a matching. n Financial instruments nReal assets qFinancial instruments in physical, material form. nAdvantages of investment in real assets qHedging again inflation qDiversification in portfolio qHedging against political uncertainty qRevenues nDisadvantages qHigh transactional costs nSpread between bid and offer about 20-25% n financial assets spread about 0,5-2 %. qNon-existence of liquid and effective market qVolatility of revenues in short time period Financial instruments nPrecious metals, especially qGold, platinum, palladium qThe revenues from precious metals are volatile and investment in precious metal is related with higher risk. n Investments in gold instruments qNowadays in the world there is about 150 000 tunes of gold, yearly is mined about 1600-2000 tunes. qInvestment n gold instruments are in form of nDirect investment - goldbrick, ingot nIndirect investment - “paper gold” - stocks of mining companies, gold bonds, etc. Financial instruments nDirect investment qCenters: London, Zurich, NY, Hong-Kong, etc. qSpot or future trades qSpot trades nPhysical buy of goldbrick, ingots with delivery till 2 days nInvestor can gold takes physically or deposit in bank -> gets certificate about proprietorship. nWith spot trading of gold are related storage and insurance costs about 2-3% per year. nStandard goldbrick weights 400 troy ounce (12,44 kg) and it is called bar. nFor retail investors are created tola bars or Ten tola bars with weight about several grams. Financial instruments nFuture trades in form of nGold swaps, gold loans and gold forward sales nTraded in OTC markets nMain traders: gold producers, central banks and gold dealers. n Financial instruments nGold loans nFinancing of gold mining, used since 1982. nBefore gold mining a company borrows gold that sells and moneys uses for gold mining financing. nMined out gold is used as a payment for first gold loan. Financial instruments nForward sales are used by mining companies to sell gold that will be mined in several years. qMain purpose is a hedging against decline in gold price. qForward sales are mediated by banks called bullion banks. qThis bank borrows (usually from central bank) gold in volume that is expected to be mined and sells the gold in spot market. qMoney from this transaction are deposited in money market. qSeveral mounts later mining company returns mined gold together with interest payment to central bank. qMining company gets back money from money market together with interest payments minus interest payments paid central bank and provision for bullion bank. n Financial instruments qInvesting in stocks of gold mining companies nThe value of gold mining companies is determined by development of price of gold. nMovements of these stocks are under leverage effect it means that 1% change in price of gold effect several percentage change in price of gold mining companies stocks. nBeside price of gold these stocks are determined by qMining costs, political and economical situation in the country, labour costs, etc. qGold bonds nIndex bonds their price is related with price of gold. nThe best know – France government issue – Pinay and Giscard. Financial instruments nDiamonds qThe most of diamond supply is under control of South African company DeBeers Consolidate Mines Limited that nkeeps 1/3 of all diamond mine. ncontrols about 75 % of world trade with not-cutted diamonds. nReal Estate n Arts Thank you for your attention