Part 6) Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 2 Basic Types of Markets (products) Consumer products: goods or services purchased by an ultimate consumer for personal use Business products: goods or services purchased for use either directly or indirectly in the production of other goods and services for resale The key to classification is to identify the purchaser and the reasons for buying the goods The Role of Market Segmentation ■ Market Segmentation: division of the total market into smaller, relatively homogeneous groups ■ No single marketing mix can satisfy everyone. Therefore, separate marketing mixes should be used for different market segments. EXAMPLE: ✓Targeting a Specific Market Segment ✓ Which segment? Criteria for Effective Segmentation ■ Successful segmentation requires the following □ homogeneity within the segment □ heterogeneity between segments □ segments are measurable and identifiable (in terms of both purchasing power and size) □ segments are stable over time □ segments are accessible and actionable = promote to and serve a market segment □ target segment is large enough to be profitable Segmenting Consumer Markets Segmenting Consumer Markets ■ Geographic Segmentation: Dividing an overall market into homogeneous groups on the basis of their locations □ Does not ensure that all consumers in a location will make the same buying decision. □ Help in identifying some general patterns. What's the zvinter forecast? Snow, sleet and diaper rash. It's rii$j séfrsóft. Whei^nwífrtifthičfygĚt utoti' diaper rush thaw jtj? 1/ niliťr time of \fenr. Why ttpw? Colds, Jhi ami antibiotics, for ttarh'.rf.. Su he- prepared with theftrs: nisei only 'ditipcj spetialhj d&l$0m to fu'ff? treat and protéci 'against diaper rash. :*jr r. * J EXAMPLE: Pampers □ This ad is an example of geographic segmentation. □ When visiting the web site look for the different countries Pampers markets to. Segmenting Consumer Markets Demographic segmentation: ■ dividing consumer groups according to characteristics such as: ■ sex (gender), ■ age, ■ income, ■ occupation, ■ education, ■ household size, ■ stage in the family life cycle, etc. 1) Segmenting by gender ✓ Marketers must ensure that traditional assumptions are not false ✓ Other firms start by targeting one gender and then switch to both ✓ Some companies market successfully to both genders 2) Segmenting by age ✓Many firms identify market segments on the basis of age ✓Products are often designed to meet the specific needs of certain age groups ■Segmenting by age ^Sociologists attribute different consumer needs and wants among various age groups to the cohert effect SCohert effect is a tendency among members of a generation to be influenced and drawn together by significant events occurring during their key formative years, roughly 17 to 22 years of age Typical products for „young generation": • Soft drinks • Mobile phones • Alcool Seniors— By 2025, seniors will make up considerable percentage of the population and control significant portion of country's total financial assets. They've got two loving daught J And long term care insurance from a company they Preserve ytnir independents um\ hctp jjriUcd yarn- Hfc savings, ^vith the leader in long lerm enrft insurance Wlmi il 1'ilinrs [|akL :igi:l| n he I'm t iin: I inning m [In- CK Fttiiun ia1 Asmh^i mi- hnnily til COAipartta fcf loitj* wrm <:;inL iii*ui lhie r, .Sre how wrr cm lu-l]>vmi jjIiurl^itLihiy^l-Jn^^it' nmrL innsiti^hntnfrjit" while ■ i■ 1T = ■ - -' Hi ^rnlri'l VtiUi' tlJL siivinn^. Tot Itiurt- inJbril1:l(iiiH I'ruiH rt'tlc^ft^tf n:|>i(r->i";ii;ii^iL".! Villi l^&MtHr$33froi vj.tii [tiir MitBj *iie m wu^jrt".(.oni/Niitfjit-Tnifiirr- Pa* c:tv:iv sicL]i i«u LiikiL in INV. itin i'ini Lnifl Gil lohtrlp. VVe bring ijooii things to life. '■■h. nfiK.u t.n-i'ik.Lt,.i "il = i hi ir^i en hf^i Electee CzpilBl A?6i i^anDB COmDfloV Bn