Review Test PJI1A IB: Unit 10 Name: Teacher: TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK Number of points (max. 100 points) I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) Energetická společnost obchodující s fosilními palivy – _________________________________ Používat větrání místo klimatizace - __________________________________________________ Nečekaně rychle stoupající ceny ropy – ______________________________________________ Propagovat udržitelný rozvoj a energetickou soběstačnost – __________________________________________________ Urychlit již patrné dopady globálního oteplení – ______________________________________ řešit nepravidelné výpadky proudu– ________________________________________________________ Spotřebovat zdánlivě nevyčerpatelné zásoby ropy – ____________________________________ Tvořit 30% exhalací plynů způsobujících skleníkový efekt – ______________________________ B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. a place where energy is produced from atoms via controlled reactions: 2. using less energy to provide the same level of energy service by means of a more efficient technology: C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) SHORTAGE - VESTED INTEREST – POWER CUT– CARBON DIOXIDE – DISCHARGE – WASTE – BIOMASS – RUNNING COSTS 1. Global energy demand will increase 45% by 2030, and energy-related ____________________ emissions will increase by the same amount In Czech: 2. As he owns the land, he has a _______________________ in the project being approved. In Czech: 3. The company has to face a __________________ of skilled labour. In Czech: D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) CONDUCT – EXAGGERATE - BOOST– PEAK – DISRUPT– EXTRACT – CEASE – RENDER – CONTRACT 1. Many think that the Internet has ____________ books useless. 2. The win _______________ the team’s confidence. 3. Metal _______________ as it cools. 4. He _________________ to be a member of the association. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. The access to ______________ housing has become more difficult. (AFFORD) 2. The biggest drawback of a nuclear plant is the __________ of radioactive waste. (DISPOSE) 3. Computers should be made readily _____________ to teachers and pupils. (ACCESS) 4. Taxes have decreased ________________ in recent years. (SUBSTANCE) 5. We have to sort it out. The situation is ________________ (SUSTAIN) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. Customers should use paper bags instead _____ plastic ones. 2. A special team of police were kept _____ standby. 3. Some ministers spoke _____ favour of the proposal 4. All companies are now reliant _____ computer technology. 5. I really can’t do 10 things _____ a time? 6. I am not used _____ being spoken to like that. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) 1. I’m having a school reunion tonight. That’s why I can’t go to Fléda with you. But if I _______________________________________________to Fléda with you 2. You spend all the money gambling. Now you don’t have enough to pay the gas bill. Had you____________________________________________________ the gas bill. 3. I haven’t bought a bicycle yet. There aren’t any cycle paths in the city. But if _____________________________________________________________ a bicycle. C. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Add prepositions if necessary: (1 point each) People have treated the environment over the past 200 years __________ (response) and __________ (consider). If they had not based the development on __________ (renew) sources of energy, we __________ now ________ (have) to search for new, more ______________ __________ (environ, friend) ones. If the pessimists _______ (be) right and the oil reserves __________ (prove) considerably lower than current exaggerated estimates, economic collapse will be ____________ (evitable). If governments understood the importance of sustainable development better they ______________________ (can, start, boost) the use of alternative energies much earlier. But governments usually lack vision and the courage to respond to seemingly ___________ (plausible) and ___________ (ration) scenarios, although they are ________________________ (full, answer) for energy policies. D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 points each) 1. _______ we adopt a policy on staff behavior, we can start punishing them for breaking it A: unless B: provided that C: as soon as D: in case 2. If you ___________ in Coca-Cola you ____________ much more. A: invest....... might earn B: invest .... would have earned C: had invested…will earn D: invested .....could earn 3. His view is ___correct, ___rational and, after all, completely ___significant. B: in…un…non C: D: in…ir…dis IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: (8 points each) Pokud se energetické společnosti z Ruska a Číny budou snažit agresivně získat větší podíl z ropných rezerv, budou společnosti v Evropě a USA nuceny stavět více atomových elektráren a investovat do využití sluneční, větrné nebo geotermální energie. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Kdyby bylo lidstvo neobjevilo způsob, jak zpracovávat ropu a získat z ní energii, nebylo by nyní na současné technologické úrovni, ale současně by nebylo zničilo své životní prostředí. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________