REPORTED (INDIRECT) SPEECH What does Mary say? Mary says: „ I love John very much.“ „We met six months ago.“ „ I have never been in love before.“ „We are very happy.“ „ I will love him forever.“ „ I am seeing him this evening.“ What did Mary tell you? she told me/ said (that)………. she loved John very much. they had met six months ago. she had never been in love before. they were very happy. she would love him forever. she was seeing him that evening. Čas přítomný prostý se mění na minulý prostý, průběhový přítomný na průběhový minulý. Minulý čas i čas předpřítomný se oba mění na časy předminulé. Taktéž se zachovává jejich průběhový nebo neprůběhový tvar. Tvar budoucího času will se mění na would. Zároveň dochází i ke změně některých výrazů: This → that Today → that day Tomorrow → the next day, the following day Yesterday → the day before, the previous day Last year → the previous year / předchozí rok/ Next year →the next year, the following year / následující rok/ Ago →before, v našem případě k záměně slov nedochází, protože k reprodukci dochází příliš brzy po té, co byla řečena přímá řeč a 6 let je ve srovnání s ním velmi dlouhá doba. K výše zmíněným záměnám slov nedochází, pokud k reprodukci přímé řeči na nepřímou dojde ještě před vykonáním děje. Např. He said he would meet her tonight. - Řekl, že ji dnes večer uvidí. / přímá řeč – ráno, reprodukce – odpoledne, děj – večer/ Pokud k reprodukci dojde po vykonání děje, věta bude znít: * He said he would meet her that night. / toho večera/ K posunu časů či záměně výrazů vůbec nedochází, pokud uvozovací věta /např. He said that/ je v čase předpřítomném nebo přítomném. * He has just said he won‘t see her anymore. – Právě řekl, že už ji neuvidí. TENSE CHANGES ACTUAL WORDS REPORT (INDIRECT SPEECH) 'I work for IBM ' She said she _________for IMB. 'I´m working for IBM She said she _________for IBM. 'I´ve worked for IBM' She said she ___________for IBM. 'I´ve been working for IBM' She said she ____________for IBM. 'I worked for IMB' She said she _______________for IBM. She said she ________for IBM. 'I had worked for IBM' She said she __________for IBM. 'I´m going to work for IBM' She said she _____________work for IBM. 'I can/will/may work for IBM' She said she _____________work for IBM. SAY vs. TELL (Emmerson, p. 96) Underline the correct words: 1 Sally told / told me that she had lost the catalogue. 2 This is confidential, please don´t say / tell anything about it. 3 This is confidential, please don´t say / tell anyone about it. 4 Chris said / said me he must leave early. 5 I said / told them about the meal, and they said / told they would come. 6 'You see, ' told / said Steve, 'I always told / said you´d get a promotion. ' 7 'You see, ' told / said Steve, ' I always told / said you you´d get a promotion. ' 8 'Look, ' I told to / said to her, 'why don´t you tell / say me what you mean? ' Rewrite each sentence in reported speech: 1. 'Are you on holiday for the whole of August? ' she asked me. She asked me ______________________________________________ . 2. 'What do the letters 'URL' mean? ' I asked him. I asked him_______________________________________ . 3. 'Have you prepared the figures?' my boss asked me. My boss asked me_____________________________________ . 4. 'When is your birthday?' I asked Francesca. I asked Francesca ______________________________________ . 5. 'Did you remember to back up the file? ' she asked him. She asked him _____________________________________ . 6. How much did you pay for your car? I asked Pablo. I asked Pablo_________________________________ . Reported speech – translation 1. Řekla, že mu to řekne, až bude (on) starší. 2. Tim řekl, že chce být hasičem, až vyroste. 3. Řekl jsem, že budu překvapený, jestli tu zkoušku (on) udělá. 4. Řekli, že mi napíší, jakmile přijedou. 5. Řekl, že nikdy nebyl v zahraničí. 6. Vysvětlila jsem, že to nebyla má chyba. 7. Trvala na tom, že to nebyla ona. 8. Bylo jasné, že plakala. 9. Učitel řekl, že doufá, že jsme všichni pozorně poslouchali. 10. Řekla, že nesouhlasí s tím, co jsem udělal. 11. Pochyboval jsem o tom, že mi řekne, co si opravdu myslí (on). 12. Řekl, že jestli mu nepomůže (ona), řekne jejím rodičům, co se stalo. LISTENING; coursebook, p. 132 TASK Complete the gaps with the most suitable words. Managing director admits he 1. ___________________ (4 words) the falling market share. He failed to 2. _____________________________ ( 7 words) competition. When the department store had done 3. _________________________ (3 words) it was a 4. _______________ (1 word) for them. Now they have a policy of excellent customer service. They aim to make shopping a pleasant experience. The consultant asks about the director´s 5. ______________ (1 word). The director says they are thinking of 6. ______________ (3 words) the hypermarket or possibly trying to compete with them. That´s where the consultant would 7. ______________ (2 words). They need his advice on the best 8. _______________ ion (3 words). The consultant says his job generally is to 9. __________ (1 + 3 words) what seems to be a disadvantage _____________________ and make it an advantage. LISTENING; workbook, p. 60 TASK Complete the gaps with the words you hear: During the summer of 2004, Nokia, the world´s largest maker of mobile phones, suddenly found itself 1. ____________________ (3 words). Its market share in the first three months of the year had fallen to 28.9% 2. ____________________ (3 words) 35% for years. The firm cut prices, but that was only a short-term fix; it then set about addressing the 3. __________________ (2 words). The unveiling of its latest batch of handsets provided 4. _______________ (2 words) that Nokia has changed its ways. Nokia´s Word had two main cause: 5. _________________ (1 word) products which failed to address consumers´ enthusiasm for “clamshell“ or “flip-phone“ camera-phones and highlighted Nokia´s loss of leadership in design; and the company´s 6. _____________ (1 word) to produce 7. _________________(1 word) versions for mobile operators. Many operators have been turning to specialist “original design manufacturers“, or ODMs, mostly based in Taiwan, to supply custom handsets. These are often sold by operators under their own brands, to help differentiate themselves. So the seven new handsets launched by Nokia a year later were 8. ___________ (1 word). Four were “9. slider“ (1 word) designs, in which the keypad can be hidden under the display, and two were clamshells. What´s encouraging is to see Nokia 10. ____________ (1+1 words) the “not-invented-here“ ______________ and becoming a fast follower – this is the best new batch of handsets the firm has produced for four years. This follows the 11. ______________ (1 word) in April of a new line of high-end handsets, the most advanced 12. ______________ (2 words), the N91, includes iPod-style music playback from a tiny hard disk. Meanwhile, Nokia has also changed its 13. ___________________ (3 words). As well as offering to modify the software on its phones to suit particular operators, it has started to offer custom handsets. The first is being made for China Mobile, with others to follow soon. And 14. ___________________ (3 words) reluctant to outsource manufacturing, Nokia has started to use ODMs, as its rivals do, to 15. ________________________ (3 words) in its product line. The firm has become more open-minded, more flexible. Challenges remain, however. 16. _______________ (3 words) in the last three months of 2004, Nokia had a weaker frist quarter this year, 17. ________________ (3 words) poor sales in the USA, where many network operators use CDMA technology rather than the GSM technology used in Europe. Nokia 18. ______________________ (5 words) a deal to buy advanced CDMA handsets from SK Teletech, a South Korean manufacturer, for resale under its own brand. This would 19. ____________________ (4 words) in the US, but also be 20. _________________ (2 words) that Nokia´s own CDMA products are not 21_________________________ (3 words). Nokia says no such deal exists, but that may simply mean that no deal has been done yet. 22. _____________ (2 words), it is clear that Nokia has changed its ways. The company has been licensed email and media-playback protocols form Microsoft, its arch-rival in the field of smartphones – something that would have been 23. ________________ (1 word) a year ago. Nokia is so 24. __________________________ (5 words), it would seem, that nothing is 25. ________________ (1 word).