v If sentences 2 A Put each of these //clauses into the correct box. You have to decide if they describe something which is/was possibly true, or something which is/was definitely not true. possibly true If the captain sent a radio signal definitely not true Example: If the captain sent a radio signal before the ship sank ... 1 If the captain had sent a radio signal before the ship sank ... 2 If Les had been here now ... 3 If Les is here now ... 4 If Sarah said anything to your boss while you were away ... 5 If Sarah had said anything to your boss while you were away ... 6 If Ali had bought the tickets when the box office first opened ... 7 If Ali bought the tickets when the box office first opened ... 8 If I have any more food ... 9 If I'd had any more food ... B Match each meaning on the left with the correct tense on the right. t If you mean that it is possibly true in a) you use if + the simple past (for the present/future ... example, If he left early yesterday...) 2 If you mean that it was possibly true b) you use if+ the past perfect in the past... (for example, If he had left early...) 3 If you mean that it is definitely not true c) you use if + the simple present in the past/present (and even future)... (for example, If he leaves early...) C Match each clause in part A with the correct ending below. Example: If the captain had sent a radio a) we would have been rescued by now. signal before the ship sank,____________ 1 _________________________________ b) they'll rescue us soon. 2 _________________________________ a) we'll be able to ask him. 3 _________________________________ b) we could have asked him. 4 _________________________________ a) you'll be in trouble. 5 _________________________________ b) you would have been in trouble. 6 _________________________________ a) we'll have excellent seats. 7 _________________________________ b) we would have got much better seats. 8 _________________________________ a) I'd give it to you. 9 _________________________________ b) I'll give it to you. * 5^5 ?HĎttsted Ďy Heinemann English Language Teaching This sheet may be photocopied ana used within the class. If sentences 3 mixed //sentences You have just arrived to stay with a British friend at her house. Read the comments your friend makes to you and your thoughts about the comments. Then complete your replies using the word if in each reply and the two verbs in italics in the 'What you think' section. What your friend says What you think You would like to stay, but you don't have time. Example: Why don't you stay longer? You'd be very welcome. 1 Why didn't you ring me You didn't have any from the airport? change so you didn't ring. 2 Do make yourself at You are happy to help home here, won't you? yourself to anything you What you say If J had time I'd stay longer. If I 3 You know, you really shouldn't have brought all these gifts! 4 Why don't you come and meet some of my friends on Thursday? 5 Now, can you remember all the things I've told you about Glasgow? 6 And why not visit Cornwall too while you're here? 7 Is Stephanie meeting us next weekend? freed. You wanted to bring them. 8 By the way, it was a good thing you managed to catch the bus this evening, wasn't it? 9 You look tired! Why don't you have an early night? You'd like to come, but vou aren't sure if vou have time. You aren't sure if you remember, but you can always ring her to ask. You don't have enough money! But you would like to go there. You know she was hoping to comey but you don't __________ know if she got a plane ticket. You are happy you caught Yes, I'd still it because you didn't __________ want to wait until tomorrow morning for the next bus! W » » "»^ ^» ^ß- J » M I vrtinlHn'r I'll rrrrainlv m Don' t worry. Well, I think I would ľm n ot sure. S he'll You are waiting for a phone call so you can't go to bed. I would ^ f ** farejrtfi Sue Lavender 1995. Published oy Heinemarm English Language Teaching This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class