A. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: UNDERWRITE, FILE, IMPOSE, DISCLOSE, EXERCISE, HYPE, BYPASS, SUPPLANT, OUTFLANK, ALIENATE 1. Would they dare risk _________ public opinion? 2. The court can _________ fines of up to two million euros. 3. The tenants are _________ their option to buy the property. 4. Brokers were accused of _________ certain stocks during the technology boom. 5. Their work has _________by the use of a computer program that fulfils the same function. B. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. 1. There is no legal requirement to provide nutritional information on food packaging. (REQUIRE) 2. The bank is obliged to supply investors with _________ advice. (BIAS) 3. The project seemed _________ to succeed. I don´t believe in it. (LIKE) 4. We want a political solution that is _________ to all parties. (ACCEPT) 5. We meet _________with our accountants. (QUARTER) C. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: 1. Three employees refused to comply _____ the new regulations. 2. It would work _____ cheaper to fly. 3. He is still _____ excellent terms _____ boss. 4. They are invited to commit themselves _____ buying shares. 5. The advertising campaign is already _____ full swing. D. Translate the following expressions into English: 1. zaručit první veřejnou nabídku akcií – 2. nutnost čelit tlaku – 3. povinnost splatit dluh – 4. účtovat si vysokou provizi – 5. nemoci vystát/ snést podvodné praktiky – 6. zveřejnit podrobnosti smlouvy – 7. dokončit výkaz o hospodaření – 8. lákavá cena kmenových akcií – 9. opatřit kapitál na burze – 10. nabídnout akcie s velkou slevou –