A. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: DIFFERENTIATE, EXERT, IMPOSE, CONTEST, BLOOM, ENCOUNTER, RELEASE, ENHANCE, RECKON, TRACK 1. This is an opportunity _______________ the reputation of the company. 2. We _______________ a number of difficulties in the first week. 3. We _______________ ourselves from our rivals by offering a higher standard of customer service. 4. The sales figures have not yet _______________. 5. Children _______________ to be more sophisticated nowadays. B. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. 1. Two _______________ reports reached the same conclusions. (DEPEND) 2. There have been _______________ changes in the industry. (STRUCTURE) 3. The book covers every _______________ aspect of the subject. (CONCEIVE) 4. We have a wide range of electrical goods at _______________ prices. (COMPETE) 5. His current _______________ is the appointment of the new manager. (OCCUPY) C. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: 1. He succeeded ____ getting a place at art school. 2. We plan to sell 10 000 units ____ a price of €15 each. 3. The union wanted a 5% pay increase, but had to settle ____ 3%. 4. It is difficult to cede control of projects ____ people who might make mistakes. 5. You must stop the press from finding out ____ all costs. D. Translate the following expressions into English: 1. získat a udržet si konkurenční výhodu – 2. odůvodnit nedostatečný podíl na trhu – 3. stát se hlavním zdrojem příjmů – 4. snížit náklady prostřednictvím úspor z rozsahu – 5. zabránit / zamezit zahraničním firmám vstoupit na trh 6. mít oprávnění potvrdit objednávku – 7. rozšířit distribuční síť – 8. mít dočasně nedostatek zaměstnanců –