A. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: CONVEY, ENDORSE, STREAMLINE, REVAMP, CONSIST, SCRAP, REPEL, DECLINE, DEPICT, REPOSITION 1. The parent company intend _________ the brand as sportswear, rather than fashion. 2. We need _________ the production process. 3. He is _________ the company’s web page. 4. The fabric has been treated _________ water. 5. Plans for a new staff restaurant have _________. B. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. 1. It is becoming _________ clear that this problem will not be easily solved. (INCREASE) 2. Her face _________ when she heard the news. (WHITE) 3. She was a model of _________ and honesty. (SOBER) 4. The floor of the warehouse had to be _________. (FORCE) 5. How is the brand _________ checked? (EFFECT) C. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: 1. That smell always conjures ___ memories of holidays in France. 2. We should not allow her personal difficulties to detract ___ her public achievements. 3. Gucci stands ___ more than just fine quality shoes or suits. 4. He is currently engaged ___ a dispute with his former business partner. 5. This design appeals strongly ___ the Japanese consumer. D. Translate the following expressions into English: 1. vyhnout se nadměrné publicitě 2. padělané výrobky 3. oslabovat exklusivitu značky 4. udržovat si nízkou publicitu 5. poskvrnit pověst firmy 6. zavedená značka 7. rozlišující faktor pokud jde o konkurenci 8. ztratit kontrolu nad cenovou politikou 9. záviset na vyloučení většiny výrobků 10. ztratit důvěryhodnost 11. zaplavit trh padělky