Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. THE MAGIC FAT INJECTION Scientists in London are working on the (0) ...................... of a new DEVELOP kind of (1) ...................... that will INJECT help people to lose (2) ................. WEIGH The product is a liquid that kills off fat cells in the body, and tests on animals have shown (3) .............................. ENCOURAGE results. The (4) ............................. of INVENT the drug are planning to carry out trials on humans soon, and are (5) ....................... about the product's ENTHUSE potential. One of the advantages of the (6) ............................. is that TREAT adults only have a (7) ....................... LIMIT number of fat cells, and when they are killed off, they are destroyed (8) ............................ . If the new PERMANENT drug passes the necessary (9) ........................... tests, it is SAFE likely that it will be extremely (10) ........................... . SUCCESS Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. SHOPPING ALTERNATIVES Shopping has changed beyond (0) ........................... over the last 30 years, RECOGNIZE the (1) ............................. village shop has all but disappeared to be TRADITION replaced by the more (2) ............................... giant supermarkets. But in FASHION 50 years' time, it will be very (3) ............................. as computer DIFFER shopping takes over. Hypermarkets will become more (4) .......................... COMPETE as shoppers are (5) ................................ to use computers to record the prices ENCOURAGE of the things they buy while they shop, or even call up a (6) ......................... FRIEND 'robot' assistant who will talk to them in a very (7) ........................... way NATURE about their purchases and make (8) ............................. about what they SUGGEST should buy. People will also be able to obtain (9) ........................ about INFORM shops and goods and have a more (10) .......................... influence on how POWER food is grown and how goods are made. Shopping will certainly be easier than it is today!