Seminar groups - Eva Punčochářová

Unit 14

Homework for 23 April

  1. p.119/Keynotes
  2. p.121/Article + p.120-122/Reading exercises
  3. Print and bring grammar "Linking words"
  4. Review Unit 12


Homework for 28 April 2009

  1. Read the Article p.121 again and do Vocabulary + Practice p. 123.
  2. Grammar - read the first page of Linking words and do the exercises on the following page
  3. WB Unit 14 Vocabulary 1-3

Homework for 30 April 2009

  1. Linking words 2 - ex. 2-6 + CB p. 124/Practice
  2. CB p.126/Dilemma/Brief+ Task 1 (extracts from the report)
  3. WB p.56-57/Vocabulary + Language check
  4. Print and bring Reported speech (see Grammar)

Homework for 5 May - see Unit 15