Unit 10
Homework for 12 March 2009
- p. 83-84 / REview
- p. 85/Keynotes
- p. 87/Article + p.86/Reading 1 + p.88/ Reading 2+3
- Print and bring new grammar - Conditionals
Homework for 17 March 2009
- p. 88-89/Vocabulary 1+2+Practice
- Grammar - Conditionals - study the first page Conditionals 1/A-F + do the exercises on the following page
- Do the Review Unit 9 (see below)
- Prepare a short (2-3 minutes maximum) presentation on the following topics (see below). The presentation will not use too much technical language or contain complicated details. Its aim is to briefly and intelligibly introduce the topic to the other students. It would be a good idea to write new vocabulary on the blackboard or on paper to give to everybody else - not more than 10 new words ! The link to the website is to be found below (Energy Kid’s Page) :-)
Group 7 - Solar energy (Tomáš), Wind energy (Islamagic), Geothermal (Marcela), Biomass (Dana), Hydro (Filip), Ocean (Lucka). The rest: Oldřich - Uses of energy/Residential - homes; Vojta - Uses of energy/Commercial buildings + Industry and Manfacturing; Jiří - Non-renewable/Oil; David - Non-renewable/Natural gas
Group 12 - Solar (Vláďa + Ondra P.), Wind (Martin D. + Jindra), Hydro (Šárka + Lenka), Biomass (Honza K. + Martin H.), geothermal (Jakub + Pavla), Ocean (Honza + Sváťa), oil (Michal + Nikola), Natural gas (Marek + Ondra K.), Uses of energy/Residential homes + Commercial buildings + Industry and manufacturing (Pavel + Zuzana).
Homework for 19 March
1. Review Unit 9
2. Study Conditionals 2 + exercises 1-4
2. Print and bring Mixed Conditionals
3. p. 92/Dilemma/Brief
4. WB Unit 10/Reading
Homework for 24 March 2009
- p. 90/Practice 1-2
- p.92/Dilemma - read the Brief + learn the vocabulary
- p. 93/Keynotes
- p. 95/Article + p.94-96/Reading / exercises 1-4
- Print and bring Future forms (see Grammar)
Homework for 24 March 2009
- p. 90/Practice 1-2
- p.92/Dilemma - read the Brief + learn the vocabulary
- p. 93/Keynotes
- p. 95/Article + p.94-96/Reading / exercises 1-4
- Print and bring Future forms (see Grammar)