REVIEW TEST PJI4A Market Leader: Unit 7 ­ Finance and banking Name: Teacher: Number of points (max. 100 points) TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) podat žádost o ochranu před věřiteli u konkurzního soudu ­ _______________________________ předběžné výsledky zahrnuté ve finančních výkazech ­ ___________________________________ regulační rámce ovlivňující restrukturalizaci podniků ­ ____________________________________ splatit jistinu a úrok držitelům dluhopisů ­ _____________________________________________ ochrana schválená soudem, věřiteli, akcionáři a správcem daně ­ ____________________________ odečíst splatný úrok ze zisku před zdaněním ­ __________________________________________ odepsat dlužníkům pasiva kvůli snížení dluhu ­ _________________________________________ účetní hodnota zásob a odepisovaných aktiv ­ __________________________________________ B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. the relationship between the amount of money that a company owes (debts) and the value of its shares (equity): 2. something that a company has and that benefits it but does not exist physically, for example a brand or the company's reputation: C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase. (2 points each) PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT, STOCK OPTION, OVERDRAFT, ZENITH, CASHFLOW CONTROL, OPERATING PROFIT, LETTER OF CREDIT 1. Because of its bad ____________________________________, the firm doesn't have enough money available. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 2. The banks offers the possibility to use a(n) ____________________________________ if you want to withdraw more money that you have in your account. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 3. Unfortunately, this program has reached its ________________________________ and now its quality will decrease. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) DIP ­ CONSERVE ­ WIND UP ­ OVERVALUE ­ BACK AWAY TERMINATE ­ CASH IN ­ OUTPERFORM ­ ACCOMPLISH 1. Many investors want to ________________________ their investments in a crisis period because they regard money safer than shares. 2. The hi-tech bubble was caused by irresponsible and unfounded ____________________ the shares of technological companies. 3. Our sales are higher than rivals' so we hope __________________________ them in the next quarter. 4. NBC's turnover ______________________ a little last year but it is expected to rise again this year. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. It is not wise to invest in ______________________________; you should invest in commodities instead. (SECURE) 2. Deferring a payment is the last ____________________________ our company is willing to offer to you. (CONCEDE) 3. The __________________________ show us that our profit will fall by 20% this year. (PROJECT) 4. Low-cost ______________________ have an advantage over national airlines. (CARRY) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. Ford has staved ________ bankruptcy thanks to an additional financial help. 2. Mr Palmer is going to preside ________ the next committee meeting. 3. All out sources of money have dried ________, so we'll have to declare bankruptcy. 4. The firm's bankruptcy has wiped ________ all my investment. 5. I wonder how the annual meeting is going to determine the dividends ________ share. 6. The government pays percentage interest ________ bonds it issued. B. Rewrite the sentences with the given words and use the passive voice: (3 points each) 1. The OAK bank will repay all its debts. It will have done it by next December. The OAK bank ____________________________________________ by next December. 2. The company Jeff works for should have paid all his expenses. Jeff ______________________________________________ by the company he works for. 3. I think it was not necessary for the company to raise, announce publicly and postpone the labor costs. I think the labor costs needn't ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. C. Put the VERBS and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. You may need to use the passive forms of the verbs: (1 point each) Money transfers _________________________________ (BELIEVE, DECREASE) soon as the financial crisis ___________________________________________ (FORCE, consumers, STOP, BUY) as many things as a few months ago. Banks ______________________________ _______________________ (late, DECIDE, AVOID, PROVIDE) risky credits because they ________________________________________ (COULD, ACCUSE, BE) reckless by their shareholders. Banks' managers think it's not worth ___________________________________ (RISK, EXPOSE) the lack of cash, and therefore their policy of _________________________ ____________________________ (ENABLE, enterprises, ASK) loans has become very strict. Businesspeople, on the other hand, ___________________________________ (COMPLAIN, DENY) financial means by banks. Some governments ________________________________ __________________________ (MAKE, their banks, PROVIDE) loans by law recently, which these banks strongly _________________________________________________ (OBJECT). D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 ­ 4. (2 points each) 1. When are you going to __________________? A: let your room painted B: have cleaned the jacket C: get your car repaired D: have your new house built 2. The CEO __________________ in a car accident. A: has had his wife killed B: should have been killed C: might been injured D: is going to be found dead 3. The company __________________ its biggest rival. A: is believed to have been sold to B: was said to be bought from C: is expected to be taken over by D: was known to be resisting to IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: Své finanční výsledky jsou firmy povinny každoročně zveřejnit ve výroční zprávě, která se skládá z několika finančních výkazů. V současné době je však stabilní finanční situace mnoha firem ohrožená a zdá se, že některé z nich buď požádají u soudu o ochranu, nebo zbankrotují. V takovémto případě by firma začala být řízena správcem konkurzní podstaty, který by dohlížel na ukončení všech činností firmy, splacení dluhů věřitelům a zlikvidování firmy. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________