REVISION EXERCISES U1-12 POSE/PRESENT, UNDERMINE, EARN, WAX, ADJUST, FUND, ESTABLISH 1. Sometimes it´s difficult to earn trust and establish good business relationships in this country. 2. Please adjust the pace of your delivery to reflect what the audience is used to. 3. He was waxing lyrical in a classroom on what happens in a business environment without having the first hand experience himself. 4. In India more and more people will have to start working early and fund their own education due to increasingly higher education costs. 5. The arrival of big multinational companies is undermining virtues such as loyalty, hierarchy and discipline. 6. These pose/present a mortal threat to the country´s continued expansion. SEE, FILE FOR, STAVE OFF, WRITE OFF, JACK IN, PRESIDE OVER 7. The company staved off collapse last year thanks to a restructuring in banks and bondholders agreed to write off most of the company´s debt. 8. The year 2005 saw a massive decrease in investment activity. 9. Yesterday they filed for bankruptcy protection. 10. The Czech Republic is presiding over the EU now. 11. He jacked in his job and became self-employed. DECLARE, TAP OUT, MINIMIZE, BIND, TOUT FOR, SOLICIT FOR, TAP INTO, BE RENOWNED, WHIP UP, GO 12. Sometimes consultants resort to using risky strategies like touting for business from clients in whose offices they´re currently working. 13. Anybody can set up their own business and solicit for work. 14. The professional code will minimize the chances of an assignment going wrong. 15. Members of this institute are bound by a professional code of conduct. 16. Traditional sources of revenue have been largely tapped out. There is an urgent need to find new alternatives. 17. Companies try to whip up investors´ enthusiasm with ambitious growth plans. 18. This company is renowned for its ability to tap into new areas of growth. 19. In 2000 the company reported a mammoth loss and declared bankruptcy. 1. These issues set the stage for communication difficulties and potential misuderstandings. /UNDERSTAND/ 2. It´s the most comprehensive and authoritative book on the issue. /COMPREHEND, AUTHORITY/ 3. These are all ripe areas for misinterpretation and irritation. /INTERPRET/ 4. The lecturer made a few serious mistakes in the speech delivery./LECTURE, DELIVER/ 5. This is not a tax-deductible item. /DEDUCT/ 6. She didn´t manage to finish the research so the impact of her work will be insignificant. /SIGNIFY/ 7. Allow the other person to finish her/his response or contribution without interrupting. /RESPOND, CONTRIBUTE/ 8. It´s been pleasure talking to you. /PLEASE/ 9. The appraisees are having an appraisal meeting with their line managers. /APPRAISE, APPRAISE/ 10. The university won recognition from other prestigious education providers. /RECOGNISE, PRESTIGE, PROVISION/ 11. We talked in strict confidence about the issue. This is a sensitive matter. /CONFIDE/ 12. Instructors become facilitators and mentors. /FACILITATE/ 13. We need to improve the accountability of the board to shareholders. /ACCOUNT/ 14. One effect of deregulation in the industry has meant that it is now not obligatory for companies to purchase from any one source. /DEREGULATE, OBLIGE/ 15. Choose your words carefully. A misused word can lose you credibility. /CARE, USE, CREDIBLE/ 16. They are hostile and feel suspicious about why calls are recorded. /HOSTILITY, SUSPECT/ 17. Here is some representative feedback. /REPRESENTATION/ 18. We have consistently outperformed our larger rivals. /CONSISTENT, PERFORM/ 19. The position is for four months to cover maternity leave. /??MOTHER/ 20. He is our most knowledgeable consultant. /KNOW/ 21. They stopped using it gradually. /GRADE/ 22. He specializes in succession planning. /SUCCEED/ 23. Mr Smith´s successor, Mr Simpson decided to diversify into electrical appliances. /SUCCEED, APPLY/ 24. They are not going to be granted any concessions. /CONCEDE/ 25. It was an example of contractual failure. /CONTRACT, FAIL/ 26. Written contracts should also include fees and deliverables. /DELIVER/ 27. The problem is the test can draw inaccurate, misleading or even damaging conclusions. /ACCURACY, LEAD, CONCLUDE/ 28. The market is becoming increasingly competitive. /INCREASE, COMPETE/ 29. They have the cheak to ask for huge fees for substandard work. /STANDARD/ 30. Finding a new source of growth is very difficult. /GROW/ 31. Was it distraction that caused Swissair´s punctuality and baggage handling to worsen, hurting business, and its investments in the world´s more marginal airlines to prove an additional drag on its finance? /DISTRACT, PUNCTUAL, WORSE, INVEST, MARGIN, ADD/ 32. Companies are moving away from large economies of scale. /ECONOMICS/ 33. Unfortunately he is very unlikely to get the job. There are other excellent applicants. /LIKE, APPLY/ 34. You need to put emphasis on important words. /EMPHASIZE/ 35. Send them a second reminder letter. /REMIND/ U13 ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 117 Výsledovka / Výkaz zisků a ztrát = Profit and loss account (GB)/ Income Statement (USA) 118 Rozvaha = Balance sheet 119 Výkaz hotovostních toků v podniku = The funds flow statement (GB) / Source and application of funds statemenent 120 dlouhodobá a krátkodobá pasiva = long- term and short-term liabilities 121 zmrazit, uvolnit aktiva; udávat jako aktiva= to freeze, release assets; to record/show as assets 122 hmotná a nehmotná aktiva = tangible and intangible assets 123 zhodnocující se aktiva = appreciating assets 124 výdaje příštích období = accrued / accumulated expenses 125 vlastní jmění = owners´/ shareholders´equity 126 financovaný z nerozdělený zisk = financed from retained earnings 127 vytvořit si dobré jméno společnosti (jako aktivum) = to build (up) goodwill 128 zvýšit daňovou povinnost = to increase tax lability 129 výše akumulovaných odpisů, oprávky = accumulated depreciation charges 130 prosperující podnik = a going concern 131 podvojné účetnictví = double entry bookkeeping U14 BANKING 132 denně vypočítávaný úrok z dluhu = daily calculated interest on the debt 133 vybírat peníze bez výpovědní lhůty a jakýchkoliv dalších omezení = to withdraw money without any notice and any further restrictions 134 přetažený účet = an overdrawn account 135 vkládat peníze do smluvené výše = to deposit money to an agreed limit 136 držitel vkladového účtu = a holder of a deposit/ time/ notice account 137 ukončit existenci běžného účtu = to terminate the existence of the current/ checking account 128 debetní karta často mylně považovaná za kreditní = a debit card often mistaken for a credit card 129 bankovní transakce provedené z domácího počítače = banking transactions done/carried out from one´s own personal computer 130 měsíční bankovní výpis udávající zůstatek na účtu = a monthly bank statement showing the balance 131 zažádat si o, rozšířit debetní saldo/ přečerpání účtu = to apply for, extend overdraft 132 bránit komerčním bankám v upisování cenných papírů, jmenovitě akcií a dluhopisů = to prevent commercial banks from/- underwriting securities, namely shares and bonds 133 makléři a pojišťovny = stockbrokers and insurance companies 134 legislativa prosazující přísné rozdělení mezi komerčními a investičními bankami = legislation enforcing strict separation between commercial and investment banks 135 účtovat si úrok = to charge interest 136 obchodovat s penězi = to trade in money 137 rovnováha mezi výnosem a rizikem, likviditou a různými daty splatnosti = balance between yield and risk, liquidity and different maturities 138 získávát finanční prostředky na různých finančních trzích = to raise funds on various financial markets 139 účtovat si tučné poplatky za služby = to charge fat fees for services 140 vydávat cenné papíry = to issue securities 141 zrušit přísný mezinárodní zákon= to repeal a strict international law 142 diskontní sazba určovaná centrální bankou = the discount rate determined by the central bank 143 úvěruschopnost klienta jako odhad půjčovatele soudobé a budoucí solvence vypůjčovatele = credit rating / credit standing / creditworthiness as the lender´s estimate/ estimation of the borrower´s present and future solvency 144 garantovaný bankovní jistotou = guaranteed by a collateral 145 splatit závazky v okamžiku, kdy se stanou splatnými = to pay liabilities when they become due U15 STOCKS AND SHARES 146 snížit, popřít, přijmout neomezené ručení za dluhy = to reduce, deny, accept unlimited liability for debts 147 založit společnost s ručením omezeným = to found a limited liability company 148 zbankrotovat = go bankrupt 149 být soudem prohlášený (za společnost) v úpadku = to be declared bankrupt by the court 150 právní entita oddělená od svých majitelů = legal entity separate from its owners 151 aktiva nedostačující k pokrytí dluhů = assets not sufficient / insufficient to cover debts/ liabilities 152 dluhy, kterou zůstanou nezaplacené = debts which remain unpaid 153 banka specializující se na rizikový kapitál = bank specializing in venture capital 154 Společenská smlouva obchodní společnosti (GB) = Memorandum of Association 156 stanovit povinnosti ředitelů a práva akcionářů = to set out/ stipulace the duties of directors and rights of shareholders 157 authorized share capital = vydaný/upsaný akciový kapitál 158 mít akcie obchodovatelné na významných burzách = to have shares traded on major stock exchanges 159 zažádat o kótování společnosti na NY burze = to apply for the company to be quoted on the New York stock exchange 160 společnosti, jejichž akcie jsou veřejně obchodovatelné = companies whose shares are publicly traded 161 splnit velkou řadu náročných požadavků = to fulfil a large numer of demanding requirements 162 akcie poprvé uvedeny na trh v ceně $14.50 = shares floated at $14.50 163 oznámit částečné (první) uvedení společnosti na akciový trh = to announce partial flotation/ initial public offering 164 složit, poskytnout počáteční kapitál = to put up, provide initial/starting/start-up capital 165 úředník obchodního rejstříku spravující obchodní rejstřík = a registrar of companies in charge of company register 166 snažit se získat čerstvé finanční prostředky skrze nárokovou emisi = to seek to raise fresh funds through a rights issue 167 nečekaně navrhnout emisi gratis akcií = to unexpectedly propose bonus issue 168 akcionáři mající nárok hlasovat na valné hromadě = shareholders entitled to vote at a General Meeting 169 část rozdělených zisků ve formě dividend = a proportion of distributed profits in the form of a dividend 170 nevypočítat zbytkovou hodnotu = not to/ fail to calculated residual value U23 – CENTRAL BANKING, MONEY AND TAXATION 1. stanovení horních a spodních limitů pro úrokové míry = setting interest rate ceilings and floors 2. dohled nad komerčními bankami = commercial banks/banking supervision 3. fungovat jako poslední instance v půjčování peněz = to act as a lender of last resort 4. banka zbankrotovala = the bank went bankrupt B: 5. schodek a přebytek rozpočtu = budget deficit and budget surplus 6. nezabývat se cenovou nestabilitou = not to be concerned with price instability 7. velká proměnlivost v bankovních poplatcích = a great volatility in bank charges 8. navzdory dlouhodobým inflačním důsledkům =despite long-term inflationary consequences 9. využívat politický hospodářský cyklus zvýšením nabídky peněz = to exploit the political business cycle by increasing the money supply 10. využívat mezer v daňových zákonech = to exploit loopholes in tax laws 11. metody zrychlených odpisů vytvořené, aby společnosti mohly odpočítávát náklady svých investic ze svých zisků = methods of accelerated depreciation designed/created to allow companies to deduct the cost of investments from their profits 12. zaměstnanecké požitky místo zdanitelných peněz = perks instead of taxable money 13. odpočitatelný z daňového základu = tax deductible 14. přerozdělit bohatství = to redistribute wealth 15. odrazovat zákazníky od kouření cigaret = to dissuade customers from smoking cigarettes 16. daň z dovozu = tax on imports 17. neohlašované pracovní poměry na částečný úvazek známé jako melouchy = undeclared part-time jobs known as moonlighting 18. podzemní ekonomika = underground economy 19. investice, pomocí kterých jednotlivci mohou odsunout platbu daně, známé jako daňový úkryt = investments through which individuals can postpone payment of tax know as tax shelters 20. zaměstnanci s vysokým platem = highly paid employees 21. mít daňovou ztrátu = to make a tax loss 22. praní špinavých peněz se pokouší zamaskovat původ peněz = money laundering tries to disguise the origin of the money 23. daňový únik (legální) = tax avoidance 24. daňový únik (nelegální) = tax evasion 25. Bahamy jako hlavní zástupce daňových rájů – the Bahamas as the main representative of tax havens Coursebook p. 133 reasons – can be omitted in an intercultural setting – can be omitted team members Ö they of living and working in a different culture – can be omitted All of these difficulties when working in an international context mean Ö this is why project managers Ö they cultures Ö ones p. 114 1B 2C 3D 4A 5A 6B 7C 8D 9B 10C 1 FICKLE 2 TIME 3 FLASHY 4 BACK-END 5 STORE 6 ORDER 7 WEBSITE 8 SELLING 9 PRICE 10 A MISTAKE 1 IT IS THE INCREASED 2 WAS THEIR POOR 3 THE THING THAT 4 WHAT HAS 5 QUEUING 6 IS THAT IT´S p. 116 1 OK 2 OK 3 YOU 4 OK 5 THE 6 HAVE 7 THAT 8 BEEN 9 THAT 10 OK 11 NOT 12 DO 1 DEADLINE 2 REACH A CONCENSUS 3 SETBACKS 4 OVER BUDGET 5 SAFETY 6 MULTI-TASK 7 ON TRACK 8 SPONSOR p. 117 1 IT 2 IT 3 BY THEN 4 THEY 5 THE OTHER 6 BOTH PARTIES 7 THE PROJECT 8 THIS 9 THEM 10 THIS 1 SPEAK UP 2 CONFRONTING 3 OVERRUNS 4 DIRECT STYLE 5 MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES 6 FACE-TO-FACE 7 AROUND THE CLOCK 8 MEETING TIMES 9 TELECON 10 TEAMWORK