Describing Graphs Here are the words and phrases you need to talk about trends using graphs. Make sure you can translate these into your own language. UP - verbs go up UP - nouns an increase an upturn DOWN - verbs go/come down decline DOWN - nouns a fall a downturn rake off rise a rise a surge fall decrease a decrease a downward trend shoot up grow a growth an upsurge fall off slip a dechne soar improve an improvement an upward m ,id drop plummet jump re t ket skimp shrink stay at the same level stabilise top Olli NO CHANGE - verbs remain stable level off remain constant stagnate AT THE TOP - verbs teach a peak peak AT THE BOTTOM - verbs leach a low point bottom out DEGREES OF CHANGE Adjectives: dramatic, considerable, sharp, significant, substantial, moderate, slight Adverbs: dramatically, considerably, sharply, significantly, substantially, moderately, slightly SPEED OF CHANGE abrupt sudden PREPOSITIONS a rise from £im to £2m to fall by 30% rapid quick steady gradual slow to increase by 50% an increase of 7.5 per cent over last year 90 Study the following graphs. Complete the descriptions with information from them andI language from the previous page. Several answers are possible. Cheek your answers with those ,n the answer key or discuss them with your teacher. GRAPH I Profits 1967-1982 The company came out of the red in 1968 after which there was a (1)........... ■ ■ ■......■ ■ ™ r i o ,fi,r rl.-w-1„.d m in 1972, hut in 197 J, the year ot the nrotus every year for four years. Pioftrs reached \L\...........• oil crisis, there was a (3) ................... smaller, but after thai profits continued ro (5)..... made » ^ hilhon loss in 1978, after which the litres (6)......................^ tho* years, before (7)...........again m 1982. ■fl-,i_. (4) ...........trend in 1974 was . for four years. The company GRAPH 2 Sales Years 1-12 , 2 3 1 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 The year after we took over the company sales were 8ood, at $12,», bur the second year -hey (j j In iaci, they dropped (2)...........25')». hales (3)........ for another two years, (4)...........for one year, and then (5)...........afiam .wic-c Sine, then, there has been a (6)...........growth for five years. In fact in jus, tour years, sales rose (7)...........$4m (8)...........$Hm, an increase (9)...........230%. 91 6.3 Describing Graphs Graph 1: Answers marked with an asterisk (*) are only one of several possibilities: 1* significant improvement; 2 a peak; 3* substantial decline; 4 downward; 5* fall sharply; 6* improved dramatically; 7* falling off. Graph 2: Answers marked with an asterisk (*) are only one of several possibilities: 1* fell dramatically; 2 by; 3* slipped; 4* levelled off; 5* went down; 6* rapid; 7 from; 8 to; 9 of.