SEMINAR WORK – PRESENTATION Your seminar work for this term will consist of a presentation of a product or a company of your choice.You will give the presentation in the seminar lessons of 29 April and 6 May 2009. Ø Prepare a seriously minded 5-7 minute power point presentation dealing with a product or a company that you know/are familiar with/work with/ for or are interested in. Ø The presentation must include all particulars of a business presentation. It cannot be read, but you can use the aid of your visual material to help you remember important dates and numbers. Ø Be ready to answer questions of your colleagues at the end of the presentation. Invite the questions at the end yourself. Ø A laptop and a data projector will be installed in the classroom before the beginning of the lesson to be at your disposal. All you need to bring is a flash disc with the PPP presentation and handouts for your colleagues if necessary. All students will receive evaluation sheets to make comments on the presentation given by their colleagues during the presentation. To help you prepare for your presentation read the following files.