L9 - 15 APRIL
Pro skupinu: 1015-1145, správné řešení:
(zadáno na 1/4, nezkontrolováno ve škole)
- 92/C (1 now offer, 2 have mixed feelings, 3 repercussions for the company´s good name, 4 no longer impressed, 5 unlikely to be cost-effective)
- 93/D: 1F 2T 3T 4T
- 93/E: 1 -come rolling in, part with- , 2 flashy, user-friendly, up-to-date, 3 demanding, (un)forgiving, fickle, good old-fashioned; customer service, 4 meet and manage (customer), high(er), 5 to (not) be in stock, stock is stored, stock control, stock availability, stock room, stock management, stock orders, 6 take an , fulfil an, process an, pick an order
- 93/F : 1 part with, 2 fulfil/process, 3 high, 4 be in, 5 flashy, up-to-date, 6 fickle, service
- please print out and bring Material for 15 April
- page 131 - Cleft sentence, study and do the exercise
- page 87/ wordbuilding and conditionals. page 88 Writing