Jednou z podmínek ukončení předmětu PJI4A je prezentace v anglickém jazyce dle jednoho z níže uvedených zadání. Prezentace budou probíhat ve třech seminářích, přičemž v daný den proběhne maximálně 6 prezentací.
Studenti se k vybranému datu / tématu přihlásí prostřednictví IS, přičemž přihlašování bude probíhat od
25.2.09 do 11.3.09
Presentation I - 18.3.09
Prepare a short structured Powerpoint presentation of three to five minutes on a history, current development and structure of a multinational company. You may include points such as company's main competitors, its results, strengths and weaknesses, how powerful the company in the market is etc. In order to avoid duplicating presentations, please, inform your teacher as to which company you have chosen.
Companies already chosen:
8,30 - SRAM (J. Majvald), Ford (P. Kuda), Ferrero (E. Malichová), Oriflame (M. Sikorová), Adidas (E. Lysoňková), Zara (M. Zikmundová)
10,15 - Ikea (H. Chasikidisová), Danone (P. Zmrzlíková), Google (V. Špak), Casio (V. Chovancová), Swarovski (B. Chmelíková). Ford (M.Fišar)
12,00 (different assignment - czech product) - Puky (D. Uhlířová), Aviva - pojišťovna (V. Jarůšková), Jablotron (T. Meisel)
Presentation II - 8.4.09
Prepare a short structured Powerpoint presentation of three to five minutes on a history, current development and structure of a Czech company (at least originally). You may include points such as company's main competitors, its results, strengths and weaknesses, how powerful the company in the market is etc. In order to avoid duplicating presentations, please, inform your teacher as to which company you have chosen.
Companies already chosen:
8,30 - Kofola (O. Mecerová), JENA (P. Kapavíková), Rejoice (M. Remešová)
10,15 - Becherovka (H. Kalabusová), Znovín (M. Kopecká), Snowboard Zezula (V. Sobková)
12,00 (different assignment - czech company) - Veletrhy Brno a.s. (G. Mařáková), Kofola (M. Lipoldová)
Presentation III - 6.5.09
Prepare a short structured Powerpoint presentation of three to five minutes on a Czech product or service you find truly competitive on international markets. You may include points such as product's main competitors, target audience, its unique selling proposition, features and characteristics, pricing etc. In order to avoid duplicating presentations, please, inform your teach as to which product or service you have chosen.
Companies already chosen:
8,30 -
10,15 - Jablonecká bižuterie (E. Papoušková)
12, 00 (different assignment - multinational company) - IKEA (J. Blahová)