120 Theory 3.9. Orthogonal Complements and Projection Theorem By a subspace of a Hubert space H, we mean a vector subspace of H. A subspace of a Hubert space is an inner product space. If we additionally assume that 5 is a closed subspace of H, then 5* is a Hubert space itself, because a closed subspace of a complete normed space is complete. Definition 3.9.1 (Orthogonal Complement). Let S be a non-empty subset of a Hubert space H. An element x e H is said to be orthogonal to S, denoted by x _L S, if (.v. v) = 0 for every y G S. The set of all elements of H orthogonal to S, denoted by 5X, is called the orthogonal complement of S. In symbols: SL = {xeH,xLS}. The orthogonal complement of S± is denoted by S±L = (51)1. If xLy for every y € H, then x = 0. Thus, HL = {0}. Similarly, {0} = H. Two subsets A and B of a Hubert space are said to be orthogonal if x _L y for every x e A and y e B. This is denoted by A _L B. Note that, if ALB, then ^ n B = {0} or 0. Theorem 3.9.1. For any subset S of a Hubert space H, the set SL is a closed subspace of H. Hubert Spaces and Orthonormal Systems 121 Proof. If a,/1eC and x,y G S\ then (ax + 0y, z) = a{x, z) + ß(y, z) = 0 for every z G S. Thus, S~ is a vector subspace of H. We next prove that S^ is closed. Let (x„) G S± and x„ —>■ x for some x G H. From the continuity of the inner product, we have (x,y) = ( lim xmy ) = lim (x„,y) = 0 for every y G S. This shows that x € SL, and thus S-1 is closed. D The preceding theorem says that SJ~ is a Hubert space for any subset S of H. Note that S does not have to be a vector space. Since S _L S1, we have S n S1 = {0} or 5 n 5X = 0. Definition 3.9.2 (Convex Sets). A set {/ in a vector space is called convex if for any .t,j g U and a G (0,1) we have ax + (1 — a)j G [/. Note that a vector subspace is a convex set. The following theorem, concerning the minimization of the norm, is of fundamental importance in approximation theory. Theorem 3.9.2 (The Closest Point Property). Let S be a closed convex \iibset of a Hubert space H. For every point x € H there exists a unique point y G S such that ||x->i|=inf||A--r||. (3.9.1) Proof. Let (v„) be a sequence in S such that lim \\x - vn\\ = inf j|x - z\\. Denote d = inf-eS ||.x: - z\\. Since \ (ym + y„) G S, we have II* - 5 {}'m + >'«)I! > d for all m, n G N. Moreover, by the parallelogram law (3.3.6), we obtain II>'m - >'J2 = 4ll* - 2 (>'»> + >»)H2 + b'm - }'n\\2 ~ 4||* - \ (jm + >'„)||2 = II(* - }',„) + {x - y„)II2 + ||(* - ym) - {x - >•„)||2 -4||x-i(v,„+>'„)H2 = 2{\\x - y,„f + \\x - y„\\2) - 4\\x - I (ym + y„)\\2. 122 Theory Since x - y„ ■y„\ 4d~, as m,n —> oo. and \\x-k{ym+y„W>d2, we have \\ym — y„\\~ —> 0, as m,n —> oc. Thus, (y„) is a Cauchy sequence. Since H is complete and 5 is closed, the limit lim„ _>oc y„ = y exists and y e S. From the continuity of the norm we obtain ll*->'!l lim y„ lim 11 j\r ■ >»ll We have proved that there exists a point in S satisfying (3.9.1). It remains to prove the uniqueness. Suppose there is another point y>\ in S satisfying (3.9.1). Then, since \{y + Vi) G S, we have \\y ~ yi\\- = 4d- - 4 This can only happen if y = yx. y + )'\ 1|=inf||.v-z||. (b) (x - y, z - y) < 0 for all z e S. Proof. Let z e S. Since S is convex, Xz + (\ - X)y e S for every A e (0,1). Then, by (a), we have ||x - y\\ < \\x - Xz - (1 - A)v|| = |!(.t - y) - X(z - y)\\. Hence, as H is a real Hubert space, we get \\x - y f <\\x- y\\2 - 2\{x - y, z - y) + X2\\z - yf, and consequently, [x-y,: >•>< A ■y\ Thus, (b) follows by letting A —► 0. Hubert Spaces and Orthonormal Systems 123 Figure 3.3. Conversely, if x G H and y E S satisfy (b), then for every z e S, we have H* - yf - \\x - z||2 = 2{x - y, z - y) - \\z - y\\2 < 0. Thus, x and y satisfy (a). D is a closed convex subset of M.', then condition (b) has a clear geometrical meaning: The angle between the line through x and y and the line through z and y is always obtuse (see Fig. 3.3). Theorem 3.9.4 (Orthogonal Projection). If S is a closed subspace of a Hubert space H, then every element x e H has a unique decomposition in the form x = y + z where y e S and z e SL. Proof. If x e S, then the obvious decomposition is x = x + 0. Suppose now that x £ S. Let y be the unique point of S satisfying ||.v — y\\ = inf„.es \\x — w\\, as in Theorem 3.9.2. We will show that .v = y + (x — y) is the desired decomposition. If w e S and A G C, then y + Xw e. S and II* - yf < II* - y - Ani)2 = ||x - j||2 - 23?A(vv, x - y) + |A|2|M|2. Hence, -2KA,x->') + |A|2|M|2>0. If A > 0, then dividing by A and letting A —> 0 gives %t(w,x-y}<0. (3.9.2) Similarly, replacing A by —iX (A > 0), dividing by A, and letting A —> 0 yields $i(w,x-y)<0. (3.9.3) Since y e S implies —y e S, inequalities (3.9.2) and (3.9.3) hold also with -if instead of w. Therefore (w,x — y) = 0 for every w G S, which means x-ves1. 124 Theory To prove the uniqueness note that if x = V\ + zu v\ G S, and z\ e S , then >' — >'i £ S and z — zx eS~. Since y — v\ = z{ — z, we must have y - v, = -, - z = 0. D According to Theorem 3.9.4, every element of H can be uniquely represented as the sum of an element of S and an element of SL. This can be stated symbolically as H = S®S1. (3.9.4) We say that H is the direct sum of S and 5X. Equality (3.9.4) is called an orthogonal decomposition of H. Note that the union of a basis of S and a basis of S1" is a basis of H. Theorem 3.9.2 allows us to define a mapping Ps(x) = y\ where y is as in (3.9.1). Mapping Ps is called the orthogonal projection onto S. Such mappings will be discussed in Section 4.7. Example 3.9.1. Let H = U'. Figure 3.4 exhibits the geometric meaning of the orthogonal decomposition in U2. Here x G U2, x = y + z, y e S, and z e S1. Note that, if sq is a unit vector in S, then y = {x,sq}so. Example 3.9.2. If H = M~\ given a plane P, any vector x can be projected onto the plane P. Figure 3.5 illustrates this situation. Theorem 3.9.5. If S is a closed subspace of a Hubert space H, then s±A- = S. Proof. If x € S, then for every z e S1 we have (x, z) = 0, which means x G S^. Thus, S c S±JL. To prove that S±A- c S consider an x e S^. Figure 3.4. Orthogonal decomposition in U~. Hubert Spaces and Orthonormal Systems 125 Figure 3.5. Orthogonal projection onto a plane. Since S is closed, x = y + z for some y e S and ; £ ť. In view of the inclusion S c .S11, we have y e S11 and thus z = x — y e SL±, because S— is a vector subspace. But zgS1, so we must have z = 0, which means x = y e S. This shows that S11 C S, completing the proof. D