MATH 261, Spring 2001 Due Date: Name(s): Honors Project 15: The Stretching Potential of a Chemical Bond The stretching potential of a chemical bond is approximately described by the function V (s) = De(1 - e-s )2 where De is the energy required to break the bond, is a parameter, and s is the coordinate that gives the displacement from the equilibrium bond length. Problems: 1. Find a power series expansion of V (s) about the equilibrium, s = 0, in terms of s through the s8 term. 2. Compare this expansion with the potential for stretching a simple ("harmonic") spring Vspring(s) = 1 2 ks2 . 3. The restoring force of a spring is V s , and the force constant is 2 V s2 |s=0. What are the restoring forces and the force constants obtained from V (s) and Vspring(s)? How and what does this tell you about ? 4. If the power series were truncated (as an approximation to V (s)), how far would you have to go to be sure that the asymmetry of V (s) (plot it!) was present for small displacements about s = 0? [A particular V (s) is said to be symmetric about s = 0 if, for every choice of s, V (s) = V (-s). It is asymmetric if this is not satisfied. For chemical bonds, V (s) may be nearly symmetric for small displacements away from the equilibrium, but it has to be asymmetric overall because breaking a bond, i.e. s > 0, is different than compressing it, i.e. s < 0.] Contributor: Dr. Clifford Dykstra Department of Chemistry, IUPUI