Welcome, and thanks to coming. — Aubrin HAUBTMANN — I’m French � — Masaryk University à Economy & culture — I’m glad to be here with different people from different nationalities… Cultural Policy in the Context of globalization The agenda • Main words’s definitions of the subject (focuses) • The big challenge « Culture/globalisation » • Few examples of culture policy in the world — Conclusion First Part : Definitions about the subject Do you remember about Culture ? “CULTURE” — Ethnologist: culture is the whole of the standards, the representations and the behaviors acquired by the man as a member of a company. — Sociologist: creation artistic and symbolic system; inheritances and with the cultural goods (literature, films, music, cinema, painting…) — à Culture : shared by people in a place or time “CULTURE” : « GLOBALIZATION » : — Global extension and exchange in the world about culture, political, economical. — The term “universalization” indicates the expansion and the harmonization of interdependence between the human nations, activities and the political systems on a world scale. — It Means also the increase of movements and transfers of goods, services, labour, technology , information and capital on an international scale. Book : «The politics of Culture » 4 main exchanges/flows : • Production • Consumption • Migration • Tourism à All societies to interact simultaneous Seconde Part Is there or not a contradiction/antagonism between culture and globalisation? — Culture : shared by people in a place or time — Mondialisation / globalization : international exchanges about economy, political, culture. à It’s actually a challenge, because each country is rich of differences. And each country has its own characteristics like : food; clothes; traditions; music; movies; history, hierachy …  Global = One ? What do you can see about globalization ? The main risks of liberal globalization : — To unify / make unik — To desimenate the art — If money is upper to culture — If you neglicted the people’s culture the model failed and there are violent consequences. The challenge for « Tomorrow and forever»: — It’s great / chance  to have different countries with different cultures. For me, upper culture don’t exist. Each one is interesting and should be expressed without complex… — Globalisation can be a chance and an opportunity if you keep each culture from each country and if you use the news medias in order to communicate and to share your own culture with another people from another country. — In short, everybody and every country are unique. Every country has a culture (for daily life; history…) — I think that « culture of globalization » is often in contradiction with culture of each country. — I think that everyone, here knows that is difficult to respect culture and to promote culture — I think specially for poor countries Third Part Optimistic too about cultural globalization International devices — By multiplying the exchanges, globalization/universalization sharpens the differences and pokes antagonisms between cultural identities. To limit these antagonisms and to preserve the inheritance of humanity, they are international devices aiming to promote “cultural diversity” à Presentation of our different countries : every Wednesdays here in Brno it’s a good example of the exchange of culture and it’s possible because there is globalization. à UNESCO What is UNESCO ? — UNESCO elaborates legal instruments in the form of declarations, recommendations or conventions, which are adopted by UNESCO's Member States. In order to protect more effectively all forms of culture. UNESCO — UNESCO, faithful to its educational mission, prefers to anticipate and prevent by promoting the respect of the cultural expressions. — There were already International Conventions concerning the culture, but none tackled in a total way the question of cultural diversity in universalization. — Convention does not have vocation to regulate other subjects. Thus, it does not treat cultural rights and of their respect. In the same way, avoiding going on the political ground, it refuses to tackle the question of attentatoires measurements to the Human rights. Moreover, it aims only the rights of the individuals What are exactly the Operational principles of legal instruments of UNESCO ? — Declaration: a purely moral or political commitment, linking States on the basis of good faith. — Recommendation: Addressed to one or more States, a Recommendation is intended to encourage them to adopt a particular approach or to act in a given manner in a specific cultural sphere. In principle, a Recommendation does not create a legally binding obligation on Member States. — Convention: Synonymous with treaty, this term refers to any agreement concluded by two or more States. Such an accord implies the joint will of the parties upon whom the convention imposes binding legal commitments What the book said about the limits of « UNESCO » : — “Convention is not an absolute “shield”, in particular because it never tackles the question of the attacks to the diversity. Especially about the cultural industries that is more and more concentrated.” What UNESCO say about the culture in the globalization : — Progress in communication and transport technology during the 20^th century has enabled us to overcome geographical boundaries and revolutionize our way of living. The World is now linked to such an extent that a local happening cannot take place without impacting on the international community and vice versa. — Globalization is not just about increasing the worldwide circulation of information and ideas. Economically speaking, it entails an increase in capital flow, transnational investment and international trade, thereby integrating all countries into a single giant world market. In terms of politics, the social, economic or environmental orientation of States is being increasingly determined by regional and international structures. What UNESCO say about the culture in the globalization : In terms of Culture, is Globalization an opportunity or a threat ? Globalization itself is neither positive nor negative: it may be either of them depending on our viewpoint. Nonetheless, Culture in general, and cultural diversity in particular, is facing 3 challenges: — a) Globalization, in its powerful extension of market principles, by highlighting the culture of economically powerful nations, has created new forms of inequality, thereby fostering cultural conflict rather than cultural pluralism. — b) States are increasingly unable to handle on their own the cross-border flow of ideas, images and resources that affect cultural development. — c) The growing divide in literacy (digital and conventional) have made the cultural debates and resources an increasingly élitist monopoly, divorced from the capabilities and interests of more than half the world’s population who are now in danger of cultural and economical exclusion. What UNESCO say about the culture in the globalization : A few statistics to illustrate the state of our cultural diversity — They are approximately 6000 languages in the world, but this languages have not the same number of speakers: only 4 % of the languages are used by 96 % of the world population. — 50 % of the world languages are in danger of extinction. — 90 % of the world’s languages are not represented on the Internet. — Some 5 countries monopolize the world cultural industries trade. In the field of cinema, for instance, 88 countries out of 185 in the world have never had their own film production. What is the main « conventions» of UNESCO ? UNESCO possesses a comprehensive series of standard-setting instruments comprising seven Conventions: — Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) — Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) — Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001) — Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) — Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Cultural Property (1970) — Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954) — Universal Copyright Convention (1952, 1971) What is the convention « Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions” create in 2005 ? The Convention seeks to strengthen the five inseparable links of the same chain: • creation, • production, • distribution/dissemination, • access • enjoyment of cultural expressions, As conveyed by cultural activities, goods and services. What is the convention « Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions” create in 2005 ? In particular, the Convention aims to: — reaffirm the sovereign right of States to draw up cultural policies — recognize the specific nature of cultural goods and services as vehicles of identity, values and meaning strengthen international cooperation and solidarity so as to favour the cultural expressions of all countries — Along with the 1972 Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, this Convention is one of the three pillars of the preservation and promotion of creative diversity à To encourage non-profit organizations and also public and private institutions, artists and other cultural professionals àTo develop and promote the free exchange and circulation of ideas, cultural expressions and cultural activities, goods and services àTo promote the diversity of the media, including through public service à To provide public financial assistance and establish and support public service Conclusion — Cultural industries increasingly concentrated and subjected to the numerical effects of the revolution. — There a lot of languages which will disappear. — A will to improve thanks to UNESCO. — The goals of UNESCO are: to improve the international exchanges and t o promote cultural diversity. To avoid the “imperialisms”. à But, even with the will of UNESCO there is a big challenge for tomorrow and it’s probably for us (the youth) to work in this way, with fairness and morality. Thanks for your attention And Have a nice DAY !