‹#› International Marketing Campaigns & Online Marketing Opportunities Marketing in English Ing. Lukas Gottwald lukasgottwald@gmail.com ‹#› 2 Overview nWhat is a „marketing campaign“? nMarketing strategy vs. marketing campaign nComponents of a marketing campaign nInternationalizing a marketing campaign: Total Gym nDesigning a marketing campaign nMain considerations nIn-class task nOverview of Online Promotional Tools nOpportunities internet brings to global campaign management and design nAudience Research nCampaign Design nCampaign Execution n n ‹#› 3 What is a „marketing campaign“ nAction plan of coordinated marketing activities nTypically „promotional“ (4Ps) ¨[Price, Place, Product, Promotion], nTypically „communication“ (4Cs) ¨[Cost, Convenience, Customer Value, Communication] n nëIn this lecture for clarity & simplicity: Marketing campaign = Marketing communication campaign Even though campaign may possibly include pricing & distribution elements… i.e. iPhone… ‹#› 4 What is a marketing campaign n3 levels: Strategic, Operational, Tactical n ¨Marketing Strategy nThe main concept within all marketing functions ¨Marketing Communication Strategy nThe main idea driving communication with customers & shaping the brand image, derived from the marketing strategy §Simply said: How do you want your brand to be perceived by your customers §Example: „McD is a fun place to eat, all the kids have to know it ¨Marketing Campaign nPlan of concerete „conversations“ within specified time-frame for a specified audience in a specified media ¨Putting communication strategy into life! ¨From „This is what we want to do“ to „This is how we want to do it“ ‹#› 5 What is a marketing campaign nDefined plan of targeted promotional activities nClear Message (Message!) nSet of planned activities (Promotional Tools) nWithin specified time-frame (Timing) nFor a precisely selected audience (Audience) ¨Note: connection Audience and Region nAnd in specified communication channels (Media) ¨Note: connection audience-media nIncluding goals & campaign metrics (Goals & Results) nFor a defined amount of money (Budget) ¨ nMillitary analogy ¨War – Front – Battle ¨Strategic – Operational - Tactical n n ¨ n ‹#› 6 What is a marketing campaign nA Basic Example: Total Gym ¨Message: Total gym does work + Call to action ¨Tools: Teleshopping style ads on TV ¨Timing: during Walker Texas Rangers series, 3x week nJanuary 2010 till April 2010, 4 months ¨Audience: Chuck Norris fans in North America ¨Media: FOX, CBS, NBC ¨Goals and Results: 600 000 leads & 400 000 units sold in given period ¨Budget: 10 mil. USD, 25 USD per predicted unit sold ¨ nlive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzE0FOPiaDU n ¨ ‹#› 7 What is a marketing campaign nA Basic Internationalization Example: Selling Total Gym in Italy ¨Message: Total gym works for all atheletes ¨Tools: Teleshopping style ads on TV ¨Timing: during Teleshopping session in the afternoon ¨January 2010 till April 2010, 4 months ¨Audience: Coach potatoes feeling guilty watching TV in the afternoon ¨Media: Rai Uno ¨Goals and Results: 60 000 units sold in given period ¨Budget: 1 mil. EUR, 16,7 EUR per predicted unit sold ¨ nlive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AppSsTpfFR4 n ‹#› 8 Sidenote nInternationalization Issues & Considerations ¨Culture ¨Political and legal factors ¨Traget country's level of economic development ¨Mode of involvement in foreign markets ¨ ¨ ‹#› 9 E-commerce nDefintion ¨„Refers to commercial transactions occurring over open networks, such as the Internet. Both business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions are included.“worldbank.org nDefinition 2.: „Electronic Commerce, commonly known as (electronic marketing) e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.“ wikipedia.org ‹#› 10 E-commerce nCharacteristics ¨Custumer has to own a „gadget“ connected to a network in order to participate in e-commerce (i.e. PC) ¨Merchant has to have a space within the network (i.e. domain name and website) ¨Customer obtains information about the product electronically ¨Customer confirms his decision to purchase the product electronically (i.e. filling in a form on a website) ¨Payment can be made online nCredit Cards, Paypal, PaySec(Czech), SMS payments ¨Distibution nElectronic - Online ( i.e. songs, books, software, services) nPhysical - Offline ( necessary for physical goods) ‹#› 11 E-commerce nBenefits ¨Lower transaction cost nMerchant side ¨Store, inventory, staff, communication nCustomer side ¨Time needed to get info and compare prices, communication ¨Global market ¨Outsource services globaly ¨Take advatage of price diffreneces, exchange rates etc… ¨Marketing ¨Whole AIDA + payment + distribution in one moment ¨Both B2B and B2C in one channel §example: www.hp.com ¨ n ‹#› 12 E-commerce nRiscs & Drawbacks ¨Security Issues nFraud, both on Merchant and Customer sides ¨Virtual relationship nNo face-to-face interaction – may contribute to the trust problem ¨Technology & Equipment nDirect proportion between Internet expansion and E-commerce growth ¨Consumer behaviour more „item specific“ nAccording to Stuchlik, Dvoracek (2002) customers engage mostly in „targeted shopping“ not in „leisure shopping“ in the online environment ¨ ‹#› 13 Designing a marketing campaign nSynchronizing Marketing communication strategy with desired goals and available resources nStrategic & Creative & Practical nOptimizing the afformentioned interdependent elements: ¨Message nNote: connection Message & Media ¨Promotional Tools ¨Timing ¨Audience nNote: connection Audience & Region ¨Media nNote: connection Audience & Media ¨Goals & Results nNote: Metrics have to be defined! ¨Budget nNote: Budget limits Promotional tools available… ‹#› 14 Designing a marketing campaign nIndividual in-class task ¨Design a Total Gym campaign for your country nBrief Outline is sufficient nBe ready to present and reveal your strategy choices (why) not only campaign variables (how) n ‹#› 15 Designing a marketing campaign nDiscussion: Promoting Total Gym Online ¨ ‹#› 16 Designing a marketing campaign nPromoting Total Gym Online ¨Options nDirect Mail nWebsite nSearch engines nAds nForums / Groups nMagazines nVideos §See „How to use Total Gym“ on You Tube: §http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah_gS-v1jzg nViral Campaigns nInternet Radio, Internet TV n n n ‹#› 17 Opportunities internet brings to international marketing campaign design & management nAdvantages: ¨Architecture! nGlobal network with national sub-networks, i.e. domains nCountry targeting is easy! ¨Technology nLanguage recognition, location recognition nReal-time adjustments ¨Script recognizes your location and will generate relevant promotional coupon usuable at a store in your town ¨localization of services: Google ¨Global audience in a single medium nMarket Research ¨Testers „playground“ nGlobal campaign management on one platform ¨i.e. Google AdWords ‹#› 18 Opportunities internet brings to international marketing campaign design & management nAdvantages: ¨SME Friendly nThe size of the company is not discriminating nEven SMEs can market goods globally online nGenerally cheaper to run an international campaign online than offline ¨Physical distance less critical nMeans opportunities especially for services companies ¨Online campaigns are measurable and comparable nOffline campaigns as well, but in online environment it is cheaper to get the data: ¨Benchmarking and Assessing Markets ¨Real-time campaign data – Monitoring ¨Quality feedback allows prompt action in case something goes wrong n ‹#› 19 Opportunities internet brings to international marketing campaign design & management nDisadvantages ¨Lower Credibility ninternet environment perceived more risky ¨Global, but… nin some countries only marginal part of population actually has internet ¨Tendency to cut + paste nJust because USA and UK share the language doesnt mean the same campaign will work… ¨ ‹#› 20 Opportunities internet brings to international marketing campaign design & management nSummary ¨Convenience: Design and manage a global (but possibly localy adjusted) campaign on one platform and get real-time feedback ¨Testing opportunities: before an expensive product launch on a foreign market, test drive the product in that particular country online ¨Low-cost: No need to higher a media planning agency in every country ¨Userbase: World-wide still growing n ‹#› 21 Thank you! nQuestions? ¨Ask now! ¨Or later J lukasgottwald@gmail.com ¨ ‹#› 22 References n4 Cs concept http://www.sales-and-marketing-for-you.com/define-marketing-mix.html nStrategic, Operational, Tactical Management http://www.adb.org/Documents/Events/2004/Risk-Management/Strategic-Operational-Tactical-Approach.pd f n5 steps to successful marketing Campaigns, Boston Business Journal, 2003 http://boston.bizjournals.com/boston/stories/2003/09/01/smallb2.html nCurrent Issues in International Marketing http://www.pwsbijo.pl/files/Pliki/Konferencja/Current%20Issues%20in%20International%20Marketing%20M anagement.pdf nWikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing#International_marketing nThe internet and international marketing: Is there a fit? http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/40006687/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 nThe Internet and International Marketing http://sloanreview.mit.edu/the-magazine/articles/1996/spring/3735/the-internet-and-international-ma rketing/ n n n