MOCK TESTs – UNIT 13 Unit 13 – Mock test H.Ančincová A) Prepositions 1) Microcredit loans are not backed ___ collateral. 2) You don´t ask for collateral ___ the loans because the poor people don´t have it. 3) The bank made negative predictions ______ the impact of the weak yen on profits. 4) Analyst were uniformly positive ______ technology stocks in the late 1990s. 5) Microfinance institutions see the sense of investing ____ the developing world. B) Definitions · ________ - A new business that is started by two or more companies, often in the form of an independent company whose shares they own · ____________ – an amount of money that is lent or invested to earn interest, the original amount of a debt or investment on which interest is calculated · ____________ – to buy goods, shares, property, etc. in the hope that their value will increase so that can be sold for a profit C) Sentences 1) Komerční banky nebo zúčtovací banky přijímají vklady a poskytují půjčky soukromým osobám i podnikům. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ 2) Jedinou cestou jak vyřešit problém chudoby a terorismu v dnešním světě je skrze investice _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ D) Short phrases a) Vedoucí osobnost ve světě mikrofinancí b) Hlavní zájem c) Platba úroků z půjčky d) Vydávat šekové knížky e) Stanovit směnný kurz E) Grammar :„make“ · Make allowances ______ · Make a deal ______ · Make an impression _____ 1) Collocations with LOAN and MONEY · Secure · Save · Lose · Apply for · Raise Key F) Prepositions 6) Microcredit loans are not backed by collateral. 7) You don´t ask for collateral on the loans because the poor people don´t have it. 8) The bank made negative predictions about the impact of the weak yen on profits. 9) Analyst were uniformly positive about technology stocks in the late 1990s. 10) Microfinance institutions see the sense of investing in the developing world. G) Definitions · Joint venture - A new business that is started by two or more companies, often in the form of an independent company whose shares they own · Principal – an amount of money that is lent or invested to earn interest, the original amount of a debt or investment on which interest is calculated · Speculate – to buy goods, shares, property, etc. in the hope that their value will increase so that can be sold for a profit H) Sentences 3) Commercial banks or clearing banks take deposits and make loans to private individuals and businesses. 4) The only way to solve the problems of poverty and terorism in the world today is through investment. I) Short phrases f) Vedoucí osobnost ve světě mikrofinancí – the leading figure in the world of microfinance g) Hlavní zájem – primary concern h) Platba úroků z půjčky – interest payment on the loan i) Vydávat šekové knížky – to issue checkbooks j) Stanovit směnný kurz – to fix the exchange rate J) Grammar 2) „make“ · Make allowances FOR · Make a deal WITH · Make an impression ON 3) Collocations with LOAN and MONEY · Secure (money, loan) · Save (money) · Lose (money) · Apply for (loan) · Raise (money) Mock test L.Bača Unit 13 Complete with prepositions The banking sector has four main types __ institutions. Microfinance institutions see the sense of investing __ the developing world. Microfinance institutions typically make lons __ amount of $1000. Collateral is an asset that can be used __ a guarantee ___ a loan. Poor people are unable __ borrow money ____ commercial bank. Definitions __________________ - an amount paid by a borrower to a lender __________________ - the way a central bank controls the amount of money in the economy at a particular time __________________ - a the part of a bank´s business that involves providing services to members of the public Translate into English Mikropodnikatelé závisí na službách mikrofinančních institucí, které jim poskytují zdroje pro jejich podnikaní, ale nemusejí podstoupit riziko a garantovat svou půjčku. Translate into English vydat šekovou knížku - otevřít si vkladový účet - zavést novou fiskální politiku - zkorumpovaný daňový poradce - disponibilní zůstatek (na účtu) - Create collocations with "make" get/produce a return on an investment - get/produce a return on an investment - have a positive infuence on something - to get to used to something - carry out a transaction - to do something wrong - KEY Complete with prepositions The banking sector has four main types of institutions. Microfinance institutions see the sense of investing in the developing world. Microfinance institutions typically make lons in amount of $1000. Collateral is an asset that can be used as a guarantee for a loan. Poor people are unable to borrow money from commercial bank. Definitions Interest - an amount paid by a borrower to a lender Monetary policy - the way a central bank controls the amount of money in the economy at a particular time Retail banking - a the part of a bank´s business that involves providing services to members of the public Translate into English Mikropodnikatelé závisí na službách mikrofinančních institucí, které jim poskytují zdroje pro jejich podnikaní, ale nemusejí podstoupit riziko a garantovat svou půjčku. Microentrepreneurs rely on microfinance institutions services which provides resources for their business activities but they don´t need to take a risk and guarantee their loan. Translate into English vydat šekovou knížku - to issue a checkbook/chequebook otevřít si vkladový účet - to open a deposit account zavést novou fiskální politiku - implement a new fiscal policy zkorumpovaný daňový poradce - corrupted tax advicer disponibilní zůstatek (na účtu) - available bank balance Create collocations with "make" get/produce a return on an investment - make a profit get/produce a return on an investment - make money have a positive infuence on something - make a difference to get to used to something - make a habit carry out a transaction - make a deal to do something wrong - make a mistake Unit 13 mock test L.Hurbanová Exercise 1 1. We hope to make a huge profit ___ the deal. 2. I hope I will be able to pay ___ the loan on time. 3. Our business partner suddenly pulled ___ __ the deal. 4. Now all we need to provide is a collateral ___ the loan. 5. Employees should not make a habit ___ coming late to work. Exercise 2 1. _______________- an amount of money that is lent or invested to earn interests, the original amount of a debt or investment on which interest is calculated 2. _______________ - property or something valuable that you promise to give somebody if you cannot pay back money that you borrow 3. _______________ - the price on which one currency can be bought with another Exercise 3 Centrální banky zavádějí měnovou politiku vlád a určují úrokové míry pro ostatní banky. __________________________________________________________________________________ Komerční banky přijímají vklady a poskytují půjčky soukromým osobám nebo firmám. __________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 4 Uložit peníze na spořící účet - ____________________________________________________ Půjčit si peníze od komerční banky - _______________________________________________ Provést bankovní transakci - _____________________________________________________ Zapůsobit na mikropodnikatele - __________________________________________________ Přesvědčivý mluvčí - ____________________________________________________________ Exercise 5 1. I told you I don’t like them? They are _______ who stole my bicycle last month. 2. I will deposit my money in a savings account and in a current account, _________ has a high interest rate and ________ allows me to get my money whenever I want. 3. He is very ambitious and ____ people usually get what they want. 4. She is a microfinance manager, ___ involves for example calculating interest rates. 5. Their new software is both user-friendly and professional, _____ are exactly the features their customers were asking for. Key Ex1 1. ON 2. OFF 3. OUT OF 4. ON/FOR 5. OF Ex2 1.principal 2.collateral rate Ex3 Central banks implement the monetary policies of governments and fix interest rates for other banks. Commercial banks take deposits and make loans to private individuals and businesses. Ex4 Deposit money in a savings account, borrow money from a commercial bank, carry out a banking transaction, make an impression on a microentrepreneuer, persuasive spokesperson Ex 5 1. The ones 2. The former-the latter 3. Such 4. this 5. these MOCK TEST J.Kadlec Prepositions We scared __________ our competitors by our unbeatable price offer. Then they pulled __________ __________ the tender. In business we just cannot make allowances __________ the competition. But we are aware of the fact that it is not possible to outbid them every time and that we should not make a habit __________ it. Definitions Asset used for backing a loan: _________________________ Bank for individuals: _________________________ Institution providing small loans: _________________________ Translation Banka vystupuje jako finanční poradce v oblasti fúzí a akvizic a poskytuje analytické služby. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Daňový odhadce je podezřelý ze střetu zájmů. __________________________________________________________________________________ Phrases Dosáhnout vrcholu: _______________________________________ Žádat odškodné: _______________________________________ Splatit jistinu a úrok: _______________________________________ Zajistit půjčku: _______________________________________ Stanovit směnný kurz: _______________________________________ Grammar Correct mistakes: I borrow you Ł5. _______________________________________ Microcredit loans are backed by colaterral. _______________________________________ You are such friendly. _______________________________________ Some banks are so big to fail. _______________________________________ If you’ll mix red and blue, you’ll get purple. _______________________________________ KEY: away/out of/for/of collateral/retail bank/microcredit bank Bank acts as a financial advisor in mergers and acquisitions and provides analysis service. Assessor is suspected of conflict of interest. to peak/to seek damages/to repay principal and interest/to secure a loan/to fix an exchange rate will lend/collateral/so/too/you mix Unit 13 – MOCK TEST V.Macháčová prepositions 1. After looking at all sides ___ the argument ... 2. They seek to promote their client ___ giving favourable information 3. make a profit ___ the form of interest payments ___ the loans 4. his team arrive ___ a country 5. the commercial bank refuse to lend money ___ financial guarantees definitions 1. ____________ - property or something valuable that you promise to give somebody if you cannot pay back money that you borrow 2. ____________ - a new business that is started by twou or more companies, often in the form of an independent company whose shares they own 3. ____________ - the way a central bank controls the amount of money in the economy at a particular time, for exemple by changing interest rates sentences 1. Dnes 90 procent lidí žijících v chudobě není schopno si půjčit peníze od komerční baky, které odmítají půjčovat peníze bez finančních záruk. 2. Společnost tvrdí, že banka se k nim chovala úmyslně a systematicky nespravedlivě v průzkumu akcií kvůli střetu zájmů. short phrases 1. obvinit někoho z dávání falešných zpráv - 2. často cestuje na zajímavá místa, to je to co si nejvíc užívá - 3. mužou vložit peníze na spořící účet - 4. zemřeli by, aby ti mohli vrátit peníze - 5. centrální banka provádí měnovou politiku země - grammar 1. Max is the tax consultant. He's the ____ i was telling you about earlier. 2. I've found six mistakes so far in the report, and _____ are just the ones in the introdustion. 3. We've spoken to Intex, RTL Associates and Maxi about merging. _____ seems the most likely. 4. The second applicant made the best impression ___ me. 5. Martina has just finished studying business studies. _____ includes administration, HR and finance. KEY: Prepositions 1. of 2. by 3. in, on 4. in 5. without definitions 1. collateral 2. joint venture 3. monetary policy sentences 1. Today, 90 per cent of people living in poverty are unable tu borrow money from commercial banks, which refuse to lend money without financial guarantees. 2. The company claims that the bank was deliberately and systematically unfair to them in stock research because of the direct conflict of interest. Phrases 1. to accuse sb of giving false report 2. he often travels to interesting places, it is the one he enjoys most 3. they can deposit money in a savins account 4. they will die to pay your money back 5. central bank implement the monetary policy of a country grammar 1. one 2. these 3. the latter 4. on 5. this MOCK TEST 13 M.Vlasáková 1. Prepositions a. My colleague approached me ____ the failed deal with Intel. b. The team was made ___ ___ the company´s employees. c. I didn´t want to fire you! Our boss coerce me ___ dismissing you! I know that it was unfair ___ you! L Definitions a. ___________ an amount of money paid by a borrower to a lender b. ___________ an amount of money from which the „a“ is calculated c. ___________ describing adjective of people who are benevolent and intrested in people´s well – being Translation a. Směnný kurz je cena za kterou může být nakoupena jedna měna druhou. b. Jestli to neuděláš takhle, pak zapomeň na náš obchod. 4. Phrases a. mračit se na koho = ___________________________ b. prezentovat/přednést co = _________________________ c. úvěrové krytí = ________________________ d. účtovat si o 2-7 procentních bodů více = __________________________ e. správa klientských účtů = ___________________ 5. Grammar a. Hodnota našich akcií stále klesá. Takový trend nemůžeme nechat pokračovat. b. Chce zahájit podnikání v USA nebo v UK. Druhá možnost mu připadá lákavější. c. V USA je několik typů bank jako třeba mikrokreditní nebo investiční banky. d. Chystám se investovat nebo si otevřít spořící účet. První možnost je více riskantní. e. Investoval jsem do průmyslu. To by mohlo přinést slušný zisk. KEY 1. about up of into to 2. interenst principal philathropic 3. Exchange rate is the price at which one currency can be bought with another. If you don´t do it this way then forget about our deal. 4. to frown on sb - to put forward st - credit backing - to charge two to seven percentage points more - client management 5. The value of our stocks keeps decreasing. We cannot allow such a trend to continue. He wants to set up a business in the US or in the UK. The latter seems more tempting for him. There are several kinds of banks: these are for example microcredit or investment banks. I am going to invest or open a savings account. The former option is more risky. I have invested in industry. That could turn a tidy profit. Mock test – Unit 13 M.Štěpánek a) prepositions How long does it take to repay the principal and the interest ___ this loan? He has made a big mistake ____ stealing that money. Don’t make allowances ____ him. She is very smart. She made a good impression ____ me. We are not used to smoke inside. Go out and don’t make a habit ___ this. It was a difficult negotiation, but made a deal ____ our Japanese supplier. His only source ____ credit is Polish BRE-Bank. High taxes have negative influence ____ private sector b) definitions (with a missing key term) Man that lands money, often at high interest rates. Institutions, which make loans to poor people without backing in developing countries Central bank in United Kingdom. A term often used for the poorest countries in the world. Money which are invested in high-risk businesses c) sentences (Cz into E) Investiční banky poskytují podnikům rady a služby specialistů. Celosvětově zůstává v mikrofinancování nevyužito 80% potenciálu Vesničané v rozvojových zemích nejsou schopni zajistit půjčku zálohou. d) short phrases (Cz into E) Platba úroků z úvěru Rizikový kapitál Úvěrové zdroje Správa soukromého majetku Daňový poradce Spravovat fond Zpráva z burzy e) grammar: items (optional exercise format) Austria and German are members of EC. _________ since 1995, the latter since 1957. A)The one b)The former c)First Microfinance institutions make loan without backing. ______ may seem very risky. A)That b)The one c)Such I have smashed my glasses. I hope I will buy A)the one b)such c)the same This fund charges 7% . Other forms of available credit a three time higher than A)such b)the one c)that I have just finished my homework, ____ includes translation and grammar. A)Which b)the one c)whose KEY on, with, for, on, of, with, of, on moneylender, microfinance institutions, Bank of England, developing countries, venture capital Investment banks provide advice and specialist services to businesses. 80 per cent of the potential for microfinancing worldwide remains untapped. Villagers in developing countries are not able to secure a loan by collateral. Interest payment on a loan Venture capital Sources of credit Private asset management Tax advisor/ adviser/ consultant Manage a fund Stock report b,a,c,c,a