Content. Style. 0-4 points - addressing all content points, development of argument, faithfulness to the original - readable / unreadable Organisation and cohesion. 0-4 points - introduction, main part, conclusion -clearly organized into paragraphs with appropriate linking devices (adding extra information, contrasting information, introducing the results of previous information, giving reasons for sth, expressing a sequence of events, comparison, enumeration, etc) - word count Vocabulary, register. 0-4 points - consistently formal or informal - appropriate C1 vocabulary - correct use of synonyms Accuracy. 0-4 points - target reader would / would not be informed - legible / illegible Grammar. 0-4 points - grammar at level C1 - spelling - punctuation Content. Style. Organization and cohesion. Vocabulary and register. Accuracy. Grammar. Mark awarded. 0-4 points 0-4 points 0-4 points 0-4 points 0-4 points Assessment scale A 20-19 B 18-17 C 16-15 D 14-13 E 12 F 11-0