Seminar assignment – Teach us a lesson (ppt presentation) The presentation will be prepared and delivered in pairs. Your task is to teach the class a lesson in which you will explain the below concepts. You will conclude your lesson by giving your colleagues a short quiz where their newly acquired knowledge and your teaching skills will be tested. There are two presentation days: 24 March and 14 April. You will submit your presentation in odevzdávárna one week before your presentation is due, i.e. 18 March or 8 April. PRESENTATIONS – TOPICS TOPIC STUDENTS´ NAMES – GROUP 0830-1000 STUDENTS´ NAMES – GROUP 1015-1145 STUDENTS´ NAMES – GROUP 1200-1330 CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF FINANCIAL CRISIS (2007-2010) CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY AND CORPORATE CRIME CORRUPTION DEALING WITH WORLD POVERTY DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES IN DEVELOPED WORLD OVER THE NEXT 50 YEARS DUBAI FINANCIAL CRISIS FAIR TRADE GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS GLOBAL WARMING – CONTRADICTORY IDEAS GREEK DEBT CHINA AS A NEW WORLD POWER ISLAM IN EUROPE MICROLENDING NEED OF PENSION REFORM IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC NEW TECHNOLOGIES NOBEL PRIZE – INTERESTING POINTS PEACE MISSION IN AFGHANISTAN PHENOMENON OF CONSUMERISM IN THE DEVELOPED WORLD THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HUMANITARIAN AID TO DEVELOPING COUNTIRES THE STRUCTURE OF THE CZECH STATE BUDGET TRADE PROTECTION OR DEREGULATION WITHIN EU UNEMPLOYMENT THE CZECH REUBLIC vs EU US HEALTHCARE REFORM