Course Packet student's version English I/4 Milan Boháček spring 2010 1 Table of Contents: Introductory information.............................................................................................. 2 Unit 7 ­ FINANCE AND BANKING ....................................................................................... 5 Coursebook, page 64-65, exercise READING ............................................................... 5 Coursebook, page 66-67, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS.................................................... 7 Grammar exercises (Passive)......................................................................................8 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Measuring Performance .......................................... 10 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Profit and Loss Account............................................11 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Balance Sheet 1..........................................................12 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Balance Sheet 2 .........................................................13 REVIEW TEST ...............................................................................................................14 Unit 8 ­ CONSULTANTS ...................................................................................................16 Coursebook, page 73, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE............................................16 Coursebook, page 74, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS B .................................................... 18 Grammar exercises (Conditionals)............................................................................19 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: What Is Quality?........................................................21 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: The Management of Change .................................... 22 REVIEW TEST .............................................................................................................. 23 Unit 9 ­ STRATEGY......................................................................................................... 25 Coursebook, page 78, exercise LISTENING AND DISCUSSION B.................................... 25 Coursebook, page 80, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE .......................................... 25 Coursebook, page 82, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS B .................................................... 27 Grammar exercises (Reported speech & Indirect questions) ..................................28 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Strategic thinking.....................................................29 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Key Strategic Issues .................................................30 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Innovation.................................................................31 Unit 10 ­ DOING BUSINESS ONLINE................................................................................. 32 Coursebook, page 91, exercise LISTENING AND DISCUSSION E.................................... 32 Coursebook, pages 92-93, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE ................................... 33 Grammar exercises (Relative clauses)...................................................................... 34 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Internet Security ...................................................... 35 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: E-commerce: after boom and bust .......................... 36 Unit 11 ­ NEW BUSINESS ................................................................................................ 37 Coursebook, page 99, exercise LISTENING AND DISCUSSION D-F ............................... 37 Coursebook, page 101, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE ......................................... 37 Grammar exercises (Modals).................................................................................... 39 SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT: IS YOUR BUSINESS IDEA FEASIBLE? ..........................................41 Unit 12 ­ PROJECT MANAGEMENT................................................................................... 43 Coursebook, page 109, exercise READING................................................................. 43 Coursebook, page 110, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS A................................................... 44 Grammar exercises (Verb patterns) ......................................................................... 45 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Striving for perfection..............................................46 2 EENNGGLLIISSHH II//44 spring 2010 Introductory information teacher: Milan Boháček floor: 7, office: 707 phone: 3544 e-mail:, office hours: Monday 2 ­ 2.45 p.m. Wednesday 10.15 ­ 11 a.m. Course requirements: minimum 80% attendance (maximum of 2 unexcused absences per semester); delivering a powerpoint presentation of a current economic topic approved of by the teacher in front of the class and in pairs (for details, see below); active participation in seminars (systematic preparation for seminars and fulfillment of assignments); passing the final four-semester exam (minimum 60% of the total number of points) Electronic sources: IS MU: BPJ_JI4A Jazyk I/4 ­ Angličtina (interactive syllabus + interactive syllabi for groups number 3 and13). web: or ESF homepage Katedry Oddělení jazyků Primary sources: * Dubicka, I., O'Keefe, M.: Market leader: Advanced Business English Course Book. Longman, Pearson Education Limited 2006. ISBN-10: 0-582- 85461-X * study materials in the "Interaktivní osnova" section of the IS ­ Compulsory Additional Study Material (selected units from Business Vocabulary in Use) as well as Interaktivní gramatika 3 Powerpoint presentation: Your seminar work for this semester involves preparing a powerpoint presentation of a current economic topic approved of by the teacher, and delivering this presentation in pairs in class on one of the scheduled dates: Wednesday, April 21 Wednesday, May 5 When preparing and delivering your presentation, you should follow these guidelines: * the presentation will be seriously minded, well-prepared and well-delivered, * presentations will be conducted in pairs; each student will use 50% of the total speaking time allocated for each presentation, moreover, each student is expected to pass the speaking floor to his/her colleague at least once, * topics of presentations will be chosen from the range of current economic issues, covered by economic magazines, such as The Economist, Financial Times, or from Czech sources), * students are supposed to bring the article (or source) they want to present to the teacher at least one week prior to the presentation date; the teacher will give his approval to the chosen topic and he will give you further comments if necessary, * it will take between 8 ­ 10 minutes, * it will be structured: o introduction of the presenters, o introduction of the topic, o information concerning the topic, o finally thanking for the audience's attention, offering them to ask questions, * it will have a form of power-point presentation which you will prepare at home and bring on a flash disc (a data projector and a laptop without the internet access will be available), * it will be delivered in English and it will not be read (tip: you can include points, dates or items that are difficult to remember directly into your ppt presentation), * other students will be evaluating the presentation (they will use the evaluation sheet available in the interactive syllabus in the IS), * each student will upload his/her presentation to the IS (Odevzdávárny Presentations ­ groups taught by Milan Boháček) no later than on his/her presentation day, * please use the guidelines posted in the interactive syllabus in the IS or copied below in the Tips & Examples section. 4 Tips & Examples (available in the interactive syllabus in the IS): PRESENTATION SKILLS ­ GUIDELINES 1. Stating your purpose: OK, let's get started. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for coming. I'm.... This morning I'm going to be: talking to you about... / showing you how... / taking a look at... / reporting on... / telling you about..., I'll begin by: filling you in on... / making a few observations about... / outlining company policy... / giving you an overview of... / bringing you up-to-date on... ...and then I'll go on to: highlight what I see as... / put the situation into some kind of perspective... / make detailed recommendations regarding... / discuss in more depth sth... 2. Signposting ­ telling what comes next in a presentation: make your next point To move on to our next point change direction To turn to last year's figures refer to an earlier point To go back to what I said earlier repeat the main points To recap on the main figures give a wider perspective To expand on this a bit more do a deeper analysis To elaborate on this particular feature give the basics To summarize the points depart from your plan To digress from when you want to finish your talk you say To conclude vocab. digress from ­ odbočit od 3. Commenting on visuals: To highlight important information in a visual, you can use the following: us to look at this part of the graph in more detail. us to focus our attention on one particularly important feature. you to think about the significance of this figure here. to point out one or two interesting details. I'd like to draw your attention to to the upper half of the chart. 4. To conclude: Thank you for your attention and if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. You can also ask the audience to ask questions during your speech by saying: If you have any questions during my talk, don't hesitate to interrupt me/feel free to ask. 5. To ask your colleague to carry on: Now I would like to hand over to Mark. / Jane, over to you. / Thomas, the floor is yours. And Lucy will tell you more details about... / Let's ask Bill to explain the ... to us. Source: Powell, M.: Presenting in English ­ how to give successful presentation, Thomson Heinle.2002. 5 Unit 7 ­ FINANCE AND BANKING Coursebook, page 64-65, exercise READING 1. In text "Marconi repays 669m of debt" find words or expressions corresponding to the following definitions: 1. _________________ = a return to a normal condition; restoration to a former and better condition (par 1) 2. _________________ = the act of paying back money that has been borrowed from a bank or other organization (par 1) 3. _________________ = organizing something such as a company, an industry, etc. in a different way in order to make it more efficient (par 1) 4. _________________ = a person, company, country, etc. that somebody or something owes money to (par 1) 5. _________________ = a payment of part of an amount of money that has been borrowed (par 1) 6. _________ _______ = a written statement that shows the financial state of a company at a particular time. It lists the company's assets and all money owed (par 1) 7. _________________ = foreseen, expected, assumed (par 2) 8. _________________ = occurring or appearing at three-month intervals (par 2) 9. to _________ ______ = exchange for cash; to obtain a profit or other advantage by timely exploitation (par 2) 10. ________ ________ = a right that is given to employees to buy shares in the company at a low price (par 2) 11. to _______________ = to give (a sum of money or a right) formally (par 2) 12. _______ _________ = a process of lowering the amount of money a company owes to someone (par 2) 13. to _________ ______ = to keep or hold off; repel; to delay (something) for a short time (par 3) 14. _________________ = a person who has bought government or company bonds (par 3) 15. to _________ ______ = to reduce to zero the book value of (an asset that has become worthless); to cancel from accounts as a loss (par 3) 16. _________________ = an amount of something that a company, fund, etc. owns as an asset (par 3) 6 17. to _________ ______ = to destroy or be destroyed completely (par 3) 18. _________________ = first in status or importance; principal or chief (par 4) 19. _________________ = the highest or most successful point of anything (par 4) 20. _________________ = a person or thing that follows another, esp. a person who takes over another's job or position (par 4) 21. to _______________ = to terminate an association with something; to let fall by releasing hold of something (par 4) 22. _________ _______ = a metaphor used to describe overoptimistic and exaggerated expectations in relation to sophisticated, esp. electronic, technology (par 5) 23. _________________ = a short period of time when somebody does a large amount of a particular activity (par 5) 2. In text "US Airways vows to rise again" find words or expressions corresponding to the following definitions: 1. to _______________ = to declare or assert; to promise or decide solemnly 2. _________________ = the act of making or arriving at a decision; the decision reached (par 1) 3. _________________ = in flight; flying (par 1) 4. to _________ ______ = to submit an application or document for something (par 1) 5. _________________ = firmly fixed; concentrated; having the mind focused on a specific purpose (par 1) 6. _________________ = desperate, having dreadful or terrible consequences; calamitous (par 1) 7. to _______________ = to indicate (a particular result) (par 1) 8. to _______________ = to chair a meeting; to exercise authority (par 1) 9. _________________ = the process of closing a company, selling its assets and paying its debts (par 1) 10. _________ _______ = the specialized judicial body in which legal processes intended to insure equality among the creditors of a corporation declared to be insolvent are conducted (par 1) 11. to _______________ = to use carefully, avoiding waste; to preserve (par 2) 12. ________ ________ = the amount of money that a company needs in order to pay for aircraft petrol (par 2) 13. _________________ = a company whose business is transport of people (par 2) 14. _________________ = immediately payable (par 2) 7 15. to _______________ = to bring or come to an end; to put an end to something (par 2) 16. to ________ _______ = to withdraw from a position; retreat (par 3) 17. to _______________ = to manage to do; to achieve; to complete (par 3) 18. _________________ = something, such as a point previously claimed in argument, that is later conceded (par 4) Coursebook, page 66-67, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS Fill in the missing words in their correct form in the speech summary: A: Diana Holden is the (1) ____________ (2) ____________ of BZ Systems and she will talk to their (3) ____________ about the (4) ____________ future of the company. She will start by (5) ____________ on last year's financial (6) ____________. Then she wants to talk about their (7) ____________ performance in the past (8) ____________. In the end, she wants to look at the (9) ___________ and the company's (10) _________ plans. She thinks the company is growing from (11) ___________ to (12) ___________. B: What the presenter points to is a (13) ____________ showing how their markets should (14) ____________ Western Europe in the (15) ____________ term. The data come from a company doing independent (16) ____________. It shows that Western Europe is expected to (17) ____________ (18) ____________ in (19) ____________ terms but Eastern Europe, as shown and (20) ____________ to year one by year seven, will be over (21) ____________ the year-one market. C: The company has had an (22) ____________ nine months. On the next chart the audience can see their (23) ____________ (24) ____________ (25) ____________. In year one, (26) ____________ almost (27) ____________ between the third and fourth (28) ____________. In year two, it rose by nearly (29) ____________ to (30) ____________ dollars. Last year was another successful year with revenue reaching a new high at (31) ____________ dollars, which is a (32) ____________ growth. Particularly (33) ____________ were the (34) ____________ to 48 million and 62 million dollars (35) ____________. This year they expect another great year ­ the revenue rose again but in the third quarter it (36) ____________ (37) ____________ to 46 million. 8 Grammar exercises (Passive) 1. Write these sentences in another way, beginning in the way shown. 1. They didn't give me the money. I wasn't given the money. 2. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. I________________________________________________________________ 3. Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired. Janet ____________________________________________________________ 4. Nobody told me that George was ill. I wasn't ___________________________________________________________ 5. How much will they pay you? How much will you ___________________________________________________ 6. I think they should have offered Tom the job. I think Tom ________________________________________________________ 7. Has anybody shown you what to do? Have you __________________________________________________________ 2. Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined word in your sentence. 1. It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strike is expected to end soon. 2. It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window. The thieves ________________________________________________________ 3. It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods. Many people _______________________________________________________ 4. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall. The prisoner _______________________________________________________ 5. It is alleged that the man drove through the town at 90 miles an hour. The man __________________________________________________________ 6. It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by fire. The building _______________________________________________________ 7. a It is said that the company is losing a lot of money. The company _____________________________________________________ b It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year. The company _____________________________________________________ c It is expected that the company will lose money this year. The company _____________________________________________________ 9 3. Complete the sentences using being + one of these verbs. ask attack give invite keep pay 1. Mr Miller doesn't like ________________ waiting. 2. They went to the party without ________________. 3. Most people like ________________ presents. 4. It's a dangerous city. People won't go out after dark because they are afraid of ____________ _____________. 5. I don't like ________________ stupid questions. 6. Few people are prepared to work without ________________. 4. Write sentences in the way shown. 1. Jill didn't repair the roof herself. She had it repaired. 2. I didn't cut my hair myself. I ________________________________________________________________ 3. They didn't paint the house themselves. They _____________________________________________________________ 4. Sue didn't make the curtains herself. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Measuring Performance 11 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Profit and Loss Account 12 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Balance Sheet 1 13 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Balance Sheet 2 REVIEW TEST BPJ_JI4A Unit 7 ­ Finance and banking Name: Teacher: Number of points (max. 100 points) TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) podat žádost o ochranu před věřiteli u konkurzního soudu ­ _______________________________ předběžné výsledky zahrnuté ve finančních výkazech ­ ___________________________________ regulační rámce ovlivňující restrukturalizaci podniků ­ ___________________________________ splatit jistinu a úrok držitelům dluhopisů ­ ____________________________________________ ochrana schválená soudem, věřiteli, akcionáři a správcem daně ­ ____________________________ odečíst splatný úrok ze zisku před zdaněním ­ _________________________________________ odepsat dlužníkům pasiva kvůli snížení dluhu ­ ________________________________________ účetní hodnota zásob a odepisovaných aktiv ­ _________________________________________ B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. the relationship between the amount of money that a company owes (debts) and the value of its shares (equity): 2. something that a company has and that benefits it but does not exist physically, for example a brand or the company's reputation: C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase. (2 points each) PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT, STOCK OPTION, OVERDRAFT, ZENITH, CASHFLOW CONTROL, OPERATING PROFIT, LETTER OF CREDIT 1. Because of its bad ____________________________________, the firm doesn't have enough money available. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 2. The banks offers the possibility to use a(n) ____________________________________ if you want to withdraw more money that you have in your account. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 3. Unfortunately, this program has reached its ________________________________ and now its quality will decrease. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) DIP, CONSERVE, WIND UP, OVERVALUE, BACK AWAY, TERMINATE, CASH IN, OUTPERFORM, ACCOMPLISH 1. Many investors want to ________________________ their investments in a crisis period because they regard money safer than shares. 2. The hi-tech bubble was caused by irresponsible and unfounded ____________________ the shares of technological companies. 3. Our sales are higher than rivals' so we hope __________________________ them in the next quarter. 4. NBC's turnover ______________________ a little last year but it is expected to rise again this year. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. It is not wise to invest in ______________________________; you should invest in commodities instead. (SECURE) 2. Deferring a payment is the last ____________________________ our company is willing to offer to you. (CONCEDE) 3. The __________________________ show us that our profit will fall by 20% this year. (PROJECT) 4. Low-cost ______________________ have an advantage over national airlines. (CARRY) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. Ford has staved ________ bankruptcy thanks to an additional financial help. 2. Mr Palmer is going to preside ________ the next committee meeting. 3. All out sources of money have dried ________, so we'll have to declare bankruptcy. 4. The firm's bankruptcy has wiped ________ all my investment. 5. I wonder how the annual meeting is going to determine the dividends ________ share. 6. The government pays percentage interest ________ bonds it issued. B. Rewrite the sentences with the given words and use the passive voice: (3 points each) 1. The OAK bank will repay all its debts. It will have done it by next December. The OAK bank's __________________________________________ by next December. 2. The company Jeff works for should have paid all his expenses. Jeff ______________________________________________ by the company he works for. 3. I think it was not necessary for the company to raise, announce publicly and postpone the labor costs. I think the labor costs needn't _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. C. Put the VERBS and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. You may need to use the passive forms of the verbs: (1 point each) Money transfers _________________________________ (BELIEVE, DECREASE) soon as the financial crisis ___________________________________________ (FORCE, consumers, STOP, BUY) as many things as a few months ago. Banks _____________________________ _______________________ (late, DECIDE, AVOID, PROVIDE) risky credits because they ________________________________________ (COULD, ACCUSE, BE) reckless by their shareholders. Banks' managers think it's not worth ___________________________________ (RISK, EXPOSE) the lack of cash, and therefore their policy of ________________________ ____________________________ (ENABLE, enterprises, ASK) loans has become very strict. Businesspeople, on the other hand, __________________________________ (COMPLAIN, DENY) financial means by banks. Some governments ________________________________ __________________________ (MAKE, their banks, PROVIDE) loans by law recently, which these banks strongly ___________________________________________ (OBJECT). D. Choose a suitable option that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 1 ­ 3. (2 points each) 1. When are you going to __________________? A: let your room painted B: have cleaned the jacket C: get your car repaired D: have your new house built 2. The CEO __________________ in a car accident. A: has had his wife killed B: should have been killed C: might been injured D: is going to be found dead 3. The company __________________ its biggest rival. A: is believed to have been sold to B: was said to be bought from C: is expected to taken over by D: was known to be resisting to IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: Své finanční výsledky jsou firmy povinny každoročně zveřejnit ve výroční zprávě, která se skládá z několika finančních výkazů. V současné době je však stabilní finanční situace mnoha firem ohrožená a zdá se, že některé z nich buď požádají u soudu o ochranu, nebo zbankrotují. V takovémto případě by firma začala být řízena správcem konkurzní podstaty, který by dohlížel na ukončení všech činností firmy, splacení dluhů věřitelům a zlikvidování firmy. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 16 Unit 8 ­ CONSULTANTS Coursebook, page 73, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE In the text, find words or expressions corresponding to the following definitions: 1. __________ _______ _________ ________= easily gained or earned finances (paragraph 1) 2. to __________ _____ = to abandon or finish something (slang) (par 1) 3. to __________ _____ = to produce, yield, or earn (profits or income) (par 2) 4. _________ _______ = a project that generates a continuous flow of money; a business or product that makes a lot of money for someone (par 2) 5. _________ _______ = the internal operations of an organization that are not accessible or visible to the general public (par 2) 6. _________________ = having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere; marked by friendly intimacy (par 3) 7. _________________ = in an extremely severe or violent way; terribly (par 3) 8. _________________ = having someone as an employee (par 3) 9. _________________ = a person who has reached high positions or has performed extraordinarily well (par 3) 10. _________________ = having a great need or desire (par 3) 11. to __________ _____ = to put forward or recommend (a person or thing) as a good or suitable example or candidate (par 3) 12. _________________ = intentionally (par 3) 13. to __________ _____ = to restrain (someone) or refrain from doing something (par 3) 14. _________________ = prepared to act in a dishonest or immoral manner (par 4) 15. _________________ = the ability to understand, after something has happened, what should have been done or what caused the event; wisdom or knowledge got only after something (usually bad) has happened (par 4) 16. to _______________ = to damage; to destroy; to ruin (par 4) 17. to _______________ = to seek or request, esp. formally (par 5) 17 18. _________________ = below an established or required level (par 5) 19. to ______ _________ = to be under legal or moral obligation; to be limited (par 5) 20. ______ ___ _______ = a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group (par 5) 21. _________________ = a task; a duty someone has to carry out (par 5) 22. to __________ _____ = to hire; engage (par 5) 23. _________________ = adequate or acceptable (par 6) 24. to ________ _______ = here: to gradually reduce the size or amount (par 6) 25. _________________ = more than is needed, desired, or required; not necessary (par 6) 26. _________________ = secured against failures (par 8) 27. _________________ the part of a bank's business that involves providing services to members of the public (par 8) 28. _________________ = plentiful; abundant; having a lot of something (par 9) 29. to __________ ______ ______ __________ = to get started or set in motion (par 9) 30. to __________ ______ ______ __________ = a metaphor meaning that something is unused or not exploited (par 9) 18 Coursebook, page 74, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS B Fill in the missing words in their correct form in the speech summary: The speakers want to focus on some strategies commonly used among buyers and (1) _____________ ­ the limited (2) _____________ in negotiating, making (3) _____________, the importance of a (4) _____________ (5) _____________ and others. If potential buyers know you have the power to concede on your own, they may get angry. However, if you tell them you have to check something with your boss and then if you refuse the (6) _____________, some (7) _____________ authority will be (8) _____________. You should (9) _____________ a good (10) _____________ so that you can continue to (11) _____________ or come back to them later. You should avoid (12) ___________ negotiations where you keep going back and (13) __________. (14) _____________ (15) _____________ will start with for example a one-per-cent (16) _____________, and then (17) _____________ to large ones. But this makes the buyer feel that there was more they could have got. However, professional (18) _____________ start the other way round. As the process goes on, the (19) _____________ they (20) _____________ are getting smaller. In the end, the buyer feels they have got you down to the (21) ___________ (22) __________. In (23) win-win negotiations the customer should feel as a winner too. Then there is the negotiation (24) _____________ (25) _____________. What do you know about a (26) ____________ needs? What is your original (27) ____________ price? What is your (28) ____________ (29) ____________ or (30) _____________ number? Now, what exactly the term `(31) _____________ (32) _____________' mean? It refers to the (33) _____________ amount you were (34) _____________. It is sometimes called (35) ____________ ­ the (36) _____________ (37) ____________ (38) _____________ a (39) _____________ (40) _____________. It represents the point where (41) _____________ (42) _____________ makes more sense than making a (43) _____________. The real secret of good negotiations is to have decided (44) ____ (45) _____________ what you can ask for in return for a price (46) _____________. Buyers, like everyone else, (47) _____________ not to (48) _____________ anything they get for free or easily. 19 Grammar exercises (Conditionals) 1. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. 1. Marie is unhappy because she gave up her career when she got married. But, Marie (be) __________________ happy if she (give, not) __________________ up her career when she got married. 2. Dr. Mercer decided not to accept the research grant at Harvard because he is going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. But, Dr. Mercer (accept) __________________ the research grant at Harvard if he (take, not) __________________ six months off to spend more time with his family. 3. Professor Schmitz talked so much about the Maasai tribe because she is an expert on African tribal groups. But, Professor Schmitz (talk, not) __________________ so much about the Maasai tribe if she (be, not) __________________ an expert on African tribal groups. 4. I am unemployed because I had a disagreement with my boss and I was fired. But, I (be, not) __________________ unemployed if I (have, not) _______________ a disagreement with my boss and I (be, not) __________________ fired. 5. Nicole speaks Chinese fluently because she lived in China for ten years. But, Nicole (speak, not) __________________ Chinese fluently if she (live, not) __________________ in China for ten years. 2. Rewrite the following sentences in the way shown (i.e. omit if) while keeping the same meaning. 1. If I had seen the accident, I would have called police immediately. Had I seen the accident, I would have called police immediately. 2. If I were you, I wouldn't have invested the money in property. _______________________________________________________________ 3. If Thomas Dillon borrows any money from you, charge him no interest. _______________________________________________________________ 4. If Citi Group was about to go bankrupt, it would damage the whole US economy. _______________________________________________________________ 5. If the weather prohibits us from leaving the town, we will have to stay over night. _______________________________________________________________ 6. If Masaryk University had been founded later, it would have fewer students now. _______________________________________________________________ 20 3. Underline the correct words. This exercise includes revision of imaginary futures. 1. If you phoned/had phoned me yesterday, I had told/would have told you. 2. If you took/would have taken more exercise, you might feel/had felt better. 3. If Tim would have listened/had listened more carefully, he wouldn't have made/didn't make that mistake. 4. If we'd found/we found suitable premises, we'd have moved/we had moved earlier. 5. If people kept/had kept their offices more tidy, it might present/presented a better image to our visitors. 6. If I'd known/I would know about their financial problems, I wouldn't do/wouldn't have done business with them. 4. Rewrite the sentences as shown; keep the same meaning. 1. Tom and Lucy regret that they were living together for so long. If only ____________________________________________________________ 2. It's a shame that I cannot be in your position as it would be good for me. I wish ____________________________________________________________ 3. I regret that the new French movie everybody is talking about wasn't filmed in Slovakia. If only ____________________________________________________________ 4. I regret that we have met Phillip because he is a very annoying person. I wish ____________________________________________________________ 5. I want the new American president to come to Europe to settle all disputes. If only ____________________________________________________________ 6. I regret that my sister cannot spend much money on holiday this year. I wish ____________________________________________________________ 7. It's a shame that the university couldn't buy the new equipment. If only ____________________________________________________________ 21 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: What Is Quality? 22 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: The Management of Change REVIEW TEST BPJ_JI4A Unit 8 ­ Consultants Name: Teacher: Number of points (max. 100 points) TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) propracovaná procedura jmenování generálního ředitele ­ ________________________________ problém odvíjející se od shody se specifikacemi ­ _______________________________________ ustoupit ve způsobu měření manažerského výkonu ­ ____________________________________ milníky obsažené v časovém rámci ­ ________________________________________________ amatérští a úmyslně bezohlední vyjednavači ­ _________________________________________ ostranění odchylek s přesností na zlomek milimetru ­ ____________________________________ nadbytečná, ale uspokojivá požadovaná cena ­ _________________________________________ instrukce obsažené ve smlouvě za pevně stanovenou cenu ­ _______________________________ B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. the act of balancing two things that you need or want but which are opposed to each other: 2. something that you allow or do, or allow somebody to have, in order to end an argument or to make a situation less difficult: C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase. (2 points each) COMMITMENT ­ MONEY FOR OLD ROPE ­ CUSTOMER DELIGHT ­ HINDSIGHT MONEY SPINNER­ RETAIL BANKING ­ INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS 1. Writing up the report was very easy, so it was __________________________________ for me. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 2. The Windows operating system has been a ____________________________________ for Microsoft because so many people use it on their computers. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 3. Let's focus on _____________________________________________ of our computer systems rather than doing everything from the beginning. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) WALK AWAY, CONCEDE, TOUT FOR, TAKE OUT, GRANT, HOLD BACK, PARE BACK, APPOINT, JACK IN, TAKE ON 1. My friend has promised me _____________________ an additional business which could bring me more money. 2. The bad economic situation forces us __________________________ our organizational structure and dismiss several workers. 3. Stop ___________________________ the process of restructuring ­ we need to start the production as quickly as possible. 4. Toyota is considering _______________________ the development of their new model because the demand seems to be falling rapidly. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. Removing levels of management is sometimes referred to as ______________________. (LAYER) 2. Every decision you make is subject to the boss's _____________________. (APPROVE) 3. Don't forget to mention all the _____________________________ the project includes. (DELIVER) 4. There are many young and ambitious ___________________________ in this company. (ACHIEVE) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. Stop holding back _________ producing your reports, we need them. 2. Our commitment _________ change is obvious and well visible. 3. A trade-_________ means offering something in exchange for something else. 4. I'm not going to fulfill your needs one _________ one. 5. Let me run this _________ my superior and then I'll let you know. 6. This project will not get _________ the ground because it is too costly. B. Rewrite the sentences with the given words and use conditional clauses: (3 points each) 1. It is unfortunate that they didn't offer me the job a month ago. I wish I ________________________________________________________________. 2. Unfortunately, the financial crisis didn't start two months later. It wouldn't be necessary for us to dismiss 200 workers in these days. If ______________________________________________________________________, we ______________________________________________________________________. 3. Fortunately expense reports are filed via the intranet, so they can be paid within 48 hours. If expense reports __________________________, they __________________________. C. Put the VERBS and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. You may need to use the passive forms of the verbs: (1 point each) The consultants _______________________________________ (late, POSTPONE, DEAL) the major issues of their client. Instead of ___________________________ (RECOMMEND, WRITE) a report on the development of production, the consultants ____________________ ____________________ (URGE, the client, LEAK) some confidential information about their foreign operations. The consultants _______________________________________________ (TRY, MAKE, their employees, GIVE OUT) this information, which ___________________ ________________________ (CONSIDER) unethical behavior by the management. Managers ________________________________ (DISAPPOINT, HEAR) such news and have reacted quickly. They ____________________________________________ (REFUSE, GO ON, COOPERATE) the consultancy. They ____________________________________ ______________________ (AVOID, PROPOSE, SUE, they) because settlement out of court ______________________ (SEEM, BE) a better idea. D. Choose a suitable option that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 1 ­ 3. (2 points each) 1. If I ___________________ you, I ___________________. A: was ... would accept the offer B: had been ... would have gone there C: were ... would have sold the car D: was ... could do it 2. If you ___________________ a ball, it ___________________ because of gravity. A: drop ... will fall B: will drop ... will fall C: had dropped ... would fall D: drop ... falls 3. If Jack ___________________, he ___________________. A: had been born earlier ... could have voted now B: hadn't been killed ... wouldn't be dead now C: was clever ... would have passed the entrance exam D: was a woman ... couldn't have been interested in football IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: Přes zákazníkův záměr nepřijmout první nabídnutý ústupek firma uspěla ve vyjednávání o požadované ceně. Zástupci společnosti si však uvědomili, že procesy nastavené na efektivní jednání se zákazníky se staly již zastaralými. Následně se rozhodli najmout poradenskou firmu, jejíž experti by měli zrevidovat (přezkoumat) metody používané v komunikaci s koncovými zákazníky a navrhnout účinná opatření vedoucí k vyšší míře úspěšnosti ve vyjednávání. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 25 Unit 9 ­ STRATEGY Coursebook, page 78, exercise LISTENING AND DISCUSSION B Fill in the missing words in their correct form in the speech summary: Marketing is important as well as finance or (1) ____________ management. People in marketing and (2) ____________ are mostly in (3) ____________ with customers and therefore often regarded as those who understand the market. This has both advantages and problems, namely if the industry is being (4) ___________ by some (5) _________. If someone had asked marketing people about their best business (6) ____________, they would say it would be to (7) ____________ new collections and (8) ____________ to a country with cheap (9) ____________ (10) ____________, (11) ____________ it, etc. The company would produce it nine months in (12) ____________ and have the Chinese manufacture it cheaply and then you'd put the new collection in the stores, which is the normal (13) ____________. Zara decided to have no (14) ____________ and they chose to be a fast (15) ____________, a fast (16) ____________ (17) ____________. So they have to produce in Europe, which is not necessarily cheap. It isn't possible to produce in large amounts in China and (18) ____________ them to Europe as it takes a lot of time. So they have to produce the clothes (19) ___________ at low costs and in short (20) _________. You also have to (21) ____________ your collection and make sure you have (22) ____________ in the Zara or Benetton (23) ____________. But Zara doesn't want to be like Benetton, they try to do something else ­ they have to (24) ____________ and change the rules a little bit, (25) ____________ they will never (26) ____________ the more (27) ____________ (28) ____________. Coursebook, page 80, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE In the text, find words or expressions corresponding to the following definitions: 1. _________________ = an improvement that makes something work better (par 1) 2. to _______________ = to seize hold of; to take hold of (par 1) 3. to _________ ______ = to lose money in gambling or in the securities markets; to die; to expire (slang); here: to cease to use (par 1) 4. to _______________ = to repeat or imitate (what someone else has said) (par 1) 5. _________________ = a party organized for the pursuit of wild animals for sport; here: pursuing certain goals (par 2) 26 6. _________________ = abundant or numerous; widespread or common (par 2) 7. _________________ = maintained without interruption or weakening; continuous (par 2) 8. to _________ ______ = to cause something to increase; to excite or arouse someone or something (par 3) 9. _________________ = widely known and esteemed; famous (par 4) 10. to _________ ______ = to take advantage of (par 4) 11. _________________ = a means of access or approach (par 4) 12. _________ _______ = the business of selling goods to the public, especially through shops/stores (par 4) 13. _________________ = intelligent and making good judgments (par 4) 14. _________ _______ = the act of dividing people or organizations that buy a product or service from a shop into different parts (par 4) 15. to _______________ = to bring about a radical change in; to change radically (par 4) 16. _________ _______ = a person visiting different interesting places who organizes their trips in the cheapest possible way (par 4) 17. to _______________ = to revive or renew (par 4) 18. to _______________ = to say or maintain; to argue (par 5) 19. _________________ = fundamental; basic (par 5) 20. _________________ = here: a product or service that is very closely related or connected with another (more important) thing (par 5) 21. _________________ = a column; here: a fundamental principle or practice of something (par 5) 22. _________________ = a scheme or set of strategies for conducting a business campaign or a political campaign (par 5) 23. _________________ = a usually serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion (par 6) 24. _________________ = turned or twisted toward one side; faulty (par 6) 25. _________________ = here: a group; a bunch (par 7) 26. _________________ = someone who provides food and service (par 7) 27. _________________ = something that slows or delays progress (par 8) 28. _________________ = spreading out in different directions (par 9) 29. _________________ = a solid substance that conducts electricity in particular conditions (par 9) 30. _________________ = the stake risked; one on which a stake is or can be placed (par 9) 31. _________________ = a relatively insignificant position from which future progress might be made (par 9) 27 32. _________ _______ = a brief period of extravagant spending (par 9) 33. _________ _______ = a metaphor used to describe overoptimistic and exaggerated expectations in relation to technological companies (par 9) 34. _________________ = here: an imperfect imitation or copy (par 9) 35. to ______ __________ ______ __________ = to make a bad situation worse; to hurt the feelings of a person who has already been hurt (par 9) Coursebook, page 82, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS B Fill in the missing words in their correct form in the interview summary: What Sarah doesn't like about (1) ____________ meetings is the fact that she doesn't regard herself as most (2) ____________ when she is in a group. She prefers to work on her own. As far as Max is concerned, he likes it because he sees it as a really positive way of getting (3) ____________ of new ideas in a short (4) ____________ of time. As the trainer says, it's important that people come up with as many ideas as possible but there shouldn't be more than ten people (5) ____________ (6) ____________. It's also (7) ____________ that someone writes down the ideas, however (8) ____________ they may seem. To avoid a situation when the same people talk all the time, the role of a (9) ___________ or a (10) ___________ is important. Their task is to (11) _________ an (12) ____________ and (13) ____________ (14) ____________, and to try to get everyone to (15) ____________. If someone's too (16) ____________, others won't feel comfortable about being (17) ____________. To make a decision, it's also important to clearly (18) ____________ the problem you want solved and keep the (19) ____________ (20) ____________. The idea is to (21) ____________ as many ideas as possible which you can then (22) ____________ (23) ____________. An example follows: the participants should think of new (24) ____________ services or (25) ____________ for Rose and Frankwright. The trainer has asked Sarah to write down the ideas on a (26) ___________ (27) _________. Max has an idea of a Santa train going around the city center at Christmas, and Rose and Frankwright could (28) ____________ it. The trainer goes on with an example about Einstein: he and his (29) ____________ were able to (30) ____________ more (31) ____________ than other scientists because they had discovered some (32) ____________ Greek principles of group communication developed by (33) ____________. He and other Greek (34) ____________ would sit around (35) ____________ various issues but the (36) ____________ were (37) ____________ by 7 principles that established a sense of (38) ____________. 28 Grammar exercises (Reported speech & Indirect questions) 1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 1. `I won't put it in the sales because it's selling very well,' she said. She said she wouldn't put it in the sales because it was selling very well. 2. `I've read the report and I don't understand section 4,' he said. He said ______________________________________________________ 3. `When I finish my presentation, I'm going to have a drink,' he said. He said that when _______________________________________________ 4. `I'm preparing the figures but I won't be long,' she said. She said _____________________________________________________ 5. `I like playing tennis, but I don't do it very often,' she said. She said _____________________________________________________ 6. `I'm going to visit our Polish subsidiary, but I'm not sure when,' she said. She said _____________________________________________________ 2. Rewrite each sentence in reported speech. 1. `Are you on holiday for the whole of August?' she asked me. She asked me if/whether I was on holiday for the whole of August. 2. `What do the letters `URL' mean?' I asked him. I asked him ___________________________________________________ 3. `Have you prepared the figures?' my boss asked me. My boss asked me _______________________________________________ 4. `When is your birthday?' I asked Francesca. I asked Francesca _______________________________________________ 5. `Did you remember to back up the file?' she asked him. She asked him _________________________________________________ 6. `Why have you turned off the air conditioning?' Ellen asked me. Ellen asked me _________________________________________________ 7. `Do you speak Italian?' they asked me at the interview. They asked me at the interview ______________________________________ 8. `How much did you pay for your car?' I asked Pablo. I asked Pablo __________________________________________________ 29 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Strategic thinking 30 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Key Strategic Issues 31 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Innovation 32 Unit 10 ­ DOING BUSINESS ONLINE Coursebook, page 91, exercise LISTENING AND DISCUSSION E Fill in the missing words in their correct form in the speech summary: Yahoo's problem is that it wanted to make money on internet (1) _____________ but it's taken a long time to (2) ___________ a working model. First, there were (3) _______ (4) _____________ that were put onto (5) _____________. After the initial (6) ___________, companies found out that they weren't getting a lot of (7) __________ from them. So they made the adverts more (8) _____________ ­ they made them (9) _____________ (10) _____________ onto computer screens, but that just (11) _____________ to annoy people. However, they have recently come up with something (12) _____________ ­ advertising related to (13) _____________ when people are looking on Yahoo or the other (14) _____________ or (15) _____________ (16) _____________. This makes firms happy as they see higher (17) _____________ (18) _____________ from this type of (19) _____________ advertisements. Businesses selling (20) _____________ that are easy to ship have performed well. These things the customers don't need to (21) _____________ (22) _____________. Clothing can be harder as people want to feel the (23) _____________, etc. But with books, music and to some (24) _____________ wine, you can just read a description. Travel is also good because you can (25) _____________ (26) _____________ tickets to people and there's a small amount of (27) ____________. Moreover, (28) _________ your travel online does add something (29) _____________ different to the (30) _____________. Coming back to the clothing (31) _____________, it's (32) _____________ how much this type of experience would have added. 33 Coursebook, pages 92-93, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE In the text, find words or expressions corresponding to the following definitions: 1. _________________ = a dollar (informal) (paragraph 1) 2. _________________ = the main road in a town, where the shops, banks, etc. are (par 2) 3. _________________ = something that diverts the attention; an obstacle to attention (par 2) 4. to _______________ = to move along by turning over and over (here: coins) (par 3) 5. _________________ = in a perfectly consistent and coherent way (par 3) 6. _________________ = an unintentional omission or mistake; a mistake caused by not noticing something (par 3) 7. _________________ = requiring much effort or attention; here: requiring great physical or mental effort to satisfy one's needs (par 4) 8. _________________ = liable to sudden unpredictable change; characterized by changeableness or instability (par 4) 9. _________________ = in an extremely severe or violent way (par 4) 10. _________________ = having no previous example; never having happened before (par 4) 11. _________________ = tastelessly showy; very colorful (par 4) 12. to _________ ______ = to give up something that is not strictly needed (par 4) 13. to _________ ______ = to be the equivalent of something; to be the same as something else; to include (par 5) 14. _________________ = the lowest possible level (par 5) 15. _________________ = constituting a complete and independent unit in and of itself (par 6) 16. _________ _______ = the process when goods required by customers are collected from a central site, e.g. a warehouse (par 6) 17. _________________ = the part of a business that does not meet and deal directly with customers (par 6) 18. to _______________ = to send off to a destination or to perform a task (par 6) 19. to _________ ______ = to prepare for an activity; to make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose (par 6) 20. _________________ = a system of buying and selling goods through the postal system (par 8) 21. to ________ _______ = to be considered as most important (par 10) 22. __________ ______ = the costs involved in the activities of a business or part of a business, such as supplies, small equipment, training, etc. (par 10) 34 Grammar exercises (Relative clauses) 1. Combine each pair of sentences by including the word given in brackets. 1. Last year we introduced a new line. It's aimed at the youth market. (that) The new line that we introduced last year is aimed at the youth market. 2. I'd like you to meet a colleague. He could be a useful contact for you. (who) I'd like you to meet a colleague ____________________________. 3. A candidate's CV is on your desk. She deserves an interview. (whose) The candidate ____________________________ deserves an interview. 4. A visitor is coming next week. She's from our Paris office. (who) The visitor ____________________________ is from our Paris office. 5. Tom took me to a restaurant. It was called `Noodle Heaven'. (that) The restaurant ____________________________ was called `Noodle Heaven'. 6. I heard a man's presentation. He was an investment banker. (whose) The man ____________________________ was an investment banker. 7. Here is a mobile phone. I was telling you about it. (that) Here is the mobile phone ____________________________. 8. Over there is a site. They're going to build a new factory. (where) The site ____________________________ is over there. 2. Put in that or what. If the sentence is complete with or without that, write (that) -- in brackets. 1. I gave her all the money (that) I had. 2. They give their children everything ________ they want. 3. Tell me ________ you want and I'll try to get it for you. 4. Why do you blame me for everything ________ goes wrong? 5. I won't be able to do much but I'll do the best ________ I can. 6. I can only lend you ten pounds. It's all ________ I've got. 7. I don't agree with ________ you've just said. 8. I don't trust him. I don't believe anything ________ he says. 3. Rewrite the following sentences in the way shown. 1. These are the students. They all have failed the final exam. These are the students, all of whom have failed the final exam. 2. I've deleted seven documents. They weren't important for my work. I've deleted seven documents, ___________________ was important for my work. 3. IBM moved to a new building. Its offices are spacious. IBM moved to a new building, ___________________ are spacious. 4. Mary and Bill have adopted seven children. Five of these children come from Asia. Mary and Bill have adopted seven children, ___________________ come from Asia. 5. Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic are used to business ethics. All its fundamental principles were broken by foreign investors. Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic are used to business ethics, all ___________________ _____________________ were broken by foreign investors. 6. We've seen the politicians. Their important moral qualities have been questioned. We've seen the politicians, important ___________________ have been questioned. 35 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Internet Security 36 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: E-commerce: after boom and bust 37 Unit 11 ­ NEW BUSINESS Coursebook, page 99, exercise LISTENING AND DISCUSSION D-F Fill in the missing words in their correct form in the interview summary: Max Benson says that the (1) _____________ are identical. For instance, finding support or (2) _____________ by government (3) _____________ or business (4) _____________ are available for everyone. However, a reserach has shown there are (5) _____________ for women: they are (6) _____________ to (7) _____________, (8) _____________ to (9) _____________, (10) _____________, and finally a (11) _____________ (12) _____________. In addition, women have been slower in (13) _____________ technology. Currently many women start new businesses in the (14) _____________ area, which involves (15) _____________ (16) _____________ or (17) _____________ (18) _____________. Many women are also attracted by the (19) _____________ area. Many of them also work in business services, such as training and personal development; there are many (20) _____________ or trainers for business (21) _____________, i.e. abilities they've learnt and they are now using in (22) ____________ (23) __________. One of the main problems men and women are facing is (24) _____________ the amount of money needed. Banks report that women do it frequently and it causes problems. People are also unable to guess how long it will take until the (25) _____________ (26) _____________ starts coming in. Coursebook, page 101, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE In the text, find words or expressions corresponding to the following definitions: 1. _________________ = injury caused by a blow to the body or a fruit, discoloring the skin but not breaking it 2. _________________ = an idea or activity, especially in politics or business, that suddenly becomes very popular or fashionable, so that a lot of people want to be involved in it (to jump on/climb on/join the bandwagon) 3. _________________ = completely and absolutely; in an exhaustive manner (paragraph 1) 4. to __________ _____ = to climb or crawl quickly, usually over rough ground or with difficulty (par 1) 38 5. _________________ = element in someone's personality, distinguishing characteristic (par 1) 6. _________ _______ = a private investor or a financial business that invests money in new companies, which may involve a lot of risk and bring good profits (par 2) 7. _________ _______ = an investor who helps new companies develop by lending them their own money, which may involve a lot of risk (par 2) 8. to _______________ = to have a tendency to do or have something (par 2) 9. to _______________ = to support (par 2) 10. _________________ = not very good, second-rate, average (par 2) 11. _________________ = a mark left on the skin by a wound, sore, etc. (par 2) 12. _________________ = mass of cells forming the body of an animal or a plant (par 2) 13. _________________ = (of a currency) freely exchangeable into other currencies (par 2) 14. _________________ = a company that is formed to develop and use the results of research done at a university or college (par 4) 15. _________________ = advantage (par 4) 16. _________________ = someone new in a competition, market or examination (par 4) 17. to _______________ = to notice (par 5) 18. _________________ = having the possibility to be used for something (par 5) 19. _________________ = a particular area of activity or life (par 6) 20. _________________ = causing difficulties that interrupt something or prevent it from continuing (par 6) 21. to ________ sb ____ st = to make someone experience something unpleasant (par 6) 22. _________________ = the control of trade in particular goods or the supply of a particular service by a small group of companies; the type of goods or service that is controlled in this way; the companies that control the trade (par 6) 23. to _______________ = to cause to diminish or deteriorate as if by eating into or wearing away (par 6) 24. to __________ _____ = to involve someone in something; to pull someone into something; to attract someone in (par 6) 25. _________________ = in a contrary manner (par 7) 26. _________________ = someone who makes predictions of future developments on the basis of existing conditions (par 8) 27. _________________ = using new methods or achieving new results (par 9) 28. _________________ = an amount, level, standard etc. that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are (par 9) 29. _________________ = the choice of roads taken to get to a place; a chosen way or method (par 9) 30. to _______________ = to convey information about; to make something known (par 10) 39 Grammar exercises (Modals) 1. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets. Use may or might. 1. I can't find George anywhere. I wonder where he is. a (he / go / shopping) He may have gone shopping. b (he / play / tennis) He might be playing tennis. 2. I'm looking for Helen. Do you know where she is? a (she / watch / TV / in her room) __________________________________________ b (she / go / out) ______________________________________________________ 3. I can't find my umbrella. Have you seen it? a (it/be/in the car) _____________________________________________________ b (you / leave / in the restaurant last night) ____________________________________ 4. Why didn't Tom answer the doorbell? I'm sure he was in the house at the time. a (he/be/in the bath) ___________________________________________________ b (he / not / hear / the bell)_______________________________________________ 2. Complete the sentences. Use could or could have + a suitable verb. 1. A: What shall we do this evening? B: I don't mind. We could go to the cinema. 2. A: I had a very boring evening at home yesterday. B: Why did you stay at home? You _________________ to the cinema. 3. A: There's an interesting job advertised in the paper. You _________________ for it. B: What sort of job is it? Show me the advertisement. 4. A: Did you go to the concert last night? B: No. We _________________ but we decided not to. 5. A: Where shall we meet tomorrow? B: Well, I _________________ to your house if you like. 3. Read the situations and write sentences with should/shouldn't. Some of the sentences are past and some are present. 1. I'm feeling sick. I ate too much. I shouldn't have eaten so much. 2. That man on the motorbike isn't wearing a helmet. That's dangerous. He ______________________________________________________________ 3. When we got to the restaurant, there were no free tables. We hadn't reserved one. We ______________________________________________________________ 4. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is 9 o'clock now but the shop isn't open yet. __________________________________________________________ 5. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour, but Catherine is doing 50. She ______________________________________________________________ 6. I went to Paris. A friend of mine lives in Paris but I didn't go to see him while I was there. When I saw him later, he said: You _____________________________________________ 40 4. Complete the sentences with a verb in the correct form. 1. I've lost one of my gloves. I must have dropped it somewhere. 2. They haven't lived here for long. They can't ____________ many people. 3. Ted isn't at work today. He must ____________ ill. 4. Ted wasn't at work last week. He must ____________ ill. 5. (The doorbell rings) I wonder who that is. It can't ____________ Mary. She's still at work at this time. 6. Carol knows a lot about films. She must ____________ to the cinema a lot. 7. Look. Jack is putting on his hat and coat. He must ____________ out. 5. Write two sentences for each situation. Use needn't have in the first sentence and could have in the second (as in the example). 1. Why did you rush? Why didn't you take your time? You needn't have rushed. You could have taken your time. 2. Why did you walk home? Why didn't you take a taxi? ________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did you stay at a hotel? Why didn't you stay with us? ________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did she phone me in the middle of the night? Why didn't she phone me in the morning? ________________________________________________________________ 41 SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT: IS YOUR BUSINESS IDEA FEASIBLE? Is Your Business Idea Feasible? By Timothy Faley, Ph.D. | Oct 1, 2005 In my last column, I focused on recognizing great opportunities and shaping them into business concepts that thrive. This month we'll look at analyzing the feasibility of your proposed venture and assessing its market potential -- an oft-neglected, pre-business planning step. Making a critical evaluation of your business concept at an early stage will allow you to discover, address, and correct any fatal flaws before investing time in preparing your business plan. As you work through this phase, Phase II of business development, you will identify factors that are essential to your venture's success while compiling the detailed, in-depth information you need to write your business plan, thereby immensely shortening the next phase in the process. Unlike Phase I, which emphasizes divergent thinking, Phase II requires convergent, focused thinking and analysis. This is the point where you want to start drilling down to specifics. Although you are not yet ready to prepare a detailed operating plan, it is important to concentrate on the details of your business proposal. After conducting secondary market research, which involves assessing the literature and other publicly available information, you will need to begin primary market research by talking directly to stakeholders of all kinds -- from potential customers to future team members -- about your business concept. Here are some pertinent questions you will want to ask -- and answer: * What does the industry where my firm will compete for customers look like? * If you are able to create value for your customers, will you be able to capture any of it? * Who holds the value-capture power in the industry you are entering -- buyers, suppliers or others? * How will your firm be differentiated and stay that way? * Are there few or many prospective customers for your product or service? * How many units per customer can you expect to sell? * What is your immediately addressable market? * Who will be your first customer? * How will you move from that first customer to the 10th , 100th and millionth? * What is the cost of acquiring a new customer? * What kind of skills will you want to procure from your team members to complement your own? * When will you need to incorporate people with those skills into your business? Author John Mullin's New Business Road Test is a good reference to help you rigorously think through the industry, market, and team needs for your business. However, three additional interrelated topics are also important: doing early-stage financial analyses on your venture, defining the development path necessary to transition from your current business concept to the state of your operating business, and gauging the investor attractiveness of your enterprise. Early-stage financial analyses can be frustrating at this point, because you must make many assumptions. The question is: Which of those assumptions should you validate with more detailed investigation and which should you set aside for the time being? There is not enough time to pursue everything, so you need to focus on the most critical issues. At this stage you are seeking insight, not a single answer, from a financial analysis of your business. Using add-on software that provides probabilistic, Monte Carlo simulation capability to your spreadsheet will allow you to identify variables that have a large financial impact on your business. You then can focus your attention on those items, systematically mitigating risks as you build your business. Recognizing the tasks that must be performed in order to develop your business to the point of entertaining your first customer is important for understanding your total startup cash needs. If these tasks are not followed by substantial business upside potential, they can create a fiscal burden that 42 will drag down your venture's chances of financial success. Many firms look promising as ongoing concerns, but are unable to recover from the time and costs of getting to that point. To complicate matters, ventures often have multiple development paths that must be navigated simultaneously. Technology-based companies, for example, frequently must follow three paths: technology, product, and market. Phase II is the time to begin thinking about how to position your company for investors, whether you hope to obtain your startup capital from Uncle Harry or venture capitalists. A business that ultimately may be profitable on an annual basis but has little hope of recovering its upfront costs does not look very attractive to investors. No investor likes their investments viewed as sunk costs. You need to ask yourself how your investors will capture their returns -- through interest payments, dividends or escalating equity value? Equity is worthless, if there is no way to cash out through a liquidity event of some kind. Were you inadvertently considering using the investors' returns as growth capital for your business? You need to look at the investment from their perspective as well as your own. Once you have successfully completed Phase II of the business-creation and development process, you can be confident that your business concept is solid. This certainly does not mean you are guaranteed to have a successful business, however, because there are many operational risks involved. source: 43 Unit 12 ­ PROJECT MANAGEMENT Coursebook, page 109, exercise READING 1. In the text find words or expressions corresponding to the following definitions: 1. to _______________ = to feel or express sorrow, remorse, or regret (for or over something) (par 1) 2. _________________ = a concept, opinion, or idea (par 1) 3. to _______________ = to distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose (par 2) 4. ________ ________ = someone who does his/her job in an inefficient, slow and insufficient way; someone not achieving good results (par 2) 5. to _____ ______ ____ = to dispose of, remove, put away somebody or something (par 2) 6. _________________ = workers available to a particular group or required for a particular task (par 2) 7. _________________ = part of a project that is handed over separately or sooner than the whole project (par 3) 8. to _______________ = to praise or glorify (par 3) 9. to _________ ______ = to make specific complaints about someone or something; to complain (par 3) 10. _________________ = pleasing, satisfying (par 3) 11. _________________ = interference; an unwelcome visit, interjection; entry to another's property without right or permission (par 4) 12. _________________ = marked by continuous fast occurrence; very quick (par 4) 13. _________________ = mobile phone (par 4) 14. _________________ = the state of being linked together as in a chain (par 4) 15. _________________ = the act of granting recognition (especially with respect to educational institutions that maintain suitable standards) (par 5) 16. _________________ = committee or council (par 5) 17. _________________ = a list of all the courses of study offered by a school or college (par 5) 18. ________ ________ = reaction or feedback by someone who is available immediately when called by the phone (par 6) 19. _________________ = leadership, instruction, direction or advice as to a decision or course of action (par 6) 20. _________________ = insufficient in function; especially of a bodily system or organ (par 6) 44 Coursebook, page 110, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS A Fill in the missing words in their correct form in the interview summary: 1: The speaker considers (1) ______________ of face as an (2) ______________ and often even (3) ____________ experience. In case people's behavior is (4) _________ (5) ______________, others won't respect you any more. If people lose their (6) ______________ or (7) ______________ someone, it may result in losing their face. Therefore people should (8) ______________ it in mind all the time. 2: The second speaker explains that in their culture people like to (9) ______________ or, as the speaker puts it, have a (10) ______________ discussion. During a conversation people (11) ______________ (12) ______________ their ideas on the table, agree or disagree with them, but nothing is taken (13) ______________. 3: Business culture of the third speaker changes quickly; however, this culture lacks what is referred to as `good (14) ____________' in the west and people don't (15) _________ very often. As the speaker puts it, their ways of behavior aren't bad, they are just (16) ______________ theirs. Their country is (17) ______________ and people don't (18) ____________ to say what they think to prevent any (19) ____________. 45 Grammar exercises (Verb patterns) 1. Complete these sentences with the verbs from the list below. Choose either the -ing form or to + infinitive. give write fly receive make recognize advertise help think speak 1. They agreed ______________ us thirty more days to pay the invoice. 2. He pretended ______________ me, but I don't think he knew who I was. 3. There's no point ______________ this brand on TV, it would cost too much. 4. We're expecting ______________ some more stock early next week. 5. I'll join you later. I need to finish ______________ this report. 6. I learnt ______________ Portuguese when I worked in Brazil. 7. I work in public relations. My job involves ______________ contact with the media. 8. I can't help ______________ that something is going to go wrong. 9. I can't afford ______________ business class all the time. 10. I can't promise ______________ you with this problem, but I'll do my best. 2. Complete the following sentences with verbs from the list below. Include an object in every case. advise remind persuade expect help encourage force 1. I'm sorry I missed work yesterday. The doctor ______________ stay in bed. 2. I tried to ______________ come with us tonight, but he said he was busy. 3. Could you ______________ call Head Office later? I might forget. 4. If you employ a secretary, it will ______________ deal with all the paperwork. 5. She hasn't called yet, but I ______________ contact me some time today. 6. I didn't feel very confident, but she ______________ apply for the job. 7. The fall in demand has ______________ make some of our best workers redundant. 3. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets. 1. a We wanted ______________ the building. (leave) b We weren't allowed ______________ the building. (leave) c We were prevented ______________ the building. (leave) 2. a Fred failed ______________ the problem. (solve) b Amy succeeded ______________ the problem. (solve) 3. a I'm thinking ______________ away next week. (go) b I'm hoping ______________ away next week. (go) c I'm looking forward ______________ away next week. (go) d I'd like ______________ away next week. (go) 4. a Mary wanted ______________ me a drink. (buy) b Mary promised ______________ me a drink. (buy) c Mary insisted ______________ me a drink. (buy) d Mary wouldn't dream ______________ me a drink. (buy) 46 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE: Striving for perfection