MOCK TEST J.Knapová PREPOSITIONS: a) Richard Wise thinks that successful growth strategy doesn’t detract _________ a company’s core business. b) This companies are renowned for their ability to tap _______ new avenue of growth. c) According ________ research overseen only 13 % of companies worldwide during 1990s achieved even modest growth. d) French hotel group Accor revolutionized its industry with a smart investment aimed _______ budget travelers. e) Traditional sources of revenue growth such as product enhancements or grabbing market share have been largely tapped _________. Management calls this situation ‘a growth crisis.’ DEFINITIONS: a) Short time spent buying up other companies b) Money paid to a professional person or organisation for thein services c) Done within the organisation, especially by the organisation’s own staff d) Try to persuase people to buy goods or services you are offering e) A bussines that sells goods to members of the public, ether than to shops TRANSLATION: a) Poradenské společnosti se hájí, že je to na klientovi, aby dal jasně najevo, co chce a mohl si tak být jistý, že dostane uspokojivý výsledek. PHRASES: a) Ochotný dělat velké ústupky b) Nabídka ber nebo nech být c) Zaostat za konkurencí d) Držet se důležitého (při diskuzi) e) Nedostatek regulace