SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY The value of a company as shown in its financial records, which is its assets minus its liabilities (= the money that it owes) SHAREHOLDERS´ FUNDS The value of a company’s assets minus its liabilities. This legally belongs to its shareholders SHARE CAPITAL The money that investors put into a company when they buy shares, which the company uses to continue its activities COMMON STOCK A share in a company that gives the owner the right to a dividend and usually the right to vote at meetings of shareholders RETAINED EARNINGS / PROFITS The part of the profit made by a company after tax has been paid that is invested in the company rather than being paid to shareholders as dividends ADDITIONAL PAID-IN CAPITAL Excess received from shareholders over the par value (or stated value) of the stock issued DEFFERED INCOME TAX A liability recorded on the balance sheet that results from income already earned and recognized for accounting, but not tax, purposes. ACCRUED EXPENSES An estimated amount of money that a business owes for goods or services that have been supplied to it but for which no request for payment has been received. CREDITORS / ACCOUNTS PAYABLE The amounts that a business owes to its suppliers or to people who have made loans DEBTORS / ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES The amounts of money that are owed to a company PREPAID EXPENSES A type of asset that arises on a balance sheet as a result of business making payments for goods and services to be received in the near future WORK IN PROGRESS Products that are only partly manufactured at the end of an accounting period, valued at the cost of the materials, labour and some regular costs. FINISHED GOODS Completely manufactured products which ready for sale and delivery to the marketplace. STOCK / INVENTORY Goods owned by a company, such as raw materials or parts, products being made and finished products. TANGIBLES / TANGIBLE ASSETS Goods owned by a company, such as raw materials or parts, products being made and finished products INTAGIBLES / INTANGIBLE ASSETS Something that a company has and that benefits it but does not exist physically, for example a brand or the company’s reputation.