U19 VOCAB REVIEW A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) 1. vlastní jmění akciové společnosti zahrnující akciový kapitál, emisní ážio, nerozdělený zisk a rezervy – 2. výkaz zisků a ztrát podávající informaci o příjmech a výdajích firmy – 3. hodnota firmy odvozená od nehmotných aktiv jako dobrá pověst – 4. vymáhat neuhrazené pohledávky – 5. program na zpracování zásob, závazků a fakturace – B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. an important meeting of the shareholders or members of a company, held once a year, to present the accounts and discuss important topics – 2. a gradual reduction in the value of machinery, a vehicle or other asset over a particular period of time, as stated in a company’s accounts – C. Complete each sentence with a correct form of one of the following verbs; each verb can be used only once: (1 point each) OWE, OWN, INCUR, DETER, INVOICE, DISQUISE, COMPRISE, ACCRUE, DEFER, RETAIN 1. You risk ___________ bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit. 2. Nearly $1 billion ___________ to foreign creditors. 3. The company's financial difficulties have ___________ potential investors. 4. Interest will ___________ on the account at a rate of 7%. D. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. The company is reported to have ___________ of nearly €90 000. (LIABLE) 2. How long will it take to ___________ the necessary skills? (ACQUISITION) 3. ___________ from tourism fell by about one third. (RECEIVE) 4. We sold the business and bought a villa in Spain with the ___________. (PROCEED) E. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. The security camera was installed to deter people ___ stealing. 2. The Internet comprises ___ more than 4 billion IP addresses. 3. The committee is comprised __ representatives from both the public and private sectors. 4. Can you figure ___ the answer to question 5?