Review Test PJI1A ML: Units 8-9 Name: Teacher: TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK Number of points (max. 100 points) I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) Držet krok s konkurencí – _____________________________________________________________ Dojít k nepřesným a zavádějícím závěrům – _______________________________________________ Zadávat si měřitelné a přizpůsobitelné cíle – _______________________________________________ Slabiny poradenských služeb pro podniky veřejných služeb - __________________________________ Vylepšit povědomí a chápání klíčových procesů – ___________________________________________ Mírná úroveň trvalého růstu – __________________________________________________________ Čtyřnásobné zvýšení bankomatových poplatků – ___________________________________________ Pomáhat rozvoji tvořivosti a podnikatelských aktivit – ___________________________________ B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. Arrangement in which a contractor is paid on the basis of actual cost of direct labor and actual cost of materials and equipment usage: __________________ 2. a person who starts a new fashion or makes it popular: _________________ C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) BOTTOM LINE – BACK OFFICE – FOLLOWER – DELIVERABLE – SKUNK WORKS – MILESTONE - SHAKEOUT 1. If you send your managers on negotiation training, your company sees immediate gains to __________________. In Czech: _______________________________________ 2. The first US fighter jet was developed by __________________, i.e. in an unconventional way with minimal management constraints. In Czech: ____________________________________ 3. __________________ can often occur after an industry has experienced a period of rapid growth in demand followed by overexpansion by manufacturers. In Czech: __________________________________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) SOLICIT – DECLARE - ASSUME – DETRACT – LEAK – SUBMIT - KINDLE 1. One mistake is not going to ____________ from your achievement. 2. The new project ____________ his interest and he immediately started working on it. 3. Social democrats ____________ votes among what they call “ordinary people”. 4. All applications must ____________ by Friday. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. We apologize for the delay and any ____________ caused. (CONVENIENT) 2. The new revolutionary medicine can prevent ____________ visual loss. (COVER) 3. Interfering now could ____________ the problem. (WORSE) 4. The advertising campaign was a total ____________ . (FAIL) 5. The consultancy promised to supply the ____________ in three stages. (DELIVER) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. They'll do anything to whip ______ a bit of interest in a book.. 2. You should tap ______ your advisor’s experience. 3. He set ______ the reasons for his decision in his report. 4. Loyal customers were rewarded ______ a free season ticket. 5. Liz agreed to look after the baby ______ return for a free room. 6. This evidence detracts ______ the strength of the plaintiff’s case. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) 1. The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman. If it hadn't _____________________________________ got out of control. 2. They don’t have more chess books in the library. I wish _______________________________________ in the library. 3. 'I'll call off the football match if you don't behave,' the teacher said. The teacher threatened _______________________________ the children’s behaviour improved. C. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Add prepositions if necessary: (1 point each) Last week I (1)_______________ (walk) home after playing tennis when it (2) _______________ (start) raining very heavily. 'Oh no, I (3) _______________ (get) soaked before I (4) _______________ (reach) home,' I thought. 'I wish I (5) _______________ (remember) to bring my raincoat.' But unfortunately I (6) _______________ (leave) it at home. How stupid of me! I (7) _______________ (always forget) to bring it with me. Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in her car and offered me a lift. '(8) _______________ (you go) home?' she asked, 'or (9) _______________ (you want) to go for a drink?' 'I think I'd rather you (10) _______________ (take) me home,' I said. 'If I (11) ________________ (not change) my clothes, I know I (12) _______________ (fall) ill, and then I (13) _______________ (not be able) to play in the tennis tournament next week. And I (14) _______________ (practise) hard for the last month.' 'I (15) _______________ (wait) for you to change if you (16) _______________ (like),' she told me. 'I think it's time you (17) _______________ (relax) for a change. You (18) _______________ (worry) too much about things lately. And people who (19) _______________ (worry) too much (20) _______________ (fall) ill more easily. It's got nothing to do with the rain!' D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 1-3. (2 points each) 1. Mary was late yesterday, _____________ was unusual for her. A: what B: that C: that of which D: which 2. The minister suggested ________________________ regular meetings A: we should have B: to have C: having D: that they had 3. I’d rather _____ by plane. A:to be going B: you didn’t travel C: go D: you will go IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: (8 points each) Mnoho firem je dosti zištných – skupují a přebírají konkurenci, což může vést ke vzniku nemotorných konglomerátů, které se zapomínají soustředit na svoji hlavní činnost a jejich investice jsou finanční zátěží. Jedinou záchranou je potom zbavit se těchto nesouvisejících podniků a předělat od základů firemní politiku. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Na každý trh, kterému dominuje jedna velká společnost, může vtrhnout nová firma, jejímž cílem je vybudovat si tam základnu pro další expanzi (one word). Pokud s sebou přináší nový výrobek, má výhodu prvního hybatele i přes vysoké překážky pro vstup. Takové firmy jsou obvykle méně byrokratické, podporují podnikání v rámci firmy (one word) a budují výzkumné a vývojové stanice. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________