Advantages and disadvantages of simulation Disadvantages of simulation n Model building requires training, it is like an art. n Compare model building with programming. n Simulation results can be difficult to interpret n Most outputs are essentially random variables n Thus, not simple to decide whether output is randomness or system n behavior n Simulation can be time consuming and expensive n Skimping in time and resources could lead to useless/wrong results The disadvantages are offset as follows n Simulation packages contain models that only need input data n Simulation packages contain output-analysis capabilities n Sophistication in computer technology improves simulation times n For most of the real-world problems there are no closed form solutions When simulation is not appropriate n Simulation should not be used, in the case n when problem is solvable by common sense n when the problem can be solved mathematically n when direct experiments are easier n when the simulation costs exceed the savings n when the simulation requires time, which is not available n when no (input) data is available, but simulations need data n when the simulation cannot be verified or validated n when the system behavior is too complex or unknown Example: human behavior is extremely complex to model Application areas of simulation n Manufacturing applications n Construction engineering and project management n Military applications n Logistics, supply chain and distribution applications n Transportation models and traffic n Business process simulation n Health care n Call-center n Computers and Networks n Games Náklady simulace X přesnost Aplikace simulace při (strategickém) rozhodování manažerů Příklady výsledků optimalizace call centra pomocí simulace Ve špičce zodpoví skupina agentů 200 hovorů za 1 hodinu a průměrná délka hovoru jsou 3 min. Pro 90% hovorů pak platí: npři 12 agentech – hovory zodpovězeny do 120 sekund čekání nPři 14 agentech – do 25 sec. nPři 15 agentech – do 15 sec. nDalší zvyšování počtu agentů nezlepší podstatně kvalitu obsluhy (dobu čekání) nPři 12 agentech – stráví agenti zodpovídáním hovorů 83% času nPři 15 agentech – 66% času Další informace o Witnessu: